Title:The Spring-Stealers (PG)
A/N: An original bizarre drabble. Because I'm insane and it's Daylight Savings tonight where I am.
The Spring-Stealers
by Caffienekitty
Nobody knows what they do to that stolen hour of spring. Oh yes, it's theft. People set clocks ahead, stay up 'til two AM to watch it suddenly be three. No gap, but the day is only 23 hours long; elegant thievery.
It's stolen -- an hour of sprouting green, cool rains, new life awakening -- and hidden somewhere.
Months pass.
Eventually it is released, bringing a 25 hour day, but the hour returns scarred. Its life is fading, dimming. The spring hour has become an hour of rusting leaves and frost, slowly drifting into cold dark.
Something happened. Time changed.
- - -
(that's all)
Post A/N: For a silly and obscure sci-fi twist I debated an alternate final two words - ... Bulimic chronovores?