Jan 27, 2010 09:05
So, ATT was supposed to have our internet set up and ready to go when we got home from KC on Friday. Obviously they did not, and while I won't get into the full story, let's just say it took a lot of forceful language to get them to set it up yesterday instead of next week. And already, the downgrade from cable internet to DSL kind of sucks. It saves money though, and it's way better than no internet at all! I didn't even get to use it yesterday, I had a bunch of errands to run and then a migraine at night. Yuck.
Hopefully today I will have the time and some decent lighting to take pictures, because I have Allison's commission finished but I need her approval before I send it out. Jasmine's mini dress is nearly finished too, just have to sew on the last details. It was a lot of fun, I need to crochet "punk" things more often! In the evenings after Mikayla has gone to bed I've been working on chain mail, which is tons of fun but really, really time consuming. I'm making my own rings, too, so it's kind of hard to get the sizing just right, but I'm getting better every day. I still don't have a finished piece to share. Hopefully soon. I'm disappointed, though, because it's impossible to make truly "scaled" pieces of chain mail for dolls. Once you get past a certain point the rings are too small to hold all the other rings, and the minimum size is bigger than I thought it would be. Oh well.
Tomorrow should be a good day. No errands to run and no set plans. I'll just get to relax for the first time in a week or two. Kansas City and spending time with my family are both fun, but I'm honestly a homebody and it will be nice to be alone.