Reaction: Supernatural 4.14 - Contains profanity and flailing

Feb 06, 2009 00:47

*quick and mostly incoherent after one watch through*
(Caution: Profanity)
Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline

-Nov 12th Note passed from a set report. Jim Beaver on set for an episode sometime after 4.13. OH THANK FUCK. I'm so thrilled about the vague chance that he might be coming back, I don't care that I got spoiled for it.

-Nov 18th There is a disturbance in the Force... Actually, oblique possible squee or alarm being noted with regard to sides for 4.14. Something biggish is coming. Given the kind of stuff that went down in previous seasons in the fourteenth episode, (Nightmare, Born under a Bad Sign, and Long-Distance Caller (which is a bit of a bad data-point because the writer's strike messed up the season arc considerably)) I would say, major reveal regarding plot or character inbound. This makes sense as it's in the right place in the season arc to drop a funky-bomb. Sides imply a new character with a speaking role. Whether it's the character themselves or what the casting scene is about causing the disturbance remains to be seen. Likely to not be an established character returning (Ellen, Jo, Ash... what?) because they've been cast, and would not need sides, unless this is another flashback or time travel thing. *ponders*

-Feb 1 While trying to match names to characters for 4.13, IMDB got me. Title: "Sex and Violence" Well, there you go then! Please, please let it not be "Dean finds out Sam's boinking Ruby to make his powers work, and subsequently there's violence" Who knows, maybe Sera finally got her Succubus episode or something like it. Which could get nasty on a few levels. :-P I mean, I don't know if a straightforward "seduces men and kills them with sex" critter would fly on the CW. This isn't "Torchwood" after all. So, if it is a succubus or some kind of death by sex monster, it's likely going to have a 'deeper' purpose, something like the 'Woman in White' going after the unfaithful, maybe this one will go after... hm. Well "Sex and Violence"; maybe it'll go after abusers, giving a giant grey area to the whole "human monster vs supernatural monster" thing, giving me some personal issues, and likely sparking a wankstorm which will be visible from low earth orbit lot of intelligent, reasoned discussions. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and it's something completely different. We'll see.

Let's do this.

Reaction to Supernatural 4.14 - "Sex and Violence"

-Then: Ruby and Sam and secrets, eh? Please let it not be "Sam charges his psychic batteries by boinking Ruby." Pleeeeease, no.

-Meat tenderizer on the wall. Well, on the counter, but still 'on the wall'. Someone's getting their brains knocked in.

-...and yeah. Issues. Oh god yeah issues. *skips past scene, moves on*

-Honestly surprised Sam didn't notice Dean being awake and listening. Ooooooor, he did notice and is not going to call Dean on it because he's avoiding a confrontation. And yet not totally avoiding it, or he'd have left the room with the phone. So he wants to be confronted about what he's up to, but won't say anything himself or take a direct first step. *nods* Gah. Dammit, Sam.

-So, Bedford, hunh? As in Bedford Falls/It's a Wonderful Life/Angel screws around with your perceptions of reality to get you to face up to your role in life? Hm. That'd be random.

-Congratulations on pissing off all the Jasmines in the audience, Dean. :-P He's really got some defenses up. Wonder if I can guess why, Sam-who-is-bald-faced-lying-to-Dean-and-knows-Dean-knows-he's-full-of-it-but-won't-confront-him-about-it.

-Yep. Totally bet it's a succubus. Sera Gamble will be stoked. So, she (the succubus, not Sera) is getting men to kill their wives... for giggles, apparently. Doesn't seem to be feeding off the guy in jail at all.

-"Together for ever"... maybe in Hell, yeah. Could a succubus in SPN-verse lore be a kind of deal-making demon working a kind of blind-side route to get people to damn their own souls? *ponders*

-Dr. Cara Roberts. Workaholic. *nods*

-Something weird in the blood. Is it Sulphur? *bounces* No, oxytocin. Natural crap. Darn. Hm. Cara's kind of cool.

-Dean Murdock. Really?

-Dean's getting laid this ep... or... not. Maybe Sam is. And Cara's a heavy drinker.

-"C-blocking"? Dean!!! *is shocked, only, y'know, not really* Dean's walls are way, way up around Sam. I know why and it's making me nervous. The more pressure builds, the bigger the explosion.

-"Strippers!" Dean, Dean, Dean. *facepalm* Also, there was one with strippers before, you followed that guy to the strip joint, remember? There are icons all over LJ if you've forgotten.

-So, is that a pre-existing song playing at the strip club or something they made for the ep? Also strip club owner is nifty in a stereotypical sleazeball sort of way.

-"I read!" Yay, Dean with the historical literature reference! \o/

-Okay, sirens, succubus, whatever. *handwaves and tries to rid self of Meatloaf earworm*

-Also kind of randomly wonder what Disney might think of the Killer Stripper/s being named after Disney heroines and princesses. The Siren is a Disney fan?

-GAH. *hides from unexpected MonsterChow/Monster sex* Mirror will show the true face? Yep. Related to changelings? Maybe. This sex scene seems reaaally long. And again with the frigging sex fireplace? *hides some more*

-Interesting siren. The guy hesitates, she speaks again and he instantly goes and does it. Power of voice. Classical reference there. *nods*

-Eeeeek. Thanks for keeping that murder off-screen. Also good for the effects budget, but... *shudders*

-Sam's Crackberry! Ooo. Dean's snooping. This will not end well. However, since Sam leaving his phone behind is about like him leaving an indispensable appendage behind, I again suspect a subconscious need to trigger a confrontation on Sam's part. And Dean's not confronting him yet, because Dean = denial with a capital Sammy. But that denial is cracking. This will not be pretty. *winces in anticipation*

-Ruby's number. Is that a real number? Too fast to see.

-OMG the WALLPAPER!!! Flocked heraldic lions! *draws hearts around the wallpaper* [ETA: msdori pointed out in comments below that there is heraldic significance in the wallpaper!!! *flails* I LOVE THE ART DEPARTMENT!!!]

-BOBBY!!!! FUCKING FINALLY!!!! *glomphs him* Welcome back from the Dominican! And no I don't want to see your tan line. Except I kind of do. Strictly for "prove your whereabouts" purposes. Yeah. *koff*

-Ha! About time they had FBI show up and get in the boys' way. Don't they travel in packs usually, though? *is suspicious*

-BOBBY!!! \o/ The apron! What was he cooking?

-OMFG THE PHONES!!! *FLAILS AND APPLAUDS, LITERALLY* OH YES!! THAT WAS AWESOME and totally made sense. I also love that Bobby went for a more neutral accent when he answered the phone and OMG I am so thrilled with that! Has to be a side-line, sort of an answering service for hunters. SO COOL. *flails some more*

-...You're not thinking of using the possibly-fake Fed for Siren bait, are you Sam? o.O

-*flaaaaaaail* at the mutual Impala geekage. Hee! Dean and FedBoy are bonding... waaaaaaitaminute.... FedBoy's not the siren, is he??? Hang on. It would make tactical sense, if hunters are on the tail of something that looks like a woman getting men to kill people using some kind of sex thing, to totally change up and be a guy with no sexual angle of attack to sneak past the hunters' defenses, since they'd be suspicious of any woman involving herself in the case...

-...Speaking of whom... So... if I'm wrong about the Fed and Cara's the succubus siren, Sam's ideal girl is a brainy, driven, impulsive, mildly alcoholic woman in a settled, established life with baggage but no current romantic involvement. Also a medically-trained person, which would come in handy in his current line of revenge-driven obsession work. Cool.

-*hides from teh sex, again* Yeeesh. Roll in the hay, or monster trapping Sam? And, if it is her, then will she make Sam kill Dean, or Ruby? Hm. Regardless, Ruby will shred her. Hee!

-Hey! It's the Hallway! Yay hallway! Room 109 for the sake of trivia. This seems weird. Like a dream?

-Oh. Really Dean? "Bangin' monsters?" Someone's cranky about being lied to and kept in the dark and not ready to call someone else on it yet. Which I totally understand.

-Oh the siren is so very totally the male Fed. Absolutely. *nods*

-Oh ho! And the siren outs himself as the monster, because Dean is an idiot who has forgotten everything he ever knew about backwash. *facepalm* Must be closing on a time period thingy. Commercial break.

-Like I said, it makes perfect tactical sense for the siren to use this approach. Hunters would be on their guard against women, so a guy who's in no way trying to get at them sexually gets past the defense, the siren eliminates the hunters, moves on. It's probably done this many times before. It makes tactical sense to me, so I'm cool with it. *moves on*

[And here's where coherence goes totally bye-bye for a while.]

-Oh, just great. Oh greeeat. Oh SHIT! O.O DON'T YOU MAKE HIM HURT SAM, YOU BASTARD!!!

-Oh crap! Not Sam too! O.O

-Sam and Dean COMBAT!!! WOOO! \o/ Except gaaaah!!! Stop iiiiit!!

-Oh, guys, come on, snap out of it! Put down the axe, Dean! Come on!!!! O.O

-Yay Bobby!!! OMG. I can't believe they had me going there for a second. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! O.O

[Coherence marginally returns. Damn I really, really need to watch that scene again. Needs more brain.]

-Oh boys. Oh boys. There are not enough walls, not even for Winchesters. You can't build them back up fast enough or strong enough now. Oh boys. *thinks nervously of the future* Oh the hurt it is a comin'. It's been coming since season one, but I hear can the whistle blowing now. Oh crap.

-Ooo, bridge! That bridge is the Skytrain bridge into New Westminister, I think? My Lower Mainland area knowledge is really rusty. Nifty looking from that angle.

-THANK YOU BOBBY!!! Soda! "You guys are drivin', aren't ya?" FUCK YES. Thank you Bobby. *smacks Sam n Dean retroactively*

-Oh. Yeah. Right. You guys are fine. Sure. This isn't a chest full of rocksalt and several trigger pulls on an empty gun; this is harder to deny and back away from. Festering emotional splinters. Owwwww.

-"We're good." Noooooo. Nononono. You are so far from good right now, guys. There's gonna be a ten-ton elephant riding with you in the Impala until you get this dealt with, one way or another. Oh the walls. Oh the waaaaalls. OMG. Yikes. O.O

So, I suspect the potential wank inter-fandom faction discussions stemming from this episode will be visible form the orbit of Jupiter quite intense and wide-ranging. Just in time for a mini-hiatus, I think...?

spn: season 4, blithering, reaction, supernatural

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