Reaction: Supernatural 6.04 and picspam

Oct 20, 2010 03:47

Due to a cock-up of my local affiliate making the aired version of this episode impossible to watch (not a US affiliate, will not effect Neilson ratings), and for the first watch through I will have access to a pause function, this reaction post and picspam will be done in an 'as it happens' format. We'll see how that goes. :-)

*five days and 88 screencaps later*

Not advisable for me to have access to a pause button on the first watch. Noooo.

Contains profanity and speculation.

Things I know about 6.04

-Jensen's directing episode 4, called "Weekend at Bobby's" It's Bobby-centric and being filmed first due to the obvious logistics of Jensen doing site prep and directing stuff before the ep getting shot, which would be really difficult to do in between their insane shooting schedule. Will involve the character of Sheriff Mills. No doubt also Crowley in some way.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Jensen does on his first ever directorial gig. I think he's going to be marvelous, just because so many people he has worked with in the past have noted his sense of the camera and pacing and shots and so forth.

Hitting play now...

Picspam Reaction, with meta, speculation and randomness for Supernatural 6.04 - Weekend at Bobby's

...and we're off!

-*skips previously entirely* Not that I don't already know what'd be in it.

-Oh hi backstory for Bobby's deal! Oooooo. Except it isn't, because Crowley's saying Sam's in the hole, so this is post-Deal, pre-Sam-pops-out. Oooo. Oooooo!

-*has to pause for about a minute at Bobby's faux-British accent* Oh my god. BWAH!

-"Drinking it since grade school." Okay, so Crowley was human at some point, at some point in time and geography that has a graded educational system. Interesting to know.

-"We ice Lucifer, you rip up the lease." Oh crap. They didn't ice him. They stuck him back in the box. Dammit Bobby, you've gotta watch your terms when making Deals! You're screwed. *facepalm*

-Ooooo! Crap... That's... Ooo.

-"Best efforts." Oh so Crowley isn't even going to use the loophole kindly provided by Bobby because he already had an out clause. Of course. But at least we get a silly face out of him.

-Ooo! Yeah of course Bobby's set traps. But never with blacklight before. Pretty!

-"I hope that's paint." *snerk* I see Hell gets access to police procedural dramas. Somehow, not surprised.

-And of course there's a Hellhound. This is awesome. It's like a grand master 'sneaky bastard' tournament. Also yay for the foof special effect! Cheap and effective! Woo! \o/

-"This ain't over."/"I wouldn't have it any other way." Ooooooooo!!!! I could really easily get behind that as a season or half season arc. I could watch them spar for hours. Bobby vs Crowley is, is, just so much yay! \o/

-I don't know what Jensen's doing exactly, but I like it because so far, even with a staggering amount of pausing to write notes, the scene holds together well, and there was quite a lovely amount of tension in it. And of course the little cute bit where Bobby crosses into the Devil's Trap to deliver the glare for a kind of metaphorical 'Bobby's trapped' thing.

-HEY! Is this or is this not the first time Dean's used rubber gloves to poke at gooey icky things? No, wait, I think he has once or twice with corpses, but still, yay for rubber gloves! Though the eviscerated corpse next to a playground with no police presence at all is a little odd. Also, leaving a used latex glove with your fingerprints inside it next to an eviscerated corpse is even less wise than not wearing them in the first place, so maybe Dean should stick to the 'hands on' approach.

-*Is distracted trying to figure out Bobby's OS* Is that... Windows 3.1? Also yay dialup! \o/

-Music! Holy crap, "The Gambler"? Awesome! We had to sing this in Grade Four! Nifty!

-Hi, sorry, my brain just fried. BOBBY'S DRIVING THE BOBBYMOBILE AGAIN!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! \o/ Oh my god, you guys! I'm so happy I could, I could, take a billion screencaps of the least prettified car on TV!!

Well, three screencaps at least. Several differences from last time (of course, since the Bobbymobile is not a static vehicle and undergoing a state of perpetual repair and replacement flux), which include: more rust along the driver's side door bottom, driver's side door may have been repainted (or more likely replaced) from a darker colour one to one that almost matches the rest of the vehicle, (but it could just be weathering too), gold door on passenger side has been replaced with a black one (that may have happened pre-legs), and assorted sundry other dings, broken lights, rust patches, etc. After all, it was sitting in a scrapyard for a long while before Bobby got his legs back, so it may have even been raided for parts at some point. Very cool, and very realistic continuation of the vehicle development arc from the shiny blue thing of Bobby's happy married life to the current functional, practical battle-scarred warhorse of today. Just like Bobby. So like I said, YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I'm totally sending a postcard to the set because of this! THE BOBBYMOBILE IS BACK!!! WOOOOOOO!!! *is overjoyed*

-Also I have a bad feeling that blonde happy waving woman with the last name of Ward is going to come to a bad end. Sometime, eventually.

-So much glee for the awesome Bobby research montage! Hee! Busting into a University Library to do research. *glee*

-Or steal a book after hours, that works too.

-Coffee and No Doz! It's like college! *looks at clock, then at cup beside computer* Heh. Or like doing a reaction post! Really hope Bobby's heart's doing fine, though. That's a crapload of caffeine on anyone's system, and caffeine overdoses are no fun at the best of times.

-Lamia! Okay! I only vaguely know this one from, um, a MUD back in the 90's (don't recall running into one in any D&D games), so, research time. Here's the Wikipedia entry on Lamias, an ancient Greek demon which seems to have some parallels to Lilith lore, interesting.

-Written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, the comics guys who seem to get backstory episodes. And this director credit definitely gets capped. YAY JENSEN!!! \o/

-Also, very nice sepia-toned-ness in the above shot. That's nifty!

-[Minor menace of pause button is it allows other things to invade show-time. So, continuing now several hours later.]

-Hey! Beef Barn! Last seen in Changing Channels! Also enormous bowl of Jelly Bellies. Boys.

-Anybody else get the feeling the easiest method isn't going to work? Aw, Bobby. Well, at least when they call back in a panic, you'll have the rest of the info already so you can spend more time calling Dean an idjit.

-Ah, basement exorcism with a Crossroads demon (do Crossroad demons pick women wearing little black dresses, or do they immediately go clothes-shopping after possession?) and trying to get Crowley's human name... ooo. There's a new thing! So, original human name has power of some kind. They used 'Lilith' when they did that seeker thing with the tripod at the end of season 3, but given some of the Biblical lore on Lilith, that might have been her flesh name too. Hm.

-That was an ominous thunk. Uhhh... Bobby? You're kind of scaring me. What the hell are you torching? O.o

-"No, King of Hell." Wait, WHAT??? O.O Well, I guess there was a power vacuum there, Lucifer gone, Lilith gone, Alistair gone, Azazel gone... Oh Crowley you sneaky bastard! So this whole 'Lucifer will kill us all if he wins so I'll side with the humans and prevent the Apocalypse out of craven self-preservation' stuff was all a ruse to gain control of Hell? Oh my GOD if that's true I love Crowley!!! \o/ In an evil bastard sort of way! That's strategy! I LOVE ADVERSARY CHARACTERS WITH STRATEGY AND BRAINS!!! And this one comes with bonus snark and a British accent! WOO! \o/

-Oh dear. It's blonde-happy-waving-woman-with-the-last-name-Ward. With baked goods. She's so toast.

-Ooo, Bobby checked his breath and straightened out his clothes, is he courting? :-D

-"How long have we been neighbours?"/"Six months?" Okay, what is it with this show and six month time periods? Babies, neighbours... Also, she's either evil (although if she is, she's of a type that can make it past Bobby's perimeter defenses which makes her very scary) or she's doomed. So very very doomed.


-Ya know, sound-proofing the basement would have been a really good idea for a weekend project alongside the apocalypse bunker.

-"Have you seen Drag Me to Hell?" A Sam Raimi shout-out for those keeping track, as well as a film that includes a Lamia at some point according to Wikipedia.

-"My famous white chocolate popcorn." She makes a lot of famous things. And she just asked Bobby out on a date. Evil or dead for sure. What? No, I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?

-Oh, and she has a wood chipper. YAY! Any bets as to somebody going into it or being threatened to go in it... Threatening to go... uh... I can't parse that thought. Wood chipper recurrence in a threatening or gooshy manner before the end of the episode very likely. If this was Kripke's game I'd say 99% chance, but I'm not quite sure yet if Sera makes it a 98% or a 101% The wood chipper is officially on the wall. And now that it's there, hopefully they won't wuss out like certain horror franchise installments I could name. If you aren't gonna use it, don't put it on the wall.

-Okay, yes, torturing a demon in some odd remote-control way and probably causing damage to the host, and all the assorted issues that might raise aside? This is a nice angle shot on Bobby with the fire. Good job, Jensen!

-Crowley's birth name is MacLeod? Seriously? Like the Highlander? Ah, no, Fergus, not Connor or Duncan. No wonder he changed it to Crowley.

-"Gave it my best effort." Ooo hoo hoo. Nice. Well, not nice, but quite apropos. Bobby's done screwing around, it seems.

-OMG Yay phone bank montage!

-"No, Garth, not me the FBI, the real FBI." If a guy named Garth asks you to go on a hunt, just say no.

-"Of course she's one of ours. And if she says she's gotta dig that grave up you better damn well let her!" *glomphs Bobby, glomphs the writers, glomphs everyone*


-You know, I do believe I read a fic like this during the hiatus, a day in the life of Bobby thing. Hang on, let me see if I can dig it up... nope. Darn. This episode so far is quite similar, which is nifty.

-Hey, Bobbymobile has a new dent in the back driver's side quarter-panel. Wonder if that's related to the scrapyard zombie shoot-out close to the end of last season?

-"Okami?" What?! A non-western something or other? Cool! *googles* Wikipedia implications are some sort of wolf-related-creature or a Shinto deity. Hunh.

-Monsters are roaming out of traditional hunting/living areas. Seriously guys, climate change really sucks.

-Hee! He looks like he's having so much fun with the mini-backhoe-thing!

-Crowley's preferred drink, Craig turns out to be plot-related. Not finding a scotch with that brand, but there is a Cragganmore and a Craigellachie in Wikipedia, source of all my knowledge of scotch.

-...Whereas Rufus is apparently a scotch God. There we are then.

-"I'm not asking for your permission!" Heeeee! Okay, Rufus is awesome too.

-And the phone saves Bobby from the pie-like object of doom.

-"What's another way to kill a lamia?" *headshake* *pats Dean* Idjit.

-Hi Sam! You look like you're being probed!

-Oh my god! Salt! Rosemary! Cook well!! IT'S BOBBY'S COOKING TIPS FOR IDJITS!!! \o/ Okay, not really, but it's enough to make me have to pause so I can stop laughing. Also, make more caps!

-"Enjoy the roast, mom." Bweeeeehee! \o/

-"Rufus Turner, aka Luther Vandross, aka Ruben Studdard." So Dean isn't the only hunter with a musical theme to his alias choices.

-"You got a warrant, sonny?"/"Do I need one, sir?" Another candidate for the evil or dead pool.

-*waves hi to Sherriff Mills* She seems to have adjusted well after the horrific loss of her family, and also gained a few levels of awesome too.

-"I've got a body in the basement and another body buried in the yard." Not something one usually says to a Sheriff. Looks like that whole zombie thing has really altered the Sheriff's opinion of Bobby's activities.

-Oh dear. The body dug itself out. That's not good.

-"Single white females, while they slept." Aaaand cue the neighbor with the handy wood chipper! She's even changed into a white nightie. *pats*

-*busts in door* "Where's your bedroom!" BWAHAHAHAA!!! Oh dear. XD

-So very much yay for ACTION!BOBBY!

-Ceiling monster!

-NO, REALLY! YAY FOR (regrettably uncappable) ACTION!BOBBY! And I don't know, but I think at least one of those 'hurl the stuntwoman around' shots it looked like Jim Beaver himself was doing the hurling, or if not, his stunt guy is a dead ringer.

-And hello wood-chipper!

-And apparently if you don't get in seven hits with a bamboo dagger blessed by a Shinto priest, a wood-chipper will do in a pinch. And Sera falls in the 101% chance of gore category.

-Actually, let's make that 200% chance of gore, hmm? At least?

-"Well, I guess I could come over for dinner some night. Might be fun." *chokes and falls over laughing* Oh dear. The courting rituals of Bobby Singer are, um, unique. Bwah!

-"I don't think so."/"Story of my life." Aw. Seriously though, wait until the woman isn't covered in gooey splattery chunks of something that was trying to kill her before making a move. Or find someone who'll take the gooey splattery chunks in stride. At least she isn't puking or screaming, so there's some potential there.

-I cannot believe it's Tuesday and I'm only halfway through the episode and on cap number 50. Pause buttons are evil.

-Wood-chipper trumps everything. Not quite as portable as funky daggers though.

-Fergus Roderick MacLeod, Cannis (?) Bay, 1661. That grade school referred to earlier wasn't an anachronism either. From Wikipedia: "In Scotland, for instance, the national Church of Scotland set out a programme for spiritual reform in January 1561 setting the principle of a school teacher for every parish church and free education for the poor. This was provided for by an Act of the Parliament of Scotland, passed in 1633..." et cetera, and these sometimes had grades. Probably. I guess. Whatever. *handwaves* Yay research! \o/

-And Crowley had a son. Okaaaay...? Oh crap. More bloodline stuff?

-Hm. Hostage exchange. Hm. Thinking that might not go well.

-Bobby has a cutely fake brand of margarine in his fridge. Celeb instead of Becel. Also chinese food, that blue Gatorade stuff, peanut butter, water, ketchup, and beer or soda in cans (he usually goes for bottled beer, so it might be soda). Sorry. Morbid curiosity.

-And the phone saves Bobby from the pie-like substance again!

-Dean's call display ID is John P. Jones, an American politician from the late 1800's who was among other things involved in part of the Comstock mine. Is that some kind of weird and obscure shout-out to 'Deadwood'? No, wait, never mind. I obviously have the wrong John P. Jones.

-Canon late-night phone calls to Bobby from Dean to talk about stuff! \o/

-Aw, poor Dean.

-"Don't swallow it."/"I'm swallowing it!" Oh yay. Is Crowley's son's ghost gonna haunt Rufus's colon?

-"A little selfish. It's not all about you." Oh Dean. I think you're about to have Bobby tear your ear off. Deservedly so.

-"I love you like my own, I do, but sometimes... *slurp* Sometimes you two are the whiniest most self-absorbed sons of bitches I've ever met!" Oh yeah! Group chew-out by speaker-phone! Woo! \o/ I'm just gonna go nuts with caps here for a bit.

-"So how about you two sack up and help me for once!" Hee! Awesome.

-Yay Sheriff! Yay Rufus! Yay boiling water!

-Ooo, nifty, floating ring. It's a little too smooth to be a simple fishing line pull, which would have been insanely inexpensive, but it looks cool. Is this the same ritual from "Red Sky"? *checks* Nope. Symbols look familiar though.

-Ah, but the CGI ring's offset with a nice cheap 'powdered stuff inna candle flame' effect, so good eye on the budget there, Mr. Director Ackles, sir.

-You know, as I randomly pause yet again, it occurs to me that Bobby's making a hell of an assumption that Crowley even gives a crap about the ghost of his son.

-"You look like hammered crap."/"And you're a vision, as always." Heeee! Bobby and Crowley are awesome.

-See, now this is why you don't make a habit of always appearing in the same location.

-"You gotta know when to fold 'em." Quoting the montage song lyrics FTW! \o/ Also oddly random and too dark to cap copy of TV Times next to where Crowley pours his drink.

-Aw, Crowley's venting about work stress to Bobby. That's... actually really sweet. Kind of like Bobby's the closest thing to a friend Crowley can hope to have. Although Crowley having a 'new way' makes me wonder exactly what he's up to. And of course it's all going in the bin in a minute here.

-"We should make this a 'thing.'" Yeah. Hang around, sniping at each other and drinking hard liquor, complaining about life. It'll never happen, but an odd sort of spiky friendship would be rather cool. Of course Bobby'd have to get his soul back, though. Hm. Alternative method of retrieving soul from Crossroads Demon: befriend them and listen to their complaints about life until they give in and give over. I mean it's not like you haven't got ten years, guys.

-OMG CROWLEY'S BOBBY IMPRESSION! XD *has a headache from laughing too hard*

-Yeeeeeah. Like I thought. He doesn't give a crap. Well, at least you have Crowley's birth name, surely that's something to conjure with.

-"I was just using him to dig up dirt on you." Oooo! Ghosts as reference material!!! Let this be a lesson to me; never ever doubt Bobby's awesomeness.

-"And now I know where you're planted." Oooo. But... hm. A) he's already in Hell and therefore detached from his remains, and B) Road trip to Scotland? Which would be cool, but a little outside the budget. Wouldn't it?


-Okay, so it's CGI or matte Scotland, but DUDE! How- With the- Border checks- AIRPLANE- Ohhh. Right. Castiel, right? OMG this is awesome! It's even appropriately daylight while being dark at Bobby's!!! *bounces*

-"We've gone international." *loud cheering that wakes the neighbours* So. Much. Glee.

-"I had very athletic calves." *snort* in 1661, didn't everyone?

-Bones of the original corpse. Ohh, so that's what was getting torched before. Okay. Wow. Crap. What'll happen if they kill Crowley? Complete lack of control by anyone in Hell, possible snapback of all active deals, and DAMMIT I DON'T WANT CROWLEY DEAD!! He needs to go hang out with Balthazar yet!

-Death of the earlier Crossroads demon (and her host) O.O ...I'm not capping that. Nasty. And very worry-making about Bobby. He's gotten some dark to him, and I don't know if it has been there all along and just not been so graphically demonstrated before, or if this is new with the soul situation, but... eek. O.O

-"You're just spirits. Twisted, perverted, evil spirits." And the logic makes sense. Hunh. Okay, that's cool. Gonna need a hell of a pile of research to find out who's bones belong to which demon, though. Jeez.

-"That's me, flicking my Bic for you." So much facepalm. Never change, Dean.

-"You can go ahead and leave in the part about my legs." Woo! Victory! And it's a valid exception, since the legs thing wasn't part of the original Deal. Of course Bobby is so awesome he can out-deal the head of the Crossroads Demons and current de facto ruler of Hell! NEVER DOUBT THE AWESOMENESS OF BOBBY!! \o/

-"I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Moose. Get bent." *titters like a mad thing*

-Several thoughts at this point. Primarily, "I really hope the guys had the foresight to snag a metacarpal or two for insurance" and "It has got to be so weird to hold your own skull, especially when you have your thumb jammed into your own eye-socket."

-Ah ha! This look makes me think someone's got a pocket full of metacarpals.

-DEAN AND SAM IN A TEENY TINY SQUISHY RENTAL CAR WITH RIGHT HAND DRIVE!!! \o/ Aw, and they did take a plane. That's how much Dean cares about Bobby! And SPN-verse border security is rather crap if it let Dean and Sam past with their massively fake ID's and histories of being intermittently dead serial killers.

-"I had a fork." Heeee!!! Oh there must be missing scenes of that flight by now.

-"Without you I don't even want to think about where me and Sam might've ended up." Awwwwwwwwww!!! *flappy hands*

-"Let's roll credits on this chick flick." Why hello there fourth wall! You're looking a little cracky.

-And again, the phone saves Bobby from pie-like thing. You know, after splattering your neighbor with monster guts, it's gonna be really awkward returning that baking dish.

-This show needs waaaaay more Bobby-centric episodes!!! Woo!!! \o/

(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! Any and all promo material for unaired episodes is considered to be a spoiler in this journal. The further definition of what constitutes a spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)

picspam, reaction, jensen ackles, spn: season 6, bobby is awesome, speculation, meta

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