Comment-fic, the
Missing Scenes Fic Challenge, and the
Treasure Hunt now in some kind of progress, here's some of what's going on at
Caption contest (I stayed up literally all night finding screencaps, so some of them are a bit goofy.)
Drabble Chain (this one is the gen-only one, there's a slash one as well) The concept is people write drabbles that follow along after each other, either as a single story or thematically. It's an interesting idea, kind of a round robin thing, but there are no set turns, anyone can jump in whenever.
The Worst First Lines competition is already on round Two THREE, (last chance!), it's a great way to get the purple prose out of your system and a real hoot. And I think there's a prize! There was one last year.
SPN Trivia Challenge which only has one competitor so far to my knowledge.
*I'm hosting a viewing party at 9pm Eastern/6PM Pacific/1AM UTC, we'll be watching "Born Under a Bad Sign" simultaneously while chattering back and forth in comments. The post will go up about an hour beforehand. Anyone with access to "Born Under a Bad Sign" and an hour to spare is welcome to join in.
ETA: Viewing party will commence shortly.
Come on down! *Tomorrow at about this time there will be something like online Pictionary, which should be loads of fun.
I'd love to see you guys there! I'm gonna go sleep for a while now so I don't pass out during the viewing party later! XD