Reaction: Supernatural 4.21

May 08, 2009 04:30

Contains profanity. Larger Meta and Speculation redirected into an auxilliary post to spare the spec-phobes.

Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline

(Spoilerphobes also avoiding speculation *waves at malevolent73* will want to not read the spoiler timeline this time around. Although I could be wrong.)

-Jan 16 Icon. Dean and Sam are totally going to be going against each other, and soon. I'm guessing this is the source of the kerfuffle I've been hearing about. My take on it? This was going to happen, right from the start. And yes, it will hurt. That doesn't mean this is how it ends. This is where knowing that Kripke's been drawing on Joseph Campbell's Hero Cycle since the start (much as some fans may hate the concept) is a source of calm to me. Without going into detail, the thing about a cycle, see, is it's round. It ends where it begins. Sure things get worse and worse and awful and horrible and it all looks hopeless, but it won't be that way forever. They'll get through and come out the other side of it, but it won't be anything remotely like easy getting there. It'd be damn boring otherwise. I had a writing workshop once where the instructor said; Imagine meeting your characters, and them knowing that as the writer, you are the real reason behind everything that's happened to them. If they don't hate you and want to kill you, you're doing it wrong. Kripke is totally aceing that writing workshop. *nods*

Worse comes to worst though and Kripke pooches the ending totally, we can always lynch him and retcon the hell out of things in fic, right? ;-D

-April 3 Title somewhere utterly random. "When the Levee Breaks." Eeeek. o.O Cannot theorize now, will theorize later.

-May 7th Delayed action theorizing hit me in the shower this morning. Sam is going to have a Demon-power breakthrough (so not apotheosis but, what, apodemosis?), or someone is going to force it on him. Or he's gonna open up like a gateway and Lucifer will pop right in, although I doubt that, because that's more an episode 22 type event and not a 21. What's intriguing to me, is whether that safe room of Bobby's would hurt a demon that was inside it. Like my theory from way back when that YED's blood kind of 'seeded' Sammy, and the drinking demon blood is kind of watering that seed, helping it grow... gnh! I really wish I'd finished and posted the AU I started between season 1 and 2. Because all of this is looking scary familiar.

I'm also wondering if Ruby's going to find that vent at the top of the safe room, wherever it goes to outside, and drip blood down for Sam. That'd be freaky. Of course she'd end up getting her head blown off by someone with the Colt because they have to know that is a weak point in the defenses. Sure it's got a wrought iron Devil's Trap built into it, but a demon wouldn't have to cross that to dump any manner of stuff down that vent. Blood, or saw a couple thousand gallons of ordinary water, poison, cement, gasoline and a match... eeeeeeeek.

Pleasedon'tletdemonsthinklikemepleasedon'tletdemonsthinklikemepleasedon'tletdemonsthinklikeme. O.O

But I don't think they will, because no doubt Sam's gonna pop this episode. Or sprout or otherwise do what the demons want him to do.

Also eeeek.

Also... Season 4 speculation post from last July....

Also very eeeeeeek.

(Okay, Mal, you can look now.)

Reaction to Supernatural 4.21 - "When the Levee Breaks"

Gnh! Shiiiiiit! Shiiiiiit! Shiiiiiit! You guuuuuuuys! OMFG!!!! I've had a feeling this was coming since, like the Pilot, nearly, but I had not idea it would be so, so, just, fucking OW Kripke!

Okay. Breathing now. Kripke has a plan. There is a plan. Yes. Calm. Tranquil. Zen. Trust Kripke.


Okay. Sense. Making some now.

-To hide or not to hide from the THEN. *hides, mostly* [*waves at baddass!wee!Sammy*]

-"Not until you dry out." Yes. There isn't exactly a 12 step plan in place for getting off demon blood. If addiction is what this actually is.... *meta redirected*

-Hee. It smells like a duck. Dean mixes a mean, mean metaphor.

-Owwwwww. These boys hurt each other worst when they are doing things for each other's own good.

-Dude. Way to freak Sam out. "Yes. We're locking you into a room you can't get out of and going after a demon you think that there is no way we can handle. Buh-bye!" And then leave Sam alone, so he thinks you've gone off, got your fool asses killed, and he's stuck alone in the only Apocalypse bomb shelter outside of the Vatican. Niiiice. Really well thought through there, Dean.

-Oh, Sam shouting. Oh, Dean's face at the top of the stairs. Oh lord this episode is gonna kill us all stone dead.

-Ghost? WTF? Oh! HALLUCINATIONS!!! WOO!!!! \o/ Ooo. Alastair! (Demon blood DT's or whatever they really are...) are a cast-iron bitch.

-Eeeek. Spurty squirty noises. Yay effective and frugal use of effects budget!! Also, OMG SAAAAAAM!!!

-Ooooo... Overhead shot of hallucinating Sam looks a little like a Rider-Waite Tarot "Hanged Man" configuration. That's interesting...

-Yes. Booze. Need lots. God Padalecki can scream.

-"Let me look it up in my demon detox manual" Bobby snark! \o/

-"He may not live through it." Oh, great. Like Dean needs doubt right now, Bobby.

-"Suck dirt and die, Rufus." RUFUS!!!! \o/ *ponders something but decides to hold off and welcomes the vague rumblings of the 'hunt Sam' club. FINALLY*

-"I'm busy you sonofabitch, this better be important." I love how Bobby answers the phone. I wish I could answer the phone like that at work. *sighs*

-Little Sam! Oh, man. There's getting in touch with your inner child and then there's getting emotionally bitch-slapped by your inner child.

-OMG! WEE!YED!SAMMY!!!!! *flails* Can he go up against a kid!Lillith? Please? AU anyone?

-Extinctions, blindness, more stuff. Seals. Yep. There's a big push on suddenly, and given Lilith's attitude when we... last... oooo. *Spec redirected*

-"Where the hell are your angel pals?" Guessing the answer to that would be, "Um, busy now, kthxbye."

-Written by Sera Gamble. Oh god. We are so screwed.

-Aw. Bobby. Oh OW. God this conversation hurts.

-Directed by Bobby's namesake! *glee*

-Mary??? I think? Except they apparently couldn't get Samantha Smith and considering this is the Mary in Sam's head and aside from a few photos, he's seen her up to the age of 6 months and once as a ghost... yeah, okay, I'll buy the different actress. Apparently I am befuddled by hair colour and that really is Samantha Smith. Her voice sounded different.

-I'll definitely buy Mary of Sam's brain being played by a different actress (Eta: except she apparently isn't) because she is seriously disturbing me. o.O

-Mary wants Sam to use his powers FOR GREAT JUSTICE!! *snerk* Is Mary of Sam's brain setting us up the bomb? Do all our base belong to Sammy? *giggles inappropriately aaaaall over the place* Okay, I'll stop being a geek now. She just said 'For Justice' anyway, I think.

-Oh my God. Jared. WOW. He's come so very far as an actor since the Pilot and this scene here... wow. Fantastic!

-Dean is weak? Mary of Sam's brain is very freaky. And giving me evil vibes. And very very wrong. I hope someone with a psych degree analyses these hallucinations of Sam's.

-Ow. Desperate Dean screaming himself hoarse for two and a half hours in the junkyard because he can't help his brother who is locked in a room on the inside doing the same thing. Aw. Ow.

-Castiel. Ooo. "I can't." With a look of significance. That is a huge difference from "I don't serve you." right there. *flails*

-"It would change your brother forever. Quite likely he would become the next creature you felt compelled to kill" *flails over in meta and spec post*

-STAND UP!!!! ACCEPT YOUR CALL TO ADVENTURE ALREADY!!! YEAH! Okay, no, no wait waiiiiit Dean, fine print, ask about fine print, (need to rewatch this scene and do a close read on exactly what Castiel says) [Dean:"If I do this, Sammy doesn't have to." Castiel: "If it gives you comfort to see it that way." Castiel, you conniving S.O.B.] Dean, fine print, think about it, ask about it, Dammit Dean! Crap!!! Oh wow. He did it. And also oh crap. Like fucking whoa.

-Exactly what Dean swore: "I swear to give myself wholly to the service of God and you guys." Not the angels, 'you guys.' So. Just in case that becomes significant in some way later.

-"Do you swear to follow His word as swiftly and obediently as you did your own father?" Ooo. The glare. Dean's getting hit with the John-bat quite a lot this season, isn't he?

-"Now what." "Now you wait, and we call on you when it's time." Great. That was useful. Fine print Dean. It'll screw you. You know this.

-Also the standing there with the 'you look away first' thing going on again. Heh.
Dean, 20 very long seconds later: "Okay, but do I have to wait right here with you frigging staring at me?"
Castiel: "I'm waiting for you to look away so I can leave."
Dean: "Oh."
Castiel: "Just being polite."
Dean: "Whatever."

-*randomly beats on furniture during the commercial break* DOOOOOOODS!!!

-Hee. They left Sam magazines. The "Weekly Woodsman"

-Oh Dean's face, listening to Sam call for help and not being able to help. OW!

-FROM PLANET VULCAN!!! \o/ Yay! Emotionless angelic bastards!

-OOOOOOO! O.O (***malevolent73 and spec-phobes, do not read this point, skip to the next one.***) Flinging Sam around? Not addiction. That's possession. That's something trying to escape with or without Sam's conscious assistance. And unless Ruby's a desiccated husk somewhere, it ain't Ruby. Her smoke is still mostly in her and not in Sam. For further discussion on this matter, proceed in an orderly fashion to the spec and meta redirect post. Because, dude. This is freaking me out.

-Also *flails* Sammy!

-Someone needs to do an internal perspective of Dean there. That was a loooong thought-raddled pause during Sam's seizure.

-Oh. Great. Actual bondage to go with the hallucinatory bondage. That'll help. Brilliant.

-Wow. Little harsh there, Dean... waaaaaaitaminute. This Dean's a hallucination. So this is the Dean inside Sam's head? FRIGGING OW, SAM!

-"God picked me." Sam's brain is a very fucked up place.

-More doubt. Yep. Bobby's on the right track there I think.

-Sorry, coherence going bye-bye for the next two points.

-Bobby and Dean: Oh Bobby. Oh god, Dean. Ow. Too much ow. So much ow. And Dean willing to let the world burn to keep him from getting abused by demons. Willing to die for him, again.

-Sam and Dean-in-Sam's-head: Oh Dean, Oh Sammy, Oh Dean. OOO, Ackles, dude!! Oh Sam, OW! Ow, ow, ow. You need to beat the crap out of your self-doubt, dude. Because it isn't Dean saying that to you.

-Okay, now that those two inter-cut scenes are done, I think I might be able to be coherent again for a bit. I want to wrap everyone up in a snuggly blanket and feed them tea and soup, but I think I'm good.

-So while her charge is incarcerated, where is Ruby anyway? Some nursemaid she is.

-CASTIEL??? OMG! OH FUCK! What the- why? Must go back and listen very closely to what is said in that acceptance scene in the junk yard! *speculation redirect*

-Oh Castiel, holy crap that face! Looking out over the water. *flails* Need another internal perspective there.

-Orders. But are you sure who they're from?

-Oh ho! And flushing out Anna and turning her in. Or is she with the moles? Or is Castiel? And when did he get burly flunkies? Ooooo. *spec redirect*

-I don't know who's on what side, or pretending to be on what side to subvert from within, or what's going on with who, but I know it's all part of a plan so it's all for a reason of some kind and I FUCKING LOVE THIS KIND OF STUFF!!! Machiavellian plotting, angels, demons, it's all good.

-Ohgodohgodohgod not Bobby, no, no, no Sam killing Bobby, oh no, please no! *hyperventilates*

-"We're trying to help you, Sam!"/"Then shoot." Oh SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! *howls*

-Sam didn't steal the Impala. Dean won't kill him. *nods*

-Ah, I see why Bobby's out cold. His hat's been knocked off! Kroki-refur has extensively pointed out in her picspam review of "Dream a Little Dream" staring somewhere around point 32 that hats are an important part of Bobby's health. Of course the rifle-butt to the head may have done more than just knock his hat off, but that's the important bit.

-Ooo. Castiel covered his tracks. Ooo. Angel subterfuge all over the place. Ooo. Nifty.

-Killing Ruby is on Dean's to do list. On call for he angels in his car, on his way to murder her. *glee*

-Twitchy Sam! Padalecki is awesome!

-"Engineered to bite me in the ass" Hee! I'm actually not minding Genvieve Cortese this time out. She's acquired a little snap and she doesn't appear to be dozing off.

-"You and me both." Oh Sam, come on, you have to know on some level that they were trying to help. Except you're altered and out of your mind, so no.

-Dean knows Sam's habits, aw. Probably beause he's the one that taught you most of them.

-"Hence" Hee! She's been hanging out with Sam a lot.

-Okay, this whole 'Sam getting blood from Ruby' thing? Is kinky. As. Fuck. O.o

-Lucifer's First. Being Lilith. Oh wow. That's interesting. *handwaves or ducks flying wank or hears howling in the distance or something* Nifty. Moving on now.

-Wow what a lot of double-speak we have going on here. "The last seal can only be broken by Lucifer's First." Betting it can only be broken by the death of Lucifer's First. Leave out three words, wind up Sammy and let him loose. Bye-bye final seal.

-"You don't wanna know." Actually Sam, you do know. She told you. Baby blood. Oh crap. Eeek.

-Oh Dean. The waaaaaaalls. He's just so, so, stuffed-looking, and brittle-edged with repressed emotion. Just, just... Oh Deeeeeeeean.

-Ooo. Good job tracking Dean! Combat! With Ruby! And it doesn't suck! \o/

-Oh, ow, here comes the conversation of epic hurty-ness and shouting I've been expecting all year. Oh ow.

-Holy shit, Ackles and Padalecki fucking rock.

-Heh. You know, through all the built-up ouch, really, they both want the same thing (Lilith dead, stop the apocalypse) they both want the other one with them (Sam's arguing for Dean to tolerate and understand and work with him, Dean wants Sam to lay off the sauce, ditch his dealer and come with him) and they're both doing it because they care about each other so damn much. And holy flaming flapdoodles does that make it a billion times hurtier or what?

-Sam? You did notice there was an implied 'if' in front of that 'monster' Sam, right? As in if you conciously are choosing this drinking demon blood (which you aren't, I don't think *points at spec post*) then you'd be a monster. So he's not saying he thinks you're a monster. Right? Sort of? Sam? Oh wow, Dean's crying. Oh crap, Sam's punching! Oh man, guys? Guys? Oh shit, it's a brawl. Try to share their feelings and wind up trying to beat each other senseless. Honestly, boys.

-That mirror-cam shot was the most annoying thing in the history of ever. Unless there's someone watching from inside the mirror, there's no point to it, and it breaks the flow of the scene. Also it distracted me from the whole THEY'RE BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF EACH OTHER AND SORT OF SYMBOLICALLY DESTROYING A HOTEL ROOM!! thing because seriously, their lives have been lived in hotel rooms and there's dividers breaking and, and crap. I don't have enough brain to finish this thought on the first watch. [Or the second watch *flails*]

-Oh crap, that sounded like a broken rib for Dean. Oh crap, Sam is CHOKING HIM!!! O.O What the serious fuck!!!? But doesn't choke him unconscious. Wow. That's... rather Alpha dog of Sam. Hunh.

-"You don't know me. You never did. And you never will." SAAAAAAAAAAAM!

-"You walk out that door, don't you ever come back." Um. Dean? Epically bad time to quote John at your brother. Like seriously. Also, that door is the door to a random hotel room and the likelihood of him coming back there is minimal. Pedantically speaking.

-Oh Deeeeeeeeeean! Oh Saaaaaaaaaam! You hot-headed, stubborn... WINCHESTERS!!!

-Yay, no promo on JoyTV! \o/

... you know what, gang? That episode hurt, and went a great many places that fans have been terrified the show would go, but...

This is where Show is now. This is not where Show will stay forever. Kripke has a plan. I still trust Kripke. I still have Zen.

*slaps on tin hat with "Trust Kripke" button*

Bring on 4.22.

(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! The definition of spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar and includes references to promo material as spoilers. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)

spn: season 4, reaction, supernatural

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