May 16, 2004 23:18
I am really fuckin' bored. Details to folllow in an actual post...but for now...
A month I would be: August... living up the last few weeks of summer, feeling a smidgen of excitement returning to school, beautiful warm weather, etc etc
A day of the week I would be: saturday
A time of day I would be: 3am..."in the depths of the soul it is always 3 in the morning" (might not be the exact quote, and I don't know who said it, but you get the gist)
A planet I would be: ummmmmmmmmmmmm Earth. Yes, I'll be all egocentric and say I'm earth. I cna't think of anything else.
A sea animal I would be: an otter
A direction I would be: 20 degrees west of south. just because
A piece of furniture I would be: bookshelf
A sin I would be: gluttony maybe?
A historical figure I would be: Einstein, just so I could see what it was like to be that smart
A liquid I would be: pure caffeine
A tree I would be: dunno, something with pretty flowers that lives in the rainforest
A flower/plant I would be: purple rose (they do exist)
A kind of weather I would be: 80 degrees and no humidity, slight breeze
A musical instrument I would be: saxophone
An animal I would be: siberian tiger
A color I would be: okay okay everyone expects me to put shiney purple here, right? wrong. I wanna be that kewl shiney silvery color that changes depending on the direction you look at it
A vegetable I would be: mushroom
A sound I would be: waves crashing on the shore
An element I would be: Berkelium, hey why not?
A car I would be: the hydrogen bmw
A song I would be: back back back, ani
A movie I would be directed by: Amelie, it's my favorite feel good movie
A book I would be written by: House of Leaves, crazy fun :)
A food I would be: tirimasu
A place I would be: a cafe
A material I would be: linen
A taste I would be: ummmmmm, strawberries soaked in champagne and dipped in chocolate
A scent I would be: me, I believe I have my own scent anyways, otherwise maybe the jasmine on my front porch in the middle of summer or lavender or something
A word I would be: lethologica
An object I would be: pillow
A body part I would be: lips
A facial expression I would be: smile, duh
A cartoon character I would be: the little girl danae in non sequitor
A shape I would be: sphere
A number I would be: 42
A holiday I would be: christmas