Reaction: Supernatural 4.22 - now including other stuff!!!

May 16, 2009 01:52

Contains profanity and blithering.

Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline

-Mar 24 Something OMG-inducing that people are finding somewhat hard to believe they'll actually do is going to happen in the finale. Maybe. So like every other finale then. *hides*

-April 3 Title somewhere utterly random. "Lucifer Rising." Hm. Interesting parallel. I figure, (and have for a while, but haven't mentioned it much), that at the end of this Season, Sam and Dean will be apart, and apparently on opposite sides and working against each other. Dean will be hanging with Castiel, maybe, and Sam might be hanging around with Ruby or... other. But Dean will be trying to bring Sam back, out from under possession by Lucifer or similar nasty stuff, and Sam, under the possession, will be trying to keep himself and his activities away from Dean to protect him, or will be doing this all to be a stronger person to protect Dean, really, and they'll be apart because they really do care enough about each other to destroy the world, and, just... Gaaaaaah. *flails*

So! Season finale. One where Show has early renewal and Kripke knows he can kill us stone dead.

...I'm not ready for this. I'm not. Oh man.

Reaction, Meta, Spec, Pictures, Minor Film Technique Notations and Capslocking for Supernatural 4.22 - "Lucifer Rising"


Okay, breathing now. I have a massive headache and a nasty case of many kinds of ick (which had the unexpected side effect of work taking one look at me Thursday at 4:30 and telling me to stay home Friday, which never ever happens, but in this case did not help my capacity to squee because of the pain and the ick, but oh well) so my perceptions are well and truly hooped and this took far longer to type up than it should have and is about half the length it really needs to be, but seriously, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


-MONTAGE! *glee*\o/

-Dean swearing to serve is edited, hm. [I just realized on second watch, Dean swore to serve God and His angels. Or rather "you guys" implying angels that fit in the subset of angels Castiel fits into. If Zachariah and his bunch turn out to be working against God, whenever He gets back, Dean's swearing is NOT TO ZACHARIAH and the 'upper management' angels (who totally lie around on clouds eating cream cheese) who are subverting whatever plan God may or may not have. YAY FOR SEMANTICS!!! \o/]

-'I hear the voices when I'm dreaming' HI CHUCK!!! *SMISHES* OMG YOU GUYS!!! CHUCK!

-"She's poison, Sam" Hee! It still rings like he's trying to talk Sam out of a bad relationship, which really, he is.

-Oh... Backstory.... oooo! This late in the game? Oh crap. Ooo.

-St. Mary's Convent, eh? Not that Mary isn't a common name for such edifices, but still.

-Oh hey, it's him! He was that guy! On that thing! You know! *flaps hand* [Hey, IMDB's safe now! HOLY CRAP, IT'S EDDIE FROM 'FIRST WAVE'! He was on there with Meg's Brother, AKA Sebastian Spence! (Not like anyone but me ever watched that show since they kept randomly changing the schedule, but it revolved around something like 'The Apocalypse that Nostradamus was predicting is actually an alien invasion' and went from there.) Also, he has been on Dark Angel as a doctor from Manticore. Hm... There's some kind of really messed up crossover potential there...]

-"He's in jail, your dad put him there." Well... that's true, really. I think. *is unfamiliar with the technical distinctions of nuns' relationship to God*

-*snerk* "'I'm gonna build me a nun factory.'" Snappy demon patter ahoy.

-Helloooo YED! Long time no see.

-Ya know, in retrospect of this event, Pastor Jim got off lucky. Just a knife in his own throat and not trapped inside his own body as a demon used him to slaughter trusting members of his fellow clergy. *shudders* I bet Jim had a tattoo. Or a charm or something.

-Oh hey... that's the same statue from Houses of the Holy, isn't it? *DOES NOT LOOK AWAY FROM THE STATUE o.O*

-Blur-to-focus is interesting photographic choice here, but it's driving my headache berserk. :-P

-*waves at the title like a dork*

-"You're talking like I've got an after." OH SAAAAAAAAAAM!!!

-*futilely tries to hide guest cast listings* Well, looks like Zach will be showing up. Not that that's a surprise.


-Gnh. Blur. Owwie.

-"Don't make me get my gun, boy." Yay Bobby!

-Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Oh Dean. No you don't. Yes he is. DEEEAN!!! "I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was." OWWWWWWWWW! Kick his ass Bobby!

-Written and directed by Eric Kripke. Oooo. Guys, we are so very screwed. *cowers*

-Holy crap, Bobby listened to me! YAH! GO BOBBY!!! \o/

-"They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!" BWAHAHAHAHAH. Yus. *nods*

-"No, you sound like your Dad." Ooohooo, and Bobby digs out the John-bat. "You're a better man than he ever was." Ooo. The massive John-bat. Ow.

-OMG, Where's Bobby? Ooo. Reality warpage!! Cooooool!

-Castiel's looking.... a little like a whipped puppy. Aw.

-*snerk* Patty-cake. I always thought that was a creepy rhyme, I don't know why. I wonder whose baby that is, one of the crew?

-Jeez. Hell of a set. Very gilded. *koff* Beer and burgers. Hey! IT'S EL SOL BEER! I swear it is!! The kind that Dean's dream girl was in the advertisement for in WIAWSNB! Awesome continuity!!! I LOVE YOU, SET DESIGN AND PROP PEOPLE!!!! \o/\o/\o/\o/

-Hee! "Suite Life of Zach and Cas". I know at least one person in the fandom has just exploded from squee.

-Heaven's Green Room. Snerk. Nice harp.

-Trivia note: Dean's favourite burger is from a seaside shack in Delaware, when he was eleven. Aaaand I bet someone's already writing the fic for that.

-Zachariah's a bit of a pimp. o.O Also, he seems to think that Dean can be controlled by appealing solely to his carnal urges. And is promoting both Dean engaging in both Lust and Gluttony here. Hm. This is vastly disturbing, but not as disturbing as Castiel standing in the background looking lost, dead-eyed and trapped in a situation he doesn't know how to escape. Gahhh.

-Holodeck! Hee! Combined with the Vulcan thing last week, Dean's totally a closet Trekkie.

-Chuckles! For real this time! \o/

-"Considering you started all this?" Oh, shut the hell up, Chuckles.

-Aw, Castiel, looking all cowed and trapped and now I want to punch Zachariah in the face and rescue Castiel. I blame the headache.

-Meanwhile in front of a fireplace, Sam's torturing a demon. What the heck is it with fireplaces? They show up for Sam's sex scenes and torture scenes. Which makes strange implications about his skill in both departments. Or the migration habits of fireplaces.

-Dean's getting cell reception in Heaven's Green Room? It's not the TARDIS, (OR IS IT??? o.O) so what the heck is up with that? Ooo. Or who's letting the signal through, and why?

-OMG the phone call! \o/ *gleeeeee* See! FAMILY! *flails*

-OMG, Lilith's Chef letting the human inside out. TACTICS! NAILING SAM SQUARE IN THE MORAL DILEMMA! So much glee. I like smart bad guys.

-*giggles at the vague sideways TWoP shout-out.* Cindy McClellan was substitute recapper for quite a few episodes this season. And now she's been possessed, stealing babies to feed Lilith, tortured by Sam and quite likely deaded before the hour is out. Show loves TWoP recappers, apparently.

-Oh shit. YED praying to Lucifer in a church full of messily dead nuns is so fucking creepy I might need to hide behind the couch now.

-Special Child. OMG backstory! *flails*

-Headline: "The Bellows of St. Mary's?" Okay, grim, but hee! [Rewatch: Sam is searching '' which doesn't exist yet in the real world. Ilchester Chronicle, which seems to have no concept of how Roman numerals work as this appears to be Volume VIXIII Issue 42 (HEE!), Friday October 16, 1972, meaning the disemboweling was done on a Thursday, very cute, Show. HOLY CRAP, HIS NAME WAS FATHER LEHNE!!! As in Frederic Lehne! *glee* Also, subtitle indicates that the event has caused the city councillors to examine the properties bylaws and regulations. *blink* Mmmkay. Can't make out the reporters name or the article text, darn it! *glomphs art department*]

-"He even remembered the demon's name, Azazel." Oh my God, YED left the poor guy alive after that to go through the consequences and guilt of... yike. Pastor Jim was really really lucky. *shivers* O.O

-Hm... Ruby didn't look too surprised at that Azazel reveal. I sense plotting! \o/

-Sam has moral conflict, yay! \o/

-"It's not like you haven't done this before, right?" Oh, shut the hell up, Ruby. *pats Sam*

-Hee! Dean randomly vandalizing the place.

-Yep. Dean is a bird in a gilded cage. Such marvelous plumage. And the general Supernatural truism that if it's brightly lit and/or well saturated, it's probably a bad thing holds true once again.

-Aw, Castiel, all twitchy and nervous and really wishing he could do something, but having trouble with that 'obedience' and 'free will' thing, and... eee! It's... still making me want to punch Zachariah and rescue Castiel.

-'Maybe Dean was right, about everything.' OMG JUST PLAY THE MESSAGE SAM!!! Although... Ruby wants him to... Something's not right there. *ponders*

-Ruby. You are not allowed to use the word persqueeter. Ever. Just no.

-Yay, Dean violence! Hee! Healing walls! OMG That was awesome! :-D

-HAI EVOL ZACHARIAH! Well, I guess not 'evol' exactly... but certainly not on the side of keeping humanity safe or stopping the Apocalypse.

-Ooo. Mirrors. Hey, meta people, what do you say about those mirrors? Hey... wait.... How the hell did they do that without the camera showing??? OH! I know! Two-way glass, the camera is behind the mirror opposite and there's a patch of two-way glass. *nods* Or clear glass hidden in that darkness the mirror-tunnel descends into and I really really want to know what the mirror-meta-ing people think of this shot now. o.O

-Yep. They've been aiming for the Apocalypse. Not even the cult of Lucifer necessarily, although they would not have been at cross-purposes up to this point. After this point, yeah, kind of mutually exclusive goals. Which has interesting implications for Season 5, that does.

-"Can't tell 'em the whole truth, we'd have a full-scale rebellion on our hands." Heh. Wait for it, Chuckles.

-[REWATCH: While flipping between segments of Zachariah's little 'let me tell you my evol plan, trapped hero character' speech (Angels do not subscribe to the Evil Overlord's handbook, do they?) there's a change in the color tonal value! The tone sloooowly shifts from gold to greenish and the saturation sloooowly drains during that scene where Zachariah's yapping and Dean's discovering what's been happening in the background all season and, and holy crap that's so frigging awesome I think I might cry! \o/ Gah! Here:

But me and Sam, we can stop-

*Zachariah is smug*

What happens to all the people during your little pissing contest?


See it now? ISN'T IT AWESOME!!!!? \o/]


-"This isn't the first planetary enema we've delivered", OMG I THINK I LOVE SHOW EVEN HARDER FOR VAGUELY IMPLYING THAT ANGELS HAVE AN INTERPLANETARY PURVIEW! Even though I'm probably misreading that line, but still INTERSTELLAR ANGELS FTW!! \o/ (It was the planet between Mars and Jupiter, wasn't it? Wasn't it? The one that's an asteroid belt now? *bounces*)

-"What does that mean? What are you gonna do to him?" Gnh! The chin wibble, the eyes, the just, that raw, open, burning fear of what's going to happen to his baby brother and how the hell does Ackles DO that??? JENSEN ACKLES IS KILLING ME WITH HIS FAAAAAACE!

-'You still have a vital role.' Heh. Like Dean cares about that. Is that Pride that Zachariah's attempting to encourage Dean to engage in? Three deadly sins from one angel? Efficient bastard.

-"You're going to stop Lucifer." OMG IS THAT A PAINTING OF FREAKING ARCHANGEL MICHAEL?! *FLAILS* OMG! *insert incomprehensible babble about long-held metas in other parts of fandom that just got validated*

-...aaaand again with the pandering and assumption that Dean's focus is entirely on his baser desires in the offering of a lust-based reward. That is so going to jump up and bite Zachariah in the ass. Dean is so much more than his vices.

-"Where's God in all this?" asks Dean. Asks Dean. *flails*

-"God has left the building." ZACH'S CHEEK TWITCHED WHEN HE SAID THAT! Is there a faction that has taken God out of the loop? And... how exactly? My head hurts. Maybe it was an involuntary twitch, but it sure looked like a 'I'm an evil bastard' twitch.

-*flails during commercial break* DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS! CHOSEN! PICTURES OF FREAKING MICHAEL! STOP LUCIFER!!! OMFG, I'M RIGHT!!! I've been right since season 1 and I really regret not posting that AU because this would be getting scary now. But anyway. Glee. Glee. Glee.

-Ooo, building! *grabby hands* I think that one might be a matte, though.


-"HOWDY" CONTINUITY FTW! \o/ Also, white nightie continuity. Hee!

-Oh, her again? What the hell? Lilith liked that host so much she tracked her down again after the boys got the poor hygienist home? Seeing that smoke cloud coming a second time must have really sucked. Or was the hygienist a voluntary host? Which would be weird, but not impossible. Hm.

-Gaaaad! The transitions are killing me with the appearing and disappearing and just gleeeeee!

-Cell reception not there now, hunh? "You're outside your coverage zone." CASTIEL SNARK! Wonder if Castiel let the first call through?

-"I'm sorry." I know you are, Castiel sweetie, but that's not gonna count for jack when you're keeping Dean from saving his little brother and stopping the apocalypse. In that order.

-Heeee! Clank noise of Dean trying to hit Castiel! Angel shielding, only good versus mortals? Castiel might get the crap beat out of him by every celestial and infernal going, but he's not defenseless! \o/


-Oooo! Mad Castiel! Ooo! "I see nothing but pain here." Someone's trying extra hard to convince anyone that might be watching that he's not being effected by Dean's argument. Or maybe he's trying to convince himself. And it's killing him.

-Oh my god. This whole scene with Dean and Castiel, and the desperation and the denying, and the looking down and to the side, and the calling bullshit and the wearing down of Castiel's sense of self-preservation and wavering loyalty to a cause he doubts is a just one anymore, since how can it be God's Will if Zach and his upper management cronies are calling the game plays, and, the, the just frigging everything? And the "we'll all be hunted, we'll all be killed" Hee! Eyebrows! and the "worth dying for" and the "we're done" and, just, holy crap, guys. I haven't got any words. I need to rewatch that specific scene over and over just because it's so damn full of nuances, and details, and just omg AWESOMENESS! It's so jam-packed full of awesome. It's dense like the heart of a neutron star with fantastic things, and it's one of those scenes where each watching will unpack a little more of the awesome so it can be better appreciated. God, I love this show and these actors and how lucky we are to have stuff this awesome happen on a show that nowhere near enough people are watching. Just absolute glee and awe.

-So yeah. Good scene, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. You rock. *nods*

-ALSO! (yes, I know, I can't shut up) Also! The things Castiel says about humanity being pain, and misery and everything being so much better after the apocalypse? I smell a lecture being quoted. What if Castiel's 'correction' was to watch parts of humanity at their worst, to try and break his attachment to them? This is far from his former attitude of "they are my Father's creations" from 4.08, and I think that that is might be due largely to an outside influence. Looking at you, Zach

-[removing a really unnecessary string of expletives focussing on all possible permutations of the word 'fuck'] Oh those frigging bastards, they changed Dean's message. Or Ruby changed it. OR ZACHARIAH CHANGED IT!! Or it's totally Ruby, with that little smug 'gotcha' smile that drops away to look bored again before Sam sees it. Or Zachariah let it through and Ruby manipulated it and it doesn't really matter because OH SAM!!! "Do it" OH SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!

-[Trivia: Ruby's license plate is 'HVU 2W8' (Something 'to wait'?) And she might be driving a Mustang, but I can't tell. If she is? *snerk*]

-Oooo! Very nice use of harp strings as visual bars over Dean, like a jail!

-Don't eat the burger, Dean, it'd be like an acceptance of sorts, or maybe it's like the land of faerie, where if you eat the - OH HAI CASTIEL!!! YAY! \o/

-Angel blood! OMG, show of hands, who had a dread sudden feeling Castiel was going to invite Dean to take a big old slurp? *raises hand*

-Also, Castiel pulls a knife, Dean nods, then looks stunned as Castiel cuts himself. What did Dean think Castiel was gonna do with the knife that he didn't actually do? *ponders*

-OMG ANGEL-B-GONE SYMBOL!!! Maybe Anna wasn't in the warehouse. Maybe Anna... hey wait. Maybe Anna's not plotting and secretly evil if the rest of these bozos are subverting heaven! EEEE! I have no idea whether that's a good EEEE or a bad EEEE at this point but EEEE! \o/

-Yep, Lilith's the final seal and the entire fandom called it, pretty much! OMG WE WERE ALL RIGHT!!! It's like most of the meta in this fandom is getting confirmed! I LOVE THIS EPISODE! IT'S THE "EVERYONE'S META IS RIGHT" EPISODE!!! \o/ WOO!

-CASTIEL!! OH HEY! CASTIEL DISOBEYS AND BY STAYING TRUE TO AN 'ABSENT' GOD AND DISOBEYING THE ANGELS WHO ARE TAKING MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS... He... Heh. You know, I just had the strangest thought. He's sort of like Robin Hood. He's taking action against a corrupt system and being censured for it. When King Richard God gets back from playing skeeball, there's going to be some adjustments made to who's up and who's down. That doesn't even make sense, arg! In short: OMG *FLAILS*

-CHUCK!! HI CHUCK!!!!! HEE! Seriously, if you knew there was an apocalypse imminent, you'd do some frivolous spending too. I wouldn't be making anyone else work on their last day of life on earth, though.

-[Trivia: Carver Edlund's mailing address is - "Carver Edlund, P.O. Box 413, Kripke's Hollow, OH 43301" Email is, I think, carvered1[?][?][?] Gmail. OMG GUYS! Show might be giving us another live e-mail address here! Can anyone make out the other characters? My vision's funky right now and my tv is crap! ETA: The full address is: carveredlund @ of course (except without the extra spaces, *facepalms* Thank you, eagle-eyed eilonwy]

-Ooo. A demon-blood blood-phone call? Should get some crazy reception on that puppy.

-Hai final seal! Going the willing sacrifice route now Lilith? Magnanimous of you.

-...Did Sam just whack every single demon in that hallway? o.O Holy crap. Sammy's got juice.

-"You're not in this story." Oh ho! So who exactly is sending Chuck his intel, hm??

-"We're making it up as we go." \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ YAY CASTIEL!!! Isn't free will fun?

-ARCHANGEL! Oh crap. How are they endangering Chuck!? ... unless the archangel is also there to preserve the status quo... And is under control of the Warhawk Angels and omg, scared now! O.O

-The way Chuck says 'not again' there, though makes me think he had a very surprised home invader sometime after Sam and Dean last saw him. Heh.
Burglar: *brandishes weapon* "Show me where the valuables are!"
Chuck: "Um. You really don't wanna do that."
Burglar: "Oh yeah?" *aims*
Archangel: *descends in bright light and earthquakey-ness, shaking dishes off shelves*
Burglar: "What the-?"
Archangel: *MEGA-SMITE*
Burglar: *is turned to dust*
Chuck: "Crap. Now I gotta vaccuum. And get new dishes."

-"I'll hold 'im off, I'll hold 'em all off, just stop Sam!" GNH! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!@!!! Total hero moment! OMG Castiel's awesome! And the shot with the light and the profile was pretty frigging awesome too! YAY PHOTOGRAPHY!!!

-And his hand can teleport as well? Well I guess we already knew that but that transition was super cool. All the little "angels pop up when the camera's not looking at them" stuff has been super cool this episode, and aaaaaall over the place. I hope there's some stuff on the gag reel for 'things appearing while the camera's not looking' shots going awry. It's awesome, and excellent and doesn't cost the special effects budget a single cent! YAY FOR COST-EFFECTIVE AWESOMENESS!!!\o/

-Hee! Chuck and Castiel with the hand on the shoulder thing. HEEEE! Hard to see facial expressions, but I think that was a look of 'Why are you doing this, strange mortal' or 'Gonna need that shoulder to sprout a wing in a second' rather than 'Ew, human cooties! Get your fleshy bits off of me!' considering Castiel was kind of fangirling Chuck a little in the earlier episode.

-Yep. Ruby's been plotting all along. OMG FRIGGING YAY!!! That makes her so much more tolerable. Oooo. Nice glare exchange there between her and Dean before the door closed. Also, Ruby closing the door between Sam and Dean there, metaphor for the season, yes? *nods*

-Dean shouting, Sam stopping and hesitating because Dean is shouting and DEAN IS CALLING HIM SAMMY!! Ruby losing her shit that her plans are getting screwed over at the last minute and freaking out and LILITH DELIBERATELY TAUNTING SAM AND CALLING HIM A FREAK AND A MONSTER TO KEEP HIM OFF BALANCE AND UNAWARE ENOUGH TO KILL HER AND OMG!!! *flappy hands*


-Hee. It's never a good sign when any fluid shows the capacity to steer its own flow in a conscious manner. Particularly demon blood.

-"You opened the door." Oh, poor, duped Sammy. Oh wow. He's gotta feel like crap.

-Yep, Ruby's evil. No surprise there, but man, when she comes out of the plotting closet, she comes aaaaall the way out. YAY!! REVEL IN YOUR EVILTUDE WHILE YOU CAN, HONEY! \o/

-"You didn't need the feather to fly, you had it in you the whole time, Dumbo." HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Also Oooooo. *ponders*

-Ruby saying Lucifer will reward them (doubt it) for freeing him, echoing the offer of reward Zachariah made to Dean for the killing Lucifer, and neither of them wanting the rewards offered because all both of them really want is to save people and be a family and neither side is offering them that so they're going to have to go a third way that gets them that and OMG I LOVE THIS FRIGGING SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! \o/


-"I'm sorry." OH SAAAAAM!

-OOOO Special effects!!! With the blood-gate-thing irising open, and the light and the over-all awesome. *nods*

-BOYS SHOULDER TO SHOULDER HANGING ON TO EACH OTHER AND FACING LUCIFER! \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ Sam looking oddly enthralled by the light, saying "he's coming" is disturbing though and, I, I, I... I need to write fic. Or something. Like, NOW.

-I just realized! OMG, they're stuck in frigging Maryland with Ruby's fugly little pimp-mobile! WHERE'S THE IMPALA!! OH, wait. It's at Bobby's. Whew!



spn: season 4, blithering, reaction, speculation, supernatural, meta, graphic

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