Dream: I'm not God, I'm just a Time Lord.

Jan 11, 2010 01:00

Last night's dream, finally typed up. Forgotten most of it. Even so, it's longish.

Left unlocked because this dream was almost fic; actually an extension of that fifteen-word SPN/Doctor Who crossover I wrote a while back.
-AU, 1 and 8 (The Doctor, Castiel)

Castiel observed the blue box, Dean's pendant burning his hand.

The door opened. "Ohhhh no. Nononono."

Also for this dream, I was the freaking Doctor. The Tenth one. WOOT! \o/

Angels, a Time Lord, Winchesters, demons, horses and more than a considerable amount of blasphemy. And crack. (Also spoilers up to SPN 5.08)

Castiel had found the TARDIS and come at me with Dean's pendant. I quickly determined that the pendant detected Artron energy and therefore just detected people and things that had been massively exposed to the Time Vortex, like actively traveling Time Lords and TARDISes. Castiel remained insistent that I was God, and there was a bit of an argument that went something like:

10: "It'd detect any Time Lord, there used to be loads of us."
Cas: "But there is only one God."
10: *not arguing on that point* "Yeah, sure, see? I'm not God. Your thing there does not detect God."
Cas: "You said 'used to be'? Where are the rest?"
10: "Gone. I'm the last one."
Cas: *yayface* "So you are God!"
10: *facepalm*

I brushed that off and got him to give me the rundown on the apocalypse situation. He had this little pleading expression, all starry-eyed and hopeful and I'm the Doctor and would have helped him anyway, but Castiel with the puppy-dog eyes is not something that can be resisted.

He then got Gabriel to show up to prove he'd found God. (To which I was still all "No, no, no, I'm not God, you aren't listening to me. Arg.") There was a long twisted argument where Castiel was trying to convince both me and Gabriel that I was God. Gabriel was believing Castiel (Castiel had this look of beaming joy that convinced him? *shrug*) but only believed so much as to rant at me for being a total screw-up and disappearing. Which of course I wasn't and hadn't because I wasn't God and could we stop arguing so I can help them with their apocalypse problem? Gabriel was really peeved and tried to go full archangel inside the TARDIS, which didn't work, ("Something something energy overlap something, no, not happening, sorry sport.")

Argument went on for a long time and was very frustrating, but eventually ended with both angels convinced I (Tenth Doctor) was God; Castiel with the whole child-like joy and faith thing, Gabriel with the bitter 'how dare you?' stuff. I just kind of 'whatevered' and stuck to my guns about not being God and was just glad to be making some progress on fixing the apocalypse.

There was a bit of squish-time effect here in the dream, part montage, part fast-forward. Gabriel joined sides with Castiel and the Winchesters, they went off to track down some of Lucifer's upper echelon flunkies to find out where he was so I (as God, which I totally wasn't and never said I was) could re-incarcerate Lucifer in Hell, possibly along with Zachariah if we could catch him too. That was kind of a 'phase two' plan since we had to catch them first, plus the whole 'I'm not God, guys, really' thing left me trying to figure out how best to permanently exile Lucifer away from everywhere in existence ever. Didn't have much luck on that front, but I was just theorizing. Neat 'poking around on the TARDIS displays' montage though, if a bit CSI-lab-ish.

Back to non-fast-forward time, Castiel and Gabriel had found a bunch of Lucifer's upper echelon flunkies at some kind of horse-racing track. Gabriel was trying to keep them all trapped in the horse barn where I'd set up some kind of anti-teleport shield to keep them from popping away.

In the meantime, Castiel and Dean were trying to make sure Sam got nowhere near Lucifer's minions by, uh... well.... Sam was kind of perching at the top of a five-foot tall decorative shrub and complaining a lot. Dean and Castiel were very intense about not letting him come down. From the shrub. (It was weird and intense in the dream, but now that I'm awake, freaking hilarious. Huge Sam, perched, on top of small shrubby tree, less than five feet off the ground, bitchfacing and shouting back and forth with Dean and Castiel. Hee.)

Had a brief conversation with Dean while Castiel was keeping Sam up in the shrub and monitoring the horse barn situation, to the effect of:

Dean: "Are you really Him?"
10: "I'm sorry, Dean. No."
Dean: *touches the warm pendant*
10: "It detects Artron energy. Not God. Just Time Lords."
Dean: "Yeah, good. I wouldn't have believed you anyway." *glances over where Castiel is waving his arms at Sam to try to keep him up the shrub*

Anyway, something screwed up then and Gabriel was finding containing the demons to be more of a challenge than it might ordinarily have been. Since he had to hold back from actually killing them (because you can't interrogate a demon if it's been burned out by an archangel) he was expending less energy, but in a far more controlled way over a much longer period of time. (He had all the demons trapped in little Trickster worlds, or something, sort of) Also, the anti-teleport shield, while effective in keeping demons inside from popping out, wasn't so effective at keeping flunky demons or smoke-forms from entering, so there were more and more demons to constrain.

On top of the critical mass of demons building up in the horse barn, and Gabriel holding back from going full archangel (and over time expending way more energy than he would have otherwise), one of the head demons did something to the horses in the barn to 'put them in touch with their demonic natures'. So, all the horses became Kelpies (which tried to lead people into the water-troughs to drown them and were a bit silly), Mare Llwyd (skeletal horses which I never ever want in my dreams again, OMG. O.O), and flame-eyed, frothing, insane horses that just went berserk and kicked things.

I had some kind of angelic energy detector and pointed out Gabriel was in dire straits. Castiel ran off (couldn't teleport in due to the shield) to join the fight and leave Dean to keep Sam up the shrub on his own. Dean had to stay there and make sure Sam stayed at the top of the shrub (to which Sam was all 'WTF you guys???'), and Dean kept yelling at me to do something. I had no idea at all what to do, so of course, being TenDoc, I went and did something anyway.

I borrowed Dean's pendant and walked toward the barn, then took a side trip through a (fully staffed, yet very long and very empty) cafeteria, picked up a salt-shaker, then while walking held the pendant against the salt-shaker in my hand and zapped it all with the sonic screwdriver. This infused the salt with Artron energy, or something. It glowed and was pretty. *shrug*

I poured the glowing salt across the doorway of the barn and stepped inside. This made the whole teleport shield thing into Artron energy, cutting off the demons completely from... something. An energy source. I don't know. The minor demons disappeared, the horses reverted to normal and there were only a handful of really beat up and weak upper echelon demons left in the barn with Gabriel and Castiel.

Gabriel, who was beat to crap, said "Yay!" and fell over unconscious. I bent down and put a hand on his shoulder and felt a kind of energy drain as he started healing, pulling energy from me, (faint glow around my hand, wisping into his shoulder, nifty). Castiel said "I knew it!" and beamed at me before heading off to snarl questions in a demon's face, leaving me spluttering about not being God (again some more honestly no one ever listens to me) while I sat there next to Gabriel, feeding him energy.

Dean and Sam came up, and Dean looked at me with a speculative 'Holy crap maybe you are...' kind of look, and I said, "Don't. Just don't."

And then I woke up.

Niftiest dream I've had in a while. Plus, I was the Doctor! That's never happened before! \o/

dream, doctor who, omg, wah, crossover, crack, i need better tags, wtf, supernatural

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