Spoiler Timeline for 4.05
-Oct 02 AM-ish: Greyscale icon of Dean yelling while... strapped to a table or something with ...riveted iron things? Also maybe while wearing a white pirate shirt, judging from a brief glimpse of the icon before I clicked back?
...Whaaaa? His hair looked weird, and the surface looked like old wood. Maybe it's just a manip of some sort? Usually I can tell, but... hm. Making note of it regardless. If it's promo shot, some extreme and funky retro bondage of some kind will be happening to Dean. Wiiiiiiiiiild. o.O
Maybe it's a monster that's making movies come to life and we'll get classic horror movie monsters (or at least the ones the WB has the rights to) like Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy, the creature from the Black Lagoon. That'd be cool since Dean's such a movie buff. Ooo. GODZILLA! Bwahahahahah! But heh, yeah. Budget.
Or, since Castiel can apparently travel through time and bring Dean with him, maybe it's some historical backstory akin to the whole "Mulder and Scully" past-life regression thingy (did that happen or am I hallucinating?)
Ooo! Or maybe my pet theory about that dream killer guy from "Dream a Little Dream" being a Psychic Kid who escaped YED's attention because of the whole 'daddy whacked him in the head with a baseball bat and messed his brain up' thing, and is now a murderous psychic ghost roaming through people's dreams, and he's getting his medieval freak on in Dean's head. Or Sam's. OOOO!
Honestly, I don't know. It's probably a manip (because seriously, pirate shirts and bondage?) and I'll be deleting all this anyway. :-P
-Oct 02 PM-ish: Clicked on the wroooong link. *facepalm* Briefly saw entire source photo for aforementioned icon before hitting the back button. It's straight from the promo department. Kripke's got a truly twisted sense of humour because
Seriously??? Have they gotten into Edlund's stash or what?? I... it has killed my brain. I have no clue. Beyond that for the breather round after the incredibly intense first several eps we could be getting some serious canon crack!fic. In black and white.
Ooo. Oh no, brain unbreaking. Pinochio, crossed with Frankenstein's monster. Either dream metaphor or weird 'movies coming to life' critter as above. Dean is Pinochio being turned into a 'real boy' and... I didn't see if anyone in particular was being Geppetto except he seemed tall and Lurch-like. And might have been Sam. Which would make Ruby Gepetto's cat. And Castiel would be Jiminy Cricket. Aaaaaand now my brain is broken again. o.O
-Oct 10: Okay, this was either a dream or I caught a glimpse of last night's promo which I was not conciously aware of that had a head shot of Dracula with the word "DRACULA" underneath because I had a dream and every time there was a bill board or TV screen that was what was on it. If I'm not going insane, then it looks like it's the movie monster monster.
Realistically, that probably translates to Trickster, and Sam'll be pissed because doesn't he have a kind of détente or cease fire or something with the Trickster after Mystery Spot? Anyway, movie monsters, Dracula and Frankenstein and hopefully no Pinocchio. Also, more themes of Monster vs Human and will vs destiny to be expected with a 50% chance of falling anvils. I'm learning to stop worrying and love the anvils though, because it's a theme not an anvil. By the way, since someone sort of requested it last time, have an icon:
-Oct 16: Title, everywhere. "Monster Movie" Tah dah!
Bring it on! :-D
Reactions to Supernatural 4.05 - Monster Movie
Due to an extreme and unexpected last minute time crunch, I was still making dinner when the ep started and the start of this episode caught me with a handful of cheese that I couldn't deal with properly until the first commercial break, soooo the first run notes for the first section are a tad sparse as the cheese kept interfering. Darn interfering cheese. Of course it didn't interfere too much as I was laughing too hard to make notes almost the whole hour anyway.
I figured we were due for a breather episode, but seriously! XD
-[On Rewatch: Promo from last week is awesome! Spoilery as hell, but awesome! Incidentally, what's up with Smallville promos looking like Supernatural promos lately?]
-Awesomest credits ever! It's like Sunday afternoon classic movies from years back. *has goofiest grin* Even down to the classic music. The WB rocks.
-AND PADALECKI AND ACKLES ARE ON THE SAME CREDIT SCREEN!!! Equal billing! Yay! Something I've wanted to see happen in the credits since the start, or alphabetical or something other than some arcane Hollywood alphabet that makes Padalecki come before Ackles, even though he still does here sort of but I'm ignoring that because their credits are on the same screen which is as it totally should be as far as I'm concerned! *dances with cheese*
-Oh dear god, Edlund himself wrote this, the crack is coming straight from the source here!
-Ha! Pennsylvania/Transylvania sign that changes as the meteorologically improbable lightning flashes. Yeesh. Hehe, it's actually rather appropriate I got caught with a handful of cheese because there is so much cheesetastic goodness in this episode already.
-"A straight-forward black and white case ." Ha. Ha. Haaaa. *facepalm* And sooo it begins...
-Yay, Oktoberfest! With the Music of the Happy Schnapps Combo! Never been to one, but cool anyway as it provides a rough date for this ep as being sometime between late September, mid to late October, and considering I think it was mentioned Dean had been out of Hell about a month in a recent ep, I'm thinking it's somewhere between Oct 18 and 25th, probably 18th-19th. So, this weekend! \o/ Show seems to be keeping pace with airdates which is so damn cool to me I can't even express it. *eyes upcoming episode date of the 30th* Oooo... *rubs hands together with anticipatory glee*
-Arg. I know where that location is! Augh. Where they're filming. I remember seeing the exit sign over the open air archway and thinking it was weird... Gah.
-Oh, hey! They've got a little "FBI" placard on the dash of the Impala! Nice detail! Sneaky boys! Still no SPOTLIGHTS though. *grumbles at Kripke*
-Holy crap is the CW's obnoxious flying bottom-of-the-screen dancing baloney crap extra annoying when it's the only colour on the screen! o.O
-"You were in Hell"/"That's no excuse." Damn straight it's not! When the hell between trying every single option he had to extract Dean from Hell, and subsequently going for the Anti-Christ 101 lessons from Ruby and planning to exact messy, squishy, flaming vengeance upon Lilith, etc. when exactly during all that did he have time or state of mind to sit in a public theatre with a tub of popcorn or whatever and watch a movie? Seriously, if I'd seen the movie myself (it's the latest Indiana Jones movie, right? Dean called it 'Raiders'?), I'd write fic, dammit. *harumphs*
-"Big pretzels!" And he's off like a puppy after a tennis ball. Dean! So full of Deanish enthusiasm and joy! *glomphs* And Sam's amused tolerant chuckling happy expression reflecting on Dean's apparent resilience of spirit or at least stomach and and... This season will kill me stone dead. But I'm not thinking about the hypothetical future right now, I'm busy soaking up the happy. *glomphs them both, wraps them in a fuzzy blanket and feeds them cocoa and cookies* Sigh.
-O.O Sam's eating! He's chewing and everything! ...that's not one of the 66 seals, is it? Though really, he doesn't look like he's enjoying it. More like he's chewing on modeling clay. Those pretzels may not be fully cooked; they seem to be exceptionally limp. There's a bakery in my town that does the giant pretzels and they're soft and chewy, yeah, but they don't... droop... quite so much.
-Sheriff Dietrich... hey, it's that guy! Arg! I know his face, I just don't remember where from!
-Agent Angus and Agent Young, eh? *snerk* One of these days you'll run into another person who knows classic rock like that guy in the freaky scarecrow village and you'll be hooped. Especially since AC/DC is apparently releasing new CD's exclusively to Walmart now. Wonder what Dean thinks of that?
-[Man is my VCR having issues with Sam tonight. In the freeze right now, he has his eyes crossed and half-closed, his mouth open and his head tilted to one side like he's trying to take a bite out of an invisible apple hanging from a string. It's... cute, yet disturbing.]
-I know I've seen the guy playing the sheriff before. It's gonna drive me nuts.
-Insensitive Sheriff vs. Sensitive Sam. Hee!
-The fangs are awfully close together on that bite-mark. Like instead of being the canine teeth, they're the lateral incisors. Hey, didn't the vampires in Lost Boys have fangs on those teeth? Hm. So, either that or the vampire has a small mouth. Or is a five-year old. That'd be creepy, but I think Anne Rice would sue. Hm. Also, how the heck does that bite angle work? *rotates head and makes vampire-bunny faces trying to figure out how fangs would end up puncturing at that angle in that location* ...Maybe the fangs are on one side...? Meh. Regardless, it's probably more Trickster games, so he can jam the fangs in at whatever angle amuses him. *nods*
-Ooo, corpse-cam is nifty!
-Heh. The polka or whatever it is playing in the background when they come into the bar is kind of close to the Candy Mountain song from Charlie the Unicorn, isn't it? It goes up and down in the wrong places though. The rhythm's damn close, but that's a kind of standard rhythm for that kind of oom-pah music.
-"Maverick. Rebel with a badge." Laughed so hard I missed some stuff, and had to juggle my cheese again. [And what I missed was Sam's reaction face! Bwahahah!] Oh Dean. *pats*
-STEIN! That stein is frigging awesome! Several people I know have giant steins like that, but I don't believe I have ever seen anyone actually drink out of one.
-[Really odd technical note: Sometimes when my VCR is paused or transitioning into or out of pause, it's almost like it's showing colours. Right now, I swear, the ribbon on the shield on the beer stein is red. Weird, weird optical/TV tube effect or something.]
-Hm. Interesting that when he gestures that 'she was struggling too much' bit, he's gesturing on the wrong side for where the vic got bit. Hm. *ponders*
-Hee! "You know, a vampire." *makes claw-like hand and hisses* That's totally the universal gesture for vampire. Ed Brewer is reminding me of Ed Wood as played by Johnny Depp and it's a fantastic association. Love the gesturing and walkie fingers and vampire gesture. I love the guest cast! Again!
-Sam's oh-so-smooth change of expression from "You're joking, right?" to "This is my serious and concerned face and I totally believe you." *snerk* Not often these guys interview people they don't believe, eh? Last time was, what, oh, UFO boy in Tall Tales? Which was also the Trickster. Ha HAH! *smirks*
-"You do believe me don't you?" Their stunned, stunned faces. Heeeeee!
-Ewwwww. Who blots lipstick on a bar napkin and then leaves it on the bar??? Even if they don't work there. That's gross! Although I guess it could be a really bizarre form of flirting? Somehow? Anyway, way too much focus on it for it not to be a gun on the wall. *nods*
-Ed tips in $20's and has a massive crush on her? He's either rich or half a step away from boiling her bunny. Or both. :-P
-Sam notices the lipstick napkin. Yeah. That's not significant at all.
-Sam being the slightly uptight Mr. Socially Sensitive, and Dean being a horndoggy Neanderthal. It's like Season 1 again. That and the crack level of this episode so far are terrifying me about what is probably coming down the line this season. But I'm not thinking about that now. *snuggles into the carefree Season 1-ish-ness sighs in contentment*
-Hee. Wench. I'm getting the impression Oktoberfest is a bit like an SCA event or a sci-fi con of sorts, only more focused on the heavy drinking. A thought which scares me given my prior experiences of cons. o.O
-Dean flirting. I like this girl. I kind of hope she doesn't turn out to be the monster. Or dead.
-Oooo! Dean has no scars or old injuries anymore!!! But he kept the tattoo and Castiel's handprint? Or did the handprint fade? Anyway, love it, makes total sense. If you're rebuilding a car, you don't go back and put the dents in it again. *nods* Though does this mean he's got things like wisdom teeth or tonsils or an appendix or any other bits and pieces he might have been born with that may have been removed for one reason or another?
-HAH! Also, this renders any assertions that Dean has hearing loss due to excessive noise damage that SOME SHOW TIE-IN MIGHT MAKE completely false. Never happened, and never did happen, because hearing his music better would be something that would definitely be on Dean's list of unscarrednesses. *nods*
-...aaaaand of course, Dean focuses on the horndog-applicable elements. *pats Dean*
-"Rehymenated" BWAH! At this point I flat out lost it and started laughing so hard I was grievously endangering my cheese, and also I missed about a minute on the first watch. Firstly, Dean, unless there is some serious secrets about you biologically, you never had a hymen. Secondly, 'rehymenated' sounds like something that you might get done to a winter coat at a dry cleaners. Thirdly, *facepalm*
-[Missed the "we probably won't be staying because it's not weird enough for us" conversation on the first watch through from the laughing. Now there's a statement that tempts fate.]
-Heh, it's even similar camera work and framing to the classic horror movies. This is fantastic! I love that they're doing the black and white for the whole thing too, it'd have an entirely different feel in colour.
-And... hey, wait... HA! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! The moon's full now and it was a waxing quarter when they came to town!!!! *flail* *keymash* THEY DELIBERATELY AND BLATANTLY PUT IN A PRODUCTION ERROR! All the old movies have the same crap going on! There's a werewolf? *bang* Full moon. Insta-moon! HA! That's fantastic! I love these people and their twisty brains! \o/
-Old movie right down to Mr. 'Manly Fluids' and his 1950's attitude here. Very effective way of dating a film, but grr. Please, some monster, come eat this asshole and his "Manly Needs" and his lack of taking no for an answer? Please?
-Look, jackass, you can 'get the stuff out of your system' maaaaany other ways than by pressuring your incredibly gullible girlfriend into doing things for you. In short, do it yourself. Grr.
-I suppose, to be fair, they could be doing some kind of sex fantasy thing, with safewords and crap. I guess. To be fair. But grr.
-Ah ahahahahah! Claw shadow! Straight from the old movies! And those arms look really familiar... did the WB crack open the old costume vaults too?
-Hee. Thank you Wolfman, for eating Mr. 'Manly Fluids'. Or dragging him out of the car and tearing him to shreds, or whatever. I'm sure he has no worries about medical problems caused by a build up of fluids now. *nods*
-[First time I've been glad of a commercial break in a long time as it let me go deal with my handful of actual cheese, which was making facepalming difficult.]
-Oktoberfest! Have I mentioned yet how much I love that they have a timeline? If I have, it bears repeating. I looooove that there's a timeline! \o/
-Another witness. Hunh. Ya know, she seems relatively unbothered by the messy death of Mr. Manly Fluids, beyond the whole "watching someone get torn apart by a supposedly fictional creature" freakedness, so I'm going to venture a guess that he wasn't a real peach of a guy. And he seemed so nice. Ha.
-Interesting that this witness is also sucking back an exceptionally large drink, which appears to be non-alcoholic (except I've lived in college dorms and know how toxic the contents of a Big Gulp cup might be), so the 'coping mechanism' of alcohol doesn't (necessarily) apply. Hm. Witnesses to these events appear to be exceptionally thirsty... That's not a common trait for Trickster things, right? Maybe it's not a Trickster? *ponders* Hm. Anyway, they could at least find the poor girl a straw that doesn't leak or get her a refill or something.
-They are having an unprecedented level of unhindered access to corpses this episode. This Sheriff is awfully trusting.
-Wheee! Guts! Not sure what organ that used to be though, it looks like a worn-out loofah, or maybe seaweed.
-"Thus I reiterate" *blinks* Dean said that. *beams with joy*
-I love that all the witnesses are directly identifying the monster involved, but the monster doesn't fit the real monster rules the Winchesters know and they are so damn boggled by it! Dean's 3 or 4 stage facial reaction followed by "I'm getting a headache." Ha! *glomphs*
-Sam's eating again? O.O It really is the end of the world. He still doesn't look like he's enjoying it, though.
-Heh. Jamie here, being blonde and in a Bavarian costume is giving me a moment of show bleedover from "Chuck". But this isn't the Weinerlicious, and she's not undercover protecting a human computer for the CIA or NSA or whatever. Or is she? *raises an eyebrow*
-More lipstick napkins? Seriously, does she own the bar or something? That's just not acceptable in food service. But since it's a 'gun on the wall' and she's likely to turn out to be... something... Hm. Is she the Trickster? She hasn't been scoffing back sugar, but maybe she's substituting makeup... hey. Hunh. Has she ever actually applied lipstick...? o.O
-Aw, Dean. He's so happy he might get to hook up. Aw.
-"Wonder if this Dracula could turn into a bat? That'd be cool." Oh Dean, you are so very 12. Enthusiastic bat-geekery looks good on him. Not so much the giant beer-foam mustache though.
-Museum! Which means Mummy! 2 out of 5 4 from my list in the spoiler timeline so far! \o/ *is still rooting for Godzilla to show up anyway*
-They are really nailing the visual feel of the old movies here. Even the walls have the right texture.
-Hey! It's another 'hey it's that guy' guy! Arg. I'm going to have to go through the credits after and figure out who these people are. It's seriously driving me nuts.
-Ya know, it's a good thing this guy doesn't have co-workers who are inclined toward playing practical jokes. He'd have ventilated them. Incidentally, dude? It's a Mummy. You use fire on them. Doesn't everyone know that?
-Ooo! Strong mummy to hoist a 200-plus pound struggling weight off the ground one-handed.
-Why was the CSI-lite guy with the camera taking a picture of the wall? Did the guard leave a spatter mark or something?
-Ah hah! A prop shop! Which... a Trickster wouldn't need at all. Hunh. *wads up theory and tosses over shoulder* So, something less powerful than a Trickster, who needs props. And I'd like to add, that's the cutest little dry ice bucket ever!
-"You good here with the Mummy and the-" *gesture* "-crazy?" Heeee! Also, interesting to note that Dean is treating Sam as a hunting equal, and going back to last episode, it kind of feels like Sam said he was off the psychic powers now, and Dean's completely relaxing because he's, as always and yet despite everything, still got faith in Sam. Reading a bit much into Dean wanting to go hook up and leaving his brother holding the investigatory bag, yeah, but I think it's there in some degree.
-Ooo! Flappy wings noise! Does Dracula actually transform into a bat, or is Castiel stopping by Oktoberfest for some beer and bratwurst? *ponders*
-*flail* I laughed through this entire Dracula bit. Awesome, awesome cheesy Dracula, really bringing Bela Lugosi to mind. Or rather Bela Lugosi in 'Ed Wood'. "You must be double-jointed. And you must be Hungarian." Plus he gets to use YED's eye-spotlight on full power!
-Mina? Ooooo! Cool! Whoever or whatever this is, he's delusional and thinks she's his reborn fictional bride. YAY!
-OMG YAY MACE! Yay for a person who takes a reasonable action to defend themself! \o/ *briefly ponders effects of Capsicum on vampires*
-How much do I love Dean's reaction to Dracula!! \o/ And that Dracula chides him about his language!! \o/ And then Dean punches the monster in the face!! \o/ And doesn't get his ass kicked- whoops, spoke too soon there.
-Hm, see, those fangs are way too far apart to have made the bite mark on the first vic. Also, to get them in the right position to leave the bite where it was, he'd have needed to have a retractable chin. Although who knows, maybe he does... or this is all a glamour of some kind, like the changeling kids, and under the disarming cheeseball surface appearance he keeps his teeth in an entirely different location. Yeah. Okay. *nods*
-Mr. Harker. Ooooo. Oh dear. Dean's been assigned a role within the guy's delusional matrix. Jonathan Harker is the fiance of the reborn 'Mina' that is standing in the way of Dracula reuniting with his reincarnated bride. Ooo.
-Guy who's playing Dracula here looks like he's having an absolute blast. :-D
-Dean tore his ear off? Why is that familiar? Oh! A Shifter??? Okay, yeah, that works. And it would explain the bite mark, because a shifter could have a retractable chin or rearrangeable fangs. *nods*
-Chase scene! With chase music! Ooo! Dracula can jump!
-SCOOTER! Hee! That's just... BWAH!!! WITH HONKING EVEN!!! So, Drac can't fly, which makes sense, because shifter, so he must have made the wing-flappy noise by flapping his cape. *nods* Hey, I wonder if Castiel makes his wing noise by flapping his trenchcoat. *ponders*
-[Was laughing so hard at the scooter on the first watch-through, I missed the INTERMISSION!!! *falls over laughing again* Awesome!]
-I love Sam's little 'yeah, right' huff after Dean tells him to touch the ear. That little bit is fantastic because it's just so, so brothers, right there in one little exchange.
-Now to nitpick, doesn't shifter skin normally go goopy and formless really quick? Like Shifter!Dean tore his ear off and it melted right away... so... hm. Okay. Maybe the shifter in Skin was a younger, less established one, and so his skin lost cohesion faster when detached. Also, Skin was early March in Missouri and Monster Movie is in Mid-to-late October in Pennsylvania, so... maybe it's really cold in Pennsylvania? Or really hot in the St. Louis sewer? Ooo! Or maybe this shifter spends more time in this form and so his dermal cells retain the shape longer. Or maybe Dean and Jamie kept the ear on ice, just so Dean could have a chance to get Sam to poke it. Or it's an homage to the crap continuity of old monster movies. *nods* I think I can find a happy place somewhere in there to explain the ear. *handwaves with assurance*
-Buckets of crazy! Dean said buckets of crazy again! *dances with glee* \o/
-Creature from the Black Lagoon! As a freaking verb no less! 3 out of 4, and I'm pretty sure given events of the spoiler timeline ol' Frankie will be showing up in some referential way. \o/
-"The X-Files are real?"/"Naw, X-Files is a TV show. This is real." Hee! And double hee, because she looked at Sam when she said "Scully". *snickers*
-Dude! Dean knows movies. He'd know Mina and Harker from the 1992 Dracula at the very least. Though he would have been 13 and probably found the trio of vamps distracting over Winona Ryder, and he may also be blocking the memory because his subconscious mind doesn't want to admit the Shifter has associated him with any character once played by Keanu Reeves. *nods*
-Ed Brewer's fixated on her, and tips her ridiculously well. Yeah, that's creepy and all, but it's totally not him who's the shifter. He was too geeky about the attack, plus he had that extreme witness thirst thing going on... whiiich is probably a red herring because now we know it's a shapeshifter and they don't exactly desiccate the witnesses. Jamie and Dean are not going through that bottle nearly fast enough for any kind of effect to be working on them anyway. *pitches another theory out window*
-Ooo. And Dean tells her about the job. Ooo. And she copes! Ooo! I like her!
-"That must suck!" Oh good! She was going to lose serious cool points if she started fangirling the job.
-A Dean Confessional. And not to Sam. This neeeever goes well. Hm. Dean's telling her stuff about the job and his life and drinking with her. She's either going to die or going to come back in a later and try to kill Sam. Or both. Oooo... Or be a new host for Ruby?? Ooooooo...
-Near death experience. *snerk* I love the thinky face Dean has when he's trying to figure out how to tell her about stuff without the whole detail thing, because telling someone you're still kind of trying to get into the sack that you've recently escaped from Hell never works. Well, almost never. Also love that right now he's not trying to schmooze it up, and is just genuinely talking to he as straightforward as he can without awkward details like Hell and the end of the world, and my brother the Anti-Christ. *nods*
-"Mission from God" Blues Brothers reference! Did you hear that
kroki_refur!? The cheese wheels are a-coming! \o/
-[And if you are reading this and the above made no sense to you, stop reading my crap and go immediately to
kroki_refur's LJ and read all her awesome picspam reviews of doom and 10 Expressions posts. Right now. I'll wait.]
-Heh. I missed it before because I was having a mental association to an OC waitress in
something I wrote a while back. So, Jamie's friend with the lipstick napkin habit is called Lucy. Like Mina's BFF in Dracula who goes all vamp, Lucy. Heh. Der. She's totally the shifter. Which means if she's Drac too, and Jamie is her Mina, then the lipstick napkin thing is sort of flirty. I guess.
-And Dean looks sooooo thrilled that she's joining the party. Hee.
-Hee! Phantom of the Opera at the Goethe Theatre, Goethe being the guy who among many other things wrote
'Faust'. Hmmmmm... Ooo! Classic posters in the movie house! Very cool!
-Heh. Oh look. A guy in his underwear. Playing with his organ. *facepalm* Yeeeeeeesh.
-Sam's not doing too good at determining targets. Sin City with the Mayor guy, and Long Distance Caller with the Techie guy... hm. I thought there were more. The busting down the door thing last week was a cooperative effort.
-"Oh, I am fine!" Hey! Guys! Look! Jamie's wasted! It's a Steve Carlson shout-out! Wasted Jamie! Bwah!
-And again with the napkin. Leaving a distinctive calling card is never a good idea, villains, especially if you aren't planning t drop off the face of the earth afterwards. Honestly, does no one read the handbook anymore? *head shake*
-Kaleidoscope filter rocks. *giggles*
-Aaaand Dean answers the clue-phone with a punch to the face! I say again, Dean needs to punch more monsters in the face.
-How did she slip something into their drinks...? Did she put it in the bottle before she turned on the light? Oh! Hey! Was it Roofies? Like the old
Drugs of Fandom post? Heh.
-"Aaaand scene." Hee!!! Fantastic!
-Kripke's deal with the WB? I think this was part of it. I think the budget didn't take any kind of hit like it might have because Kripke's made that deal with them over the hiatus, and maybe the cooperation with licensing for the stuff going on in this ep was part of it. Heh. Wow. Kripke is made of awesome.
-Oooo... Set... seeeeeeeeet... *shiny eyes and grabby hands*
-LEDERHOSEN!!! Even though I saw it beforehand, still BWAH! It also disturbs me that the shifter changed Dean's clothes while he was out cold. Not sure why the change was necessary to the guy's fantasy world either... is Jonathan Harker or Frankenstein's monster (4 for 4! \o/) known for wearing Lederhosen? o.O
-Jacob's Ladder! There's a Jacob's Ladder, one of those mad scientist things that they used to bring into the elementary schools when I was in grade 2 and use to make hot dogs explode as a demonstration of the dangers of electricity! A must have for any classic horror lab! I love set design! *glee* Man, this shifter has either got a lot of money or a lot of time, or a lot of patience to put this house together!
-Pumpkin-pie-eyed crazy sonofabitch! *glee*
-"You sorry sack of sh-" *wham* Ooo... playing with the censors again. Cool. So, besides "When there are two idiots who are aware that ghosts/monsters are real who are knowingly leading others into danger after you've already saved their butts once," as a conditional situation where a Winchester will use R-rated profanity, we can add "When bolted to a table by a monster that is pretending to be a different monster, and you are wearing lederhosen against your will." I suspect the lederhosen are the qualifying element. *nods sagely*
-And yeah, I'm guessing those aren't actually Lederhosen, but just some kind of Austrian yodeling pants or something, but lederhosen is a fun word and there aren't nearly enough excuses to use it legitimately in my part of the world. Lederhosen, lederhosen, lederhosen!
-And in the midst of all the crack, how much do I love that Dean brings it back to the reality of "You've killed people, you psycho."
-Ooo, crap. Dean and electricity don't mix. Hee! I love that they're sticking with the extended cheeseball 'tension' build techniques of classic films of 'villain reaching sloooowly, hero struggles, villain reaches some more, hero struggles.' Hee.
-Doorbell! Too damn cute! :-D
-HA! Big Bite Pizza! There used to be a local place that did a pizza called Drac's Mistake. It had an entire head of raw crushed garlic on it. I don't think they sold many.
-I love the whole conversation between Dracula and the pizza guy, because I know people who would and do do things exactly like this, just to freak the mundanes. Although given the authorities aren't doing that great of a job of keeping a lid on the "Dracula" story with Ed wandering around drinking heavily, Pizza Guy is woefully under-informed of current potential psychos in his delivery area. *nods*
-Heh, Sam just meanders into the bar, talks on the phone, doesn't notice signs of combat until he's nearly standing in them. And, see? Calling card gives Lucy away. This is why villains need to read the frigging handbook.
-*loves set design some more* Ooo. Marilyn Monroe dress, almost missed that. It's thisclose to being a White Nightgown of Doom.
-"We are having... Pizza!" HAaaaaaaaa! *snerk* I swear, I know people just like this. Only without the murdering.
-"PUT ON THE GOWN!" Oh ho. Now the mask is slipping.
-Sam lockpicking and gun-waving, yay! Is it just me or since he's on the demon-influenced psychic powers abstinence wagon, has his hair gotten more... clenched? Hm.
-No accent, so we have the monster behind the monster speaking. Shifter is seriously damaged. If it wasn't for the randomly killing people, and the whole 'it puts the lotion on its skin' schtick he's pulling on poor Jamie here, he might be aw-worthy. Oh what the heck. Aw.
-Ooo. Monster backstory. Shifters are born different, I think we already knew that, but they show their abilities really young if his dad calling him a monster while he was beating him with a shovel was the first time he'd heard the word. Like pre-kindergarten. *seriously HATES the Shifter's dad*
-Movie monsters as role models for a lonely boy who's different and becoming what people tell him he is. Okay fine. Awww! This actor is doing awesome with the character and the switching between over the top cheese and the persecuted, wounded, lonely kid who's become a killer because he felt he had no other option. Hunh. Although he loses all points with the "I kill people because I'm lonely" and the implied "If you don't stay here and keep me from being lonely, I'll kill more people." And then belting her. Grr.
-Sam rescues the Deansel in distress. Hee! Sam's "WTF?" face!
-Frankenstein used as a verb! And "Creature from the Black Lagoon" used as a verb earlier! All going with 'ninja' as a verb from the season 3 finale. Yay Winchesterly verbing of nouns!
-"Hey there Hansel."/"Shaddup!" Heeeeee! This is the beginning of that which Dean will never hear the end of:
"Can I drive the car Dean?"
"Alright! Fine!"
"Can we go get sushi?"
"Hell no!"
"OKAY!!! Okay! Just shut up about it!"
-Door-kicking does not work so well on balsa wood doors. Also, getting thrown into walls is much easier to take if they're made of styrofoam. I love that, because it grounds the episode. See, this shifter guy, while he obviously has gone to a lot of trouble to set up his lair, is neither rich, nor robbing banks and jewelry stores (as far as we know), so he's doing everything on the cheap. Also, his altered consciousness matrix is in the classic movies. The walls were made of styrofoam, or paper, or stretched canvas flats. It's a surface appearance, like his own shifted appearance. The fantasy isn't real, and at the heart, even the shifter knows that. *nods*
-Ooo! Sam's Van Helsing? I'll take that as the 2004 Hugh Jackman Van Helsing rather than the 1992 Anthony Hopkins Van Helsing from Dracula, not because there's anything wrong with Anthony Hopkins, just that I'm finding the image of Sam in a long-coat and big floppy hat, carrying a repeating crossbow rather... hm. Shiny. :-)
-Ooo! They even got a hint of that 'eyes and teeth slightly glowing' thing from... ooo. Arg. It might have been Nosferatu, or the 1920's silent 'Phantom of the Opera' I think it's maybe
this I'm thinking of. Sort of. Arg.
-Yay, Jamie shot him! And she has a decent firing stance, I think! But... that was a blow-through... Does the silver not have to stay in the body to work? Well, actually, if a silver knife works just as well, I guess not.
-[Okay, I swear, on the first watch through when the shifter started to bleed, I saw it as red, but on re-watch it wasn't. I went through that scene as close to frame-by-frame as I could manage, and no red at all. I flipped right out because of the whole thing from when Psycho was first shown, where people swore they saw the blood as red, but it never was. That is the first time I've ever experienced that effect and it was truly, truly funky.]
-"'Twas beauty killed the beast" KING KONG QUOTE! Okay so it's King Kong and not Godzilla, but YEAH!!! Close enough! 5 for 5! I declare Monster Bingo! Woo! \o/
-[Okay, obviously King Kong is not Godzilla, they aren't thematically similar movies and don't even originate from the same culture, they're just two similarly-sized monsters but I'm desperate to be right about something this weekend, dammit! *pouts*]
-Yay, over the top cheeseball emo movie death scene with violins and everything for the monster to wind up the trope and yet it still fits into the whole 'masks and truths' theme and all! \o/
-And then I laugh through the entire commercial break because I notice while Dean's sprawling on the ground there, holy crap, he's wearing white knee socks! X-D
-And now I want to see him Morris dancing. *nods*
-GAH! CW flying green crap is waaaay too green! *eyeburn*
-From the extended kissing I'd say Dean's de-revirginizated himself without Castiel awkwardly showing up to raise his eyebrows about the sinning.
-"I like her." I do too... I'm seeing an even stronger possibility of her returning as a new host for Ruby. Or Meg! (Keeping the hope alive.) I'd be thrilled if she showed up again. This show needs more kick ass bar wenches. Like ELLEN. *koff* What?
-Porky's 2. *facepalm* No, it's not the movie Dean would pick to live out and you both know it. You've just got your walls up again and are taking refuge in your stereotypes. *snorts* Boys. *thinks nervously about the future*
Misc. Actor Credits
Now, the credits, because it's still driving me nuts where I know the Sheriff and Museum Guard from.
So here's the four who made the opening credits:
Todd Stashwick - Vampire/Shifter
Melinda Sward - Jamie
Holly Dignard - Lucy
Mike Eklund - Ed
And here's the ones the CW squashed underneath a sitcom ad at the end, thank you so much CW:
Geoff Redknap - IMDB has him in lots of crew and behind the scenes stuff, aaaaand he was also SWEETUMS! As in Muppet SWEETUMS! In a couple of the movies! Not the voice, but the guy in the suit! *fangirls* He's also done other puppet stuff for other shows, so I thiiiink maybe he's the guy in the monster suits for Wolfman and The Mummy.
John Stewart or Steward *smacks CW's insulting teeny credits* - On IMDB there are 35 John Stewarts, and most of them have, like, a single credit for something. And none of the Stewards seem to fit for anything either. *mutters* Might be the Museum guard.
Jason Poulsen - Also seen working at the Daily Planet on a couple recent eps of Smallville, apparently, maybe he's the Museum guard? Or the Pizza Guy?
Garry Chalk - Sheriff. Also did the voice of He-Man in a couple remakes. Hee! No idea why he seemed so familiar.
Todd Scott - There's three of them, but the second one has apparently been Jensen Ackles' stuntman. Hm. Maybe he was Mr. "Manly Fluids"? Similar haircut, and then there's the whole getting yanked out of a car window thing. Yeah, I think that could be him.
Carmen Lavigne - Gullible Thirsty Girlfriend
Giacomo Baesato - Red hair, but this was all B/W, so arg. He was the voice for Enzo on ReBoot, but that doesn't help recognize face.
So, still no clarification. Going. To drive. Me nuts. Arg.