Supernatural Season Seven Speculation, Last Minute edition.

Sep 20, 2011 21:36

In a concentrated effort to escape as much reality as possible (and also to have something to point at and laugh later in the season when I am horribly wrong), I am hereby posting the following:

Last minute slap-dash season 7 Supernatural theories.

Right. Aside from the made-of-crack monster egg theory I posted earlier, here’s some things I think might be happening starting Friday.

-Sam’s wall. Has to be an issue of some kind for a while. He’ll be a hurtin’ puppy, and probably go more than a little nuts for a while, but about a quarter of the way into the season it will either be THE issue, or won’t be an issue at all.

-Castiel. Epic level dumbass. Sorry. Had to get that out. He’s not going to find his assumed position easy or comfortable. And, he’s another wayward son now, isn’t he? He’s certainly turning his back on his Dad. Kind of like Sam did... Not intending to equate Stanford with the Throne of Heaven, but there you are.

-Kali. Since Kali is still 'On The Wall' so to speak, I'm thinking other deities are going to try to rise, possibly attacking Castiel’s new and very unstable position. I tried to write fic about this a few weeks ago, but it ended up being three pages of Crowley ranting at Castiel about tactics and power vacuums and chains of command and deity disenfranchisement and whatnot and was very very frigging boring. So. Somewhere out there is Kali, survivor of the massacre momentary inconveniencing of several non-Judeo-Christian deities. Now there’s a new ‘God’, running on stolen monster souls, with a very unstable power structure. Now Kali's buddies at the hotel, they’re probably still ‘dead’ for a while out of sheer annoyance, so we’ll probably see other deities either trying to take Cas down, OR, if something massive and world-ending comes along, joining forces to stop it. Or taking Cas down to replace him with a more stable power structure to save the world/universe etc. Maybe.

-Monster souls. Eve. Eggs. I’M JUST SAYIN’!! You eat the soul of every monster that died since the dawn of time and bad crap will be happening to you! Or weird crap. Or at least it should. Action leads to consequence and all that jazz!

-Also, new God, weak power structure, subject to possible attacks? Seems like the Heavenly Roadhouse might come back, with a gathering of dead Hunters brought together by Heaven-hopping Ash. Becaaaaaause... Monster souls are powering Castiel, right? And if they get loose in Heaven, well, where else is there going to be a concentrated pocket of monster hunters? The Roadhouse. So, dead Hunters versus Cas’s escaping lunch. Maybe. 10% chance.

-Dean. Is not going to find it easy to get past Castiel throwing ‘You aren’t my family’ in his face, even if Cas gets over this whole ‘I am your new God, bow down mortals’ stuff in the first half of the season, which he might, either voluntarily of by some kind of external force. At the same time as getting his offer of family rejected by Cas, he’s got Sam in mental trauma from the hell wall failure, caused by Castiel, so Dean will likely fall back, regroup, focus on Sam and any immediate fires that need put out or set, and seethe about Castiel for a while. “Family dynamic” angst forecast, moderate through the first half of the season easing as the season progresses and other issues arise, expectation of angst storms at the run up to the winter hiatus and further complications from that point on.


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blithering, i am a raving nutbag, spec, spn: season 7, theory, supernatural

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