Thank you very much for the rec for "Bedtime Stories" --
but please: I have labeled this story slash, m/m, and Sherlock/John (with strong indications of Sherlock/Lestrade in the story). Even though it's not sexually explicit and is not about sex, I have identified it openly and deliberately as slash.
I would hate to suggest that I'm confused about what I wrote, or that I'm playing coy games with the reader.
Ooops! No implication of confusion or coy games is intended at all! D-:
The Squint category is for stuff which, depending on the reader's perspective, could be read as being Slash or Gen. It's not in any way a slight against the story.
I'll move your story into the Slash category, and I apologize. :-(
My intention in starting the use of the Squint category has been to make more fic accessible to more readers. There are a lot of fics labelled 'Slash' that a Gen reader would not find anything un-Gen about, and there are a lot of fics labelled 'Gen' that a Slash or Het reader would see as having romantic implications. However, people with definite preferences will often only look at the classification stated and bypass fantastic stories.
The 'Squint' category is only an attempt to add a mutually friendly grey zone to what seems to otherwise be a rather polarized and frequently arbitrary labeling system. It's absolutely not any kind of attempt to cast aspersions on any declared fic classifications at all. :-)
I'm not arguing with your fic's classification here at all, I'm just trying to explain my reasoning behind 'Squint' as a category to see if I can make it seem less generally problematic? :-)
Comments 7
but please: I have labeled this story slash, m/m, and Sherlock/John (with strong indications of Sherlock/Lestrade in the story). Even though it's not sexually explicit and is not about sex, I have identified it openly and deliberately as slash.
I would hate to suggest that I'm confused about what I wrote, or that I'm playing coy games with the reader.
The Squint category is for stuff which, depending on the reader's perspective, could be read as being Slash or Gen. It's not in any way a slight against the story.
I'll move your story into the Slash category, and I apologize. :-(
For some of us long-time slashers, "squint" is a problematic new category.
The 'Squint' category is only an attempt to add a mutually friendly grey zone to what seems to otherwise be a rather polarized and frequently arbitrary labeling system. It's absolutely not any kind of attempt to cast aspersions on any declared fic classifications at all. :-)
I'm not arguing with your fic's classification here at all, I'm just trying to explain my reasoning behind 'Squint' as a category to see if I can make it seem less generally problematic? :-)
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