On to 7.17. Really hurriedly pulled together in the end, may be edited later, please excuse anything too bizarre.
Spoiler and Theory Summary
Castiel is back, and is either nuts or has fractured his Grace or something. WOO! \o/ Sam's nuts too, due to the Lucifer thing and the million billion miles of sleep deprivation and caffeine OD's.
Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 7.17 - ??? "The Born Again Identity"
-Skipping the THEN, as one does.
-HI LUCIFER! No surprise, but still, Hi.
-Sam's really not having a good night.
-"Hey, Sam, try the hand scar!" This just in, Lucifer's a bit of a jerk.
-"You wanna knock out? I can knock you out." Oh dear, I really don't think drugs will help. Particularly since I still think Lucifer's got something more to him than hallucination, and chemically taking Sam down might take down some defenses too.
-And they are currently sleeping in a rusty nasty greenish Lincoln of some kind. GET THE IMPALA BACK NOW PLEASE.
-First clue that the pipe through the windshield is a hallucination; it doesn't wake Dean up.
-"Good morning to you!" I kind of love Lucifer, he's got some snark to him. Also, graffiti behind him. Devil's tail on the right side, halo on the left. Nicely subtle, Show.
-"What's the longest a normal human being has gone without sleep? Eleven days.[...] You'll be dead in a week!" Not really. Officially, yeah, the longest without sleep is eleven days but that's in a lab setting, and at the end the kid got a Guinness World record and was fully recovered in two days after sleeping 24 hours. Labs in Australia have clocked close to 19 days, but it hasn't officially been recognized since Guinness doesn't keep that record anymore after deciding it was too dangerous. Sufferers of
Fatal Familial Insomnia in the final complete insomnia stages can go several months without sleeping before lapsing into an unresponsive state, but that's with an incredibly rare disease, so not normal. Anyway, either Sam or his head!Lucifer need to get better at Googling these things. *nods*
-"He's on our locked psychiatric floor." Yeah, that's probably a good place for Sam right now. Though Dean won't think so.
-"All I can say is the sleep thing is kind of new." The having Lucifer yammering at him 24/7, that's been happening for a long while. Best not mention the whole soulless, getting pulled out of Hell thing, unless you really want a bed next to Sam's, Dean.
-"Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash." YAY SEASON ONE REFERENCE!!! \o/
-"Quit being Dali freaking Yoda about this, okay? Get pissed!" Dean's reference scramble is exceptionally scrambled this evening.
-"I'm too tired." Oh Sam.
-"Oh you guys are having a moment!" Heeeeeeeeee! With the twinkly sad music in the background.
-Written by Sera Gamble. Oh crap, hang on to your butts. Directed by Robert Singer. *nods*
-Dean, going through Bobby's contacts. Oh ow.
-"Narcissistic personality disorder. Okay, now this one I could have." At least he's moderately entertaining?
-Ah hahahah. Another empty beer. Sam's not the only one with an invisible observer *bounces*
-Yeah, just a bit. XD
-"Your 10 must be astronomical." Dude, you have no idea.
-Is it just me, or is Sam's hair starting to look evil? His sideburns are hidden. I don't trust them.
-Yeah, thought so. It was him or a Leviathan.
-"You, me, locked ward. Is it me or is this just like the Cage?" Oooo sonofabitch. Although, the cage would have had Adam and Michael doing... something. I don't know. Playing parcheesi.
-EUEUUAUEUUAUEUUEUUEUGH! God damn it Supernatural, do you want me to puke?
-While I find the juxtaposition of this kind of Hunter and taxidermist quite disturbing, I like this guy, and I hope he recurs.
-And yeah, I'm pretty certain I can guess who Emmanuel is.
-"Well you found him." Oh. Okaaaay.... Hm...
-Well again. That changes things. Tied up with the traditional and entirely ineffective four rope strands of evil-doers, so fairly sure it's not some light impromptu afternoon bondage. Also, if it was consensual bondage, they would probably have closed the curtains, whereas evil doesn't close the curtains because evil is stupid. *nods*
-OH HI DEMON! Yes, low ranking demons tend to be much higher on the Stupid Evil rating. Haven't seen them in a while. What is Crowley up to, anyway?
-Demon-killing dagger! It's a bit awkward as knives to carry around on a regular basis go, but hey, if you've got a magic item, why not carry it. Hm. Hold out in the sleeve? Yeah, maybe.
-"What was that?" And of course, with amnesia. As one does. WHEE! \o/
-"I'm Emmanuel." And Dean's bogglement is barely contained.
-Wife, eh? Oh dear. I'm thinking she won't survive the hour.
-"What's your issue?" Oh Dean, with the wibble face, aw.
-Oh Sam is going to go nuts when he sees 'Emmanuel' isn't he? I mean more nuts. And if 'Emmanuel' sees Lucifer or any hint that he's more than a hallucination, I will be flailing quite a lot.
-And now Lucifer has a boom box and firecrackers, and had a bullhorn earlier. Someone needs to confiscate his ACME catalog before he gets to the rocket skates.
-"It's a strange story, you may not like it." Amnesia, definitely.
-"She said God wanted her to find me." Hehe. Hehehehe. Yeah. You could say that.
-"So who named you Emmanuel?"/"bouncybabynames.com" HEEEEEEEEE!!
-She's quite adorable, isn't she? And persistent. Buuuut, not getting too attached to her. You know, doom and things.
-"I heard you're here because the voices won't let you sleep." I swear, I've heard that used as a pick-up line somewhere. Probably 3 AM at a sci-fi convention room party.
-Her brother is telling her to set fires... hm.... This show, families and fires are always going to seem like they're part of other things. Still, hmm...
-Ahhh, she's haunted? Or it's going to look like she's haunted and she has actual psychiatric issues, and the haunting thing is a red herring because that's what we expect on this show. Okay, that works too. Moving along.
-"[Cas] broke my brother's head." Ooo. Forgot about that. Dean's practically fizzing with emotional turbulence right now, isn't he? Goodie. *rubs hands*
-"What Cas did, I just can't, I don't know why." Ooooo dear, this, yeah. *bounces*
-SERIOUSLY, JUST GET THE IMPALA OUT OF STORAGE. Frank's dead or taken over, and you're now running around in another black classic car. JUST GET THE IMPALA BACK.
-That was a very... random demon attack. O.o (Beer continuity! \o/)
-It appears 'Emmanuel' has little problem stabbing demons in the back when necessary.
-And the other one smokes out. CHICKEN!!
-Yes, fine, and in the meantime, Mr. "Amnesiac-former-angel-current-healer-seer-of-demons-and-whatnot" is sitting in the car watching this all go down and all the people with secondary demon-faces go into this shop and is probably quietly freaking out.
-"So, Dean, what's poor dead Castiel doing in that junker out there?"/"Christmas caroling." Hee! Yay for snark! Also, randomly, Meg's got an adorable eyebrow tilt.
-"You mean see if you can't turn harmless little Cas out there into an angel-sized weapon?"/"Like you're taking him caroling." Yeah, no one's really thinking too much about Cas at the moment. And considering he's got friends and a spouse and seems rather grounded and settled into the role of miracle worker, no one's really doing him any favors. Except Meg is right too, there's no way he could have stayed off Hell's radar much longer, so really, he's all over screwed regardless of what Dean or Meg want him to be for them. Poor Amnesiac Cas. *pats*
-"We come in different flavors." In a manner of speaking, yeah... Hm. Have we seen Meg's demon eyes lately? Wonder what colour they are now? *ponders*
-Either Cas grew some extra shoulder breadth while he was in the pond, or he should consider wearing more cardigans.
-Road-tripping with an amnesiac angel and a demon who's on whatever side gets her the most points. Oh this has so much bad idea written alllll over it.
-"I can help you Marin. Before he tries to hurt you again." Speaking of course of her dead possible ghost brother starting fires, naturally. Normal conversation for a Winchester, normal conversation for the halls of a psychiatric hospital. Odd how often those two coincide. Though not really that odd.
-"Your hair and nails are gonna fall out and your kidneys are gonna shut down. I saw it in a movie. Sorry." She is really an adorable ray of sunshine, isn't she. I like her. Damn. So she's doomed.
-Oh dear. At first it was good because she missed him but then he went bad and... this isn't feeling like foreshadowing at allll is it. Of course not. That would be silly.
-"He bled on it?" *facepalm* Well, crap.
-Now this is kind of cool. If they don't have any ghost signs, or CGI, and just burn her wristband, and it works, it could be they've laid the ghost to rest, or, it could be a sort of ritual to help her let her brother go mentally and help her progress on a psychiatric issue. I'm hoping they leave it open to interpretation, though I doubt they will. But still, cool.
-"Is there any chance in hell you've got a lighter?" HA. Really doubtful considering she's in partly for starting fires. What about putting a ring of salt around the wristband?
-Oh god, this three-stop pan. XD
Cannot stop laughing. XD
-"Dean's making a joke, Emmanuel."/"Oh. *laughs*" CAAAAAAAAS!!! AAAAAAHHHH! *flail*
-Blowing the salt! Okay, is that another hallucination, or is Sam's head-Lucifer having an effect on the physical world, OMG.
-Damn. Ah well.
-Yeah, there go the lights and cold spots. Darn. I was hoping for ambiguity.
-Yeah, it's elephant tranquilizer time for Sam, probably a transfer to a room with fewer breakable objects and more drugs. It's kind of awesome and also sad that Sam's still hunting, helping people etc, even though he's so messed up. Winchester health policy, if you're standing, you can fight monsters.
-OW, NAILS, OW, OW. When did that happen? O.O
-"It's okay, we're not talking lobotomy here."/"Darn." Hee. Mark needs to stay. Like, Sam can do a battle of wills thing, gain control, and invite Lucifer out now and then for snark and crumpets, okay?
-"How many of those knives do you have?" Hee. Well, there's a thought though. If it wouldn't break the enchantment, could you turn the demon-killing dagger into, say, three demon-killing ice-picks? But that would probably wreck it.
-"Yeah, Dean, got any other ideas how we could blast through that?" *pointed looks at amnesia!Cas* Subtle, Meg. Hm. Now, I wonder if the demons outside the hospital are her allies, and this is a trap set specifically to push the Castiel issue. Hmmmm...
-"I gather we know each other." Dean, you suck at covert pow-wows. Just saying.
-"Am I Cas?" Oh crap, here we go.
-"It's just like riding a bike."/"I don't know how to do that either." Awwwwww. And hee.
-What. The hell? They're just letting him walk in on his own??? O.O
-"I know you, you're dead!"/"Yes, I've heard." Heeeeeeee! Happens a lot on this show.
-There we go, targeting was a bit off at first with the tummy grab, but there you are.
-And here's where it gets awkward.
-And the last demon is too freaked out to even try smoking out and just hauls ass. HA!
-"I don't think running will save you." *demon burnout* I have to admit, I really did miss Castiel's casual bamfery.
-"I remember you. I remember everything." Oh dear. This might not go so well. Doubt there's going to be any hugging.
-Ah yes, and now the guilt cascade. Fix Sam first, then you can go angst all you want, okay, Cas? I promise I'll watch.
-Oh dear, surgery. And the hospital was guarded by demons. So... hm... Not getting a good feeling about this surgery. Liiiiike.... If the demons are doing it.... are they trying to surgically extract Lucifer??? O.o
-Oh, yay, electroshock, dear god. And DEMON! Yep. Okay, some rescuing would be nice around now (though I really want to know if I'm right about Lucifer, frying Sam's brain wouldn't be my first choice of method of acquiring proof.)
-That's really not a good look for Sam. It's a hilarious look, but not a good one.
-The very good sign is that Castiel is walking away, not teleporting away, so he's open to discussion on some level. Maybe?
-"Do you have any idea the death toll in Heaven, on Earth?" Ohhhhh riiiiight. Yeah. The field of wing-burn springs to mind for a start. No end of guilt there. Ow.
-"I deserved to die." OW. Just OW.
-OMG DID DEAN SAVE THE COAT STILL??? I mean it was in one of the trunks before, but oooo!
-I believe this calls for a BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *FLAIL*
-YEAH! \o/ (Though really, would it have killed Dean to run the thing through a dry cleaner... actually, considering he was sure Castiel had died... yeah, it might have. *wibble*)
-"You're not real." Well crap. It did take Death to build that wall, and it's always harder to build something than to tear it down. Gonna need some brain mortar or something at least.
-"I mean there's nothing left to rebuild." Eeek. Well, hey, if it gets more Mark Pellegrino, I... hm. Well, Sam not dying or being catatonic would be nice too.
-"I may be able to shift it. Get Sam back on his feet." Um. Why am I thinking that's not a good option? O.O
-"And if I can't tell you again, I'm sorry I ever did this to you." OH CRAP.
-Ohhhh, Cas. I can see the reasoning, as long as they cleared the institution and warded his room, (although really, any demons trying to start some crap would be in a rapid world of hurt) and this, I guess, is kind of a self-flagellation or atonement he's taking on for his own reasons too, for the things he did while he was trying to get into Purgatory, and wile he was saddled with all the purgatory souls, and that whole "Kneel before your new God" thing so, yeah, I can see his point too. But still, oh Cas. And poor Emmanuel's wife and friends who are likely completely in the dark about what happened to him. (Though really, were they charging for his faith healing? And how scrupulous was it to marry someone with total amnesia that quickly? Hm. I'm too paranoid.)
-"Mutually assured destruction." Oooo. Oooo. Ow. Need processing time for that one. Because... OW. Oh Cas.
-"All our friends are dead." Except for Cas, and Bobby, who is without a doubt from the evidence presented thus far in the season, technically undead, drinking your beer and trying his damnedest to smack you upside the head with the clue phone. And the new taxidermy guy. And that weedy hunter guy from the wedding episode. Maybe not friends, but something that could be built on. *wibble*
-"I really just want to help the patients." HAHAHAHAH. Yeah. NO.
-"Welcome to the team, Nurse Masters." Aw, she kept the first and last name of her original host. I don't know whether that's sentimental or creepy.
Well, Sam's better and Castiel's back, but he's locked up in a psych ward fighting with Lucifer in his head. So, um... progress?