Picspam Reaction: Supernatural 7.19

Jun 14, 2012 23:46

Spoiler and Theory Summary

Bobby's back!

Now. I have heard something that leads me to think things about how the show might do Bobby's return, and these things are spiking my personal coolness meter. Don't know if they'll actually happen or not, so I'm just going to plunk it down here, since Bobby's back now. Might not happen, but would be SO COOL if it did.

See, I'd read in passing something about Jim Beaver working on some other project filming in Vancouver about abominable snowmen or something but ha ha ha. No. Unless they're filming up Whistler, there's not enough persistent snow in the lower mainland to film an abominable snow anything, and it wasn't on the 'Filming in BC' list.

SO. I'm thinking that was a cover, and I am hoping that every time there is a moment of odd (Dean's beer, the pages flipping in the non-existent breeze, 7.17's handy taxidermist tip), that they have filmed the scene a second time with Jim Beaver in it during each episode, doing ghost things and trying to shout sense into these idjits across the veil, which to me would be about the most perfect thing ever. So if this turns out to be the case, I will forgive the ham-fisted foiler of the snowless abominable snowman film. If not, I will expect to see Jim Beaver in a parka at some time in the future, wrestling with something large and furry in very unconvincing snow.


Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 7.19 - ??? "The Abominable Snow Bobby" "Of Grave Importance"

-Skipping the Now, but betting there's a prominent shot of Bobby's decision moment with his Reaper.

-Dean and a taco. This didn't end well last time...

-Well, yes of course the tacos always taste the same if you hold them so all the insides dump out and all you're eating is the shell, Dean. *facepalm*

-Hello, person who freaked me out by looking and sounding far too much like Ellen on first glance. Annie. Okey dokey.

-Right. Kids (or near enough) face-munching, in an old creepy abandoned looking house, with candles around, before the title splat. You know, I don't think they could possibly be more doomed if they tried.

-And this is Annie's gig of the evening. Oh dear, this doesn't bode well for Annie either.

-Hi ghost! Or monster, whatever! You've got a very dramatic intro!

-Dammit. I was looking forward to getting to know Annie. Let this be a lesson: Never call the Winchesters before the title card to make a date for after the title card. You might as well throw yourself off a bridge.

-Hello title; "Of Grave Importance" har har har. Cute.

-Dick Roman's into archaeology, hm? Innnnnteresting.... I have no idea what he's after though. A region of the dig would be a nice hint. Where was he last time, somewhere in the Middle East? I know he had boats and things... Hmmm...

-Annie and Bobby had a thing? Y'know, between Annie and my surrogate Mary Sue Eleanor the monster-academic from season Six, and Jodie, and the neighbour with the peach cobbler, and Ellen in that alternate universe where the Titanic didn't sink, Bobby gets around a bit romantically. This pleases me in some obscure way.

-"She and I... kinda went Hemingway this one time too." Ahahahah. Dean. Just a little awkward.

-"Yeah, well. It happens." Sam?! No wonder she was so doomed. She seems to have nailed the badass trifecta though, so way to go Annie! \o/

-*FLAAAAAAIL* BOBBY!!! SO, I mean so, when they get the Impala back, Bobby can totally haunt it, right? Just wedge that flask under the back seat and he can be right there in perfect 'slap-the-idjits-upside-the-head range'. *nods*

-Written by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming, two familiar names.

-"Guys, I just made that curtain, shimmy. Could you look in the right place at the right time?" Oh Bobbyyyyy.

-Directed by Tim Andrew. Not ringing large bells, anyway.

-And Dean forgot the flask. Again. At this rate, Bobby's going to turn into a vengeful spirit through sheer frustration.

-"Jeez. My people." Uaaaaaaaahahahahaha! GHOST BOBBY HAS GHOST VISION!!! \o/ I mean of course he does, but WOO! Oh this is cool.

-"Hi, I'm Bobby, and I'm a ghost." It's a haunted house, dude, not an AA meeting.

-Speaking of awkward. Running into your old foxhole buddy in the afterlife.

-Must say, Annie's confused eyebrows are rather cute.

-"I tried to help the boys out once by knocking a book off the table and blacked out for two weeks." Interesting. Sam and Dean did have rather focused tutoring during their OOBE thing in season 5, so I can see why Bobby's looking for pointers.

-Pin-stripe suit guy, he's the one that was giving the big guy heck for going berserk earlier, isn't he? Original house owner? No. Not enough facial hair. However TIE REPORT: Ghost Edition, since I'm thinking Sam and Dean might not be suiting up this go around, let's get it where we can. Grey and dusty. Very dead tie. Uncanny. XD

-"But if he can do it- *falls through table*" Oh dear.

-"I'm sorry, he's a bit nosy." Okay, can they do this all the time? Work both sides of the case at once? Because Annie and Bobby are doing a heck of a job with the interviewing dead people bit.

-"You're angsting at it." Dunno, why, exactly, but I feel the sudden pressing need to laugh up a lung. Talk amongst yourselves. XD

-"Your saying we should move crap with the power of zen." Yeaaaaah, not really Bobby's style.

-"I am vengeful! You think I don't have red hot rage?" Hee! But be careful with that. Suddenly now nervous. Eep.

-"I hated that Swayze flick, romantic bullcrap."/*SUDDEN SHRIEKING IN YOUR FACE* AHH! She must have been a fan of the movie. YOU HAVE ANGERED THE FANGIRL! RUN BOBBY!

-So, new ghost lore coming on board. Ghosts deteriorate until they lose cohesion and go poof. Unless they resolve their unfinished business or they're really pissed off, I'm guessing. Fits with my head canon, and fits with some stuff I postulated in these stories I wrote about Dean in Hell too, so yay!

-"Is it just me or am I being checked out?"/Ghost: *ogles*/"No, stud. I'm being checked out." Okay then! Annie is a busy, busy girl. Hee!

-"Spectral voice transference."/"Ghost juju."/"...sure. *nods*" Heeee! Why couldn't we have had Annie in earlier? It would have been cool to have a more sciencey hunter in the mix, and it would have made her death in the pre-credits something with a bit more impact than plot convenience.

-AHH! BOBBY DISAPP- oh wait, Dean's driving off with the frigging flask, never mind.

-Dean Winchester, I will smack you for drinking behind the wheel of a car. Smack you hard. Not cool.

-Yeah, Bobby can probably fire up some rage out of the endless dealing-with-Winchesters frustration.

-It did wiggle, just a teeny bit.

-Aaaand, generating some uncappable cold breath there! Go Bobby? Even though Sam and Dean are so damned obtuse they don't even see it.

-Haven't had Dean in a shower since, what, Mystery Spot? Between this and the pre-credit tacos, Dean's tempting a few Mystery Spot death vectors tonight.

-"I can kill werewolves, fix a Pinto, and bake corn bread. I will be damned if I can't get Zen." Aw. Possibly literally damned. And BOBBY BAKES THINGS, YOU GUYS, OMG.

-Oh god, junior Ghostfacers. SO DOOMED.

-GO BOBBY! \o/

-"...Bobby?" ALL. THE. FLAILING.

-Meanwhile, the doomed people are even more doomed.

-HEY! Okay, firstly, hi big killer ghost psycho, but HEY! It's the same hallway from The Real Ghostbusters, at the convention, where the kid ghosts scalped the fan with the wandering European accent! Reuse of location! Cool. I thought this house looked familiar. Was it the one from Playthings too? I think it might have been! :-D

-"Thank you"/*headswivel* There is a time and place for politeness and there is a time and place for running. This would be the time and place for RUNNING.

-Too late. Looks like the big guy isn't the only murderer in the house. Or maaaaybe he just took the blame for Whitman all along? Exactly what order did those deaths go in...? And Whitman just said on the stairs that he told the big guy not to do that, but not what 'that' was... hm. *ponders*

-"You tried to warn them away." And bingo. I can detect plot when it's waved in my face a few times, really, I can.

-OH HI GHOST ABSORBING OTHER GHOSTS WHAT? Holy crap, he's a soul burner. Eeeeeeeek. Yeah. Don't ask for ghost-tutoring from this guy, he'll freaking use you for fuel. O.o

-"Grab the camera."/"No, I can't." And this would be Annie's 'Excuse me?' face.

-"Whitman framed him. Whitman killed all of us." Yep, called it. Barely.

-"If we didn't find her-"/"Then something didn't want us to."/"Awesome, let's just walk right into that." Been doing it your whole lives, why stop now?

-Oh ho! Bobby's getting sneaky. And better at the moving objects ghost schtick. Hmmm. Is there a bonus for the ghost to move an object if it's their own focus object? There should be, really. It's sort of a part of them.

-"That's not odd." For those occasions when you really need a clue-bat, a random camera appears.

-Drawers too? Bobby's getting really good at the moving things.

-"I hate these indie films, nothing ever happens." Heeeeeee!

-"Give 'em a moment, they've gotten a little slower since I left." Just a smidgen.

-"I was a fancy lady."/"A hooker?" Heee, glance sequence. Victoria: *offended sniff*/Sam: 'Dude, don't insult the dead chick.'/Dean: 'But I, uh, what?'

-Well, crap. This is what happens when you try to have a polite conversation instead of getting a message across before the evil soul burner ghost torches you all.

-Oh son of a bitch. Whitman's learned a trick from Bobby it seems and is going off-site with the boys. Fantastic.

-"Coming, Robert?" Ooo, by his full first name even.

-Hey, hey, hey, wait, wait, wait. That's Bobby's house. With the windows, and the old walls and things. Aww. It's just a re-purposed set, yeah, but still, aww.

-"A boarding house, a school, a speakeasy." WELL, DUH. *headdesk* OF COURSE IT HAS A HIDDEN ROOM. IT'S GOT A HIDDEN BOOZE PARLOR FROM THE PROHIBITION. Aaaarg.

-Hm. I'm going to handwave that they DID just go poking their heads through random walls until they found the secret door in the microscopic space between shots there, off-screen, but then had to come back out to find the door trigger so Sam and Dean (or the authorities) could find it and get in. Yeah. Otherwise they could have just walked through random walls until they found it and carried on. *nods and handwaves*

-Yeah, coming face to face with your own corpse is definitely worth a blink or two.

-"Just gone, most likely." Bobby is not one for risking even the slightest bit of false hope is he? Though they don't really know if a salt and burn sends the spirit back into the usual soul routing system or just dispatches it, do they? And after the mass angel death at the start of this season, who really knows what's left of Heaven. Eeeeeep. O.o

-"You had the boys." *repressing urge to be exceptionally crass* *settles for congratulating Annie once again on nailing the trifecta* *snickers*

-Also AWWWW.

-"That's not me." Ah, Whitman's going the car possession route. Haven't seen that since.... We've had it since the pilot, right, discounting the Sampala?

-Hi Whitman! Now would be a great time for Sam to think to search his pockets and pitch the key out the window. Let the bastard haunt a random section of road. Of course that won't happen.

-POS of the week looks a but Fairmonty around the headlights, but I think it's the same one as before.

-You know, even though that's a stationary object at close range, hitting the key first off in the dark is one hell of a shot. But how very Dean: WHEN IN DOUBT, SHOOT IT!

-I'm liking the early season case bits that are popping up in season seven. Graveyards, flashlights, salt and burns. *nods*


-There you go. Good job!


We interrupt this tense moment for an Evil Dude Tie Report: Dark like his sooooooul. Or something. *handwaves* Carry on.

-Oh phew. Like there was any doubt. But phew.

-"I'm dead, I'm a ghost, but basically swell." Hee! *pats him*


-"Bobby, how'd you stay here?"/"Yeah, well um." Yeah, well, um indeed.

-"I wanted to stay." Oh dear. There will be ow, now. And possibly yelling.

-Aaaaand nope. No yelling right now. Too busy continuing to fail boggle checks to process the ramifications.

-"You didn't know her like I did." *snerk* Um.

-"She got the hunter's funeral she wanted. Kinda like the one we thought we gave you." Oooo dear, here comes the ow.

-"Sorry. You're right. What was I thinking? *poof*" Owwww.

-"That ain't the natural order of things." PFFFFFFT. And now I must link a motivator I made in season 4, with a specific quote on it. ... If I can find it. Ah, here. Cap is from "Bad Day at Black Rock," quote is from "Death Takes a Holiday"

Dean, honey, you said it yourself. You and your brother are the poster boys of the unnatural order. Don't begrudge Bobby his turn at the traditional Winchester weird and wrong, just because he got adopted into the family late. *pats*

-"What are the odds this ends well?" On this show? Hehe. Eek. Yeah. This. Will. HURT.

So, no funky going back through with scenes from previous episodes, but I'm leaving that all in the spoiler section anyway, because if it didn't happen now, it's probably not going to happen later, and is just something I thought was a cool idea.


blithering, picspam, reaction, spn: season 7, bobby is awesome, supernatural

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