SPN Fanfic: So Desu

Nov 12, 2009 03:10

Title: So Desu
Warnings/Rating: SPOILERS FOR 5.08, GEN, PG.

Word Count: 775-ish
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Characters: Bobby, Dean
Summary: The trouble with questions you don't understand... (Tag for 5.08)
A/N: Just a random post-5.08 thought I had. Doesn't really fit, but here it is anyway. Language inaccuracies are certain. [LJ-only for now]

Hey, Bobby. You know Japanese, right? )

lj-only, spn 5.08, ep tag, fanfic, supernatural

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Comments 26

ficwriter1966 November 12 2009, 12:47:33 UTC
Nicely done, CK! I totally buy late-night phone calls between Dean and Bobby - really, the only place Dean can turn for some reassurance. Oh, BOYS.

I'm wondering if Show plans to revisit that question and its answer. I'm thinking yes. The other question was something we've seen the boys wrangle over, but Dean's question was new (albeit a gigantic Acme anvil).


caffienekitty November 12 2009, 16:59:16 UTC

I'm wondering if Show plans to revisit that question and its answer. I'm thinking yes. The other question was something we've seen the boys wrangle over, but Dean's question was new (albeit a gigantic Acme anvil).

I think we might. The thing is, the question and answer are correct in a context entirely controlled by Gabriel. Gabriel believes it's true, whether it is or not could be up for debate. I'm not sure how it would play into the apocalypse set-up though. Maybe we'll get a more direct take on 'It's a Wonderful Life' where Dean is shown a world without Sam, in the process of them trying to convince him to go against his brother? No idea. It's an interesting thing to drop in at random, and an exercise in unreliable narrator in the 'whose truth id it anyway?' sense, regardless.


nwhepcat November 12 2009, 12:55:07 UTC
I love me some Language Expert!Bobby. Or, y'know, Bobby in general. I really liked this, with the nuances of ways of saying yes, and Bobby's crankiness, and that feeling of family.


caffienekitty November 12 2009, 17:01:36 UTC
Bobby is indeed awesome, and I love how thoroughly he's adopted and been adopted back by the Winchesters. :-)


aescu November 12 2009, 13:19:39 UTC
Oh, if Dean didn't understand the question that surely must have bugged him. Thank god for awesome!Bobby :)


caffienekitty November 12 2009, 17:02:11 UTC
Yay for Bobby!


innie_darling November 12 2009, 16:27:36 UTC
That's a really neat/chilling thought. Poor Dean!


caffienekitty November 12 2009, 17:05:28 UTC
It occurred to me the other day that giving the correct answer to a question he doesn't understand might have broader consequences than not getting hit in the nuts, especially given the answer to Sam's was one he could understand and know that it had something to do with them specifically.


irismay42 November 12 2009, 18:08:34 UTC
Oooh I never thought that Michael's crew might be trying to trick Dean into saying yes!

I know a lot of Sam Girls weren't happy with that question, but like you said in the comments above, it was the Trickster's view of the answer, not Dean's. He didn't even know what he was answering!

Love the relationship between Dean and Bobby you're presenting here. Totally a family thing.


caffienekitty November 12 2009, 23:02:15 UTC
Oooh I never thought that Michael's crew might be trying to trick Dean into saying yes!

They've tried some really underhanded stuff to get consent, but not subterfuge. Yet.

I know a lot of Sam Girls weren't happy with that question, but like you said in the comments above, it was the Trickster's view of the answer, not Dean's. He didn't even know what he was answering!

Exactly. Unreliable narrator is a fun thing to play with story-wise.

Love the relationship between Dean and Bobby you're presenting here. Totally a family thing.

I really love the 'family of choice' that the boys are building, particularly Bobby's role in it, and the conversation at the end of "Curious Case" that let Bobby (and everyone watching) know, in no uncertain terms, that that family is not a one-way street. :-)


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