I was up at 4:50 this morning, after going to bed at 10. Then I laid down for another hour around 5:45 and got up at 7.
Driving to school today, and also hoping I can find the time to run to work, grab my paycheck, cash it, then run back to school at some point. LONG DAY WILL BE LONG.
1. Where and when did you start RPing?
Back in 1995ish? On AOL, there used to be X-Files chat rooms, and one of them was specifically dedicated to RPing. I hopped in there one day and suddenly found myself in another chat room RPing. :Db
2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
InsaneJournal and Inksome.
3. Do you play in any public games?
CFUD and Sabra, atm.
4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
I prefer comment spam, but I'm pretty comfortable with both? Before I got into CFUD I did a lot of prose logging at old RPs.
5. What was the first character you ever played?
Fox Mulder.
6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Minami Ikki from Air Gear. I've been playing him for almost three years now, and I never really tire of him. Plus, his canon is still going so I always have fun O!G hilarity to work with.
7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
It's either Dee or Ikki. I'm too lazy to look.
8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
. . . weird action tags. I DON'T KNOW MAN but if it's not ** or [] it bugs me. ._.
9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
Ehhh, sometimes, if someone links it to me. Otherwise I don't really bother.
10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
Done both, and I prefer community-based. It just seems more organized that way.
11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
. . . I'd rather just play with someone who's fun? Not everyone is perfectly IC, it's just their interpretation of the character.
12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
Uhhh. I have a group I like to play with?
13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
I stalk the Hetalia and Reborn casts, as well as whatever's going on that my characters would be involved in/know about/etc.
14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
JOKES. BEING FUNNY. Oh right and the canon part.
15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
Nah, I just pick one from the ready-made layouts that would fit my character.
16. What was your first game?
My first real game was a TeniPuri AU called College PoT.
17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Not really?
18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
Idk I'm a sap but Zack and Cloud telling each other they loved each other was a favorite of mine. 9_9
19. Do you RP sex?
Yep. I love AUing. |D
20. Do you play more males or females?
Males. I've played maybe five females in my entire RPing career, and three of them were OCs.
21. What *won't* you RP?
. . . idk, I haven't come across anything that I don't want to RP.
22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
They're so funny, yessss.
23. Ever RPed a pairing?
Yep. I'm pretty sure most of my characters have had a significant other at some point.
24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
Public games.
25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
I've never actually done this, I don't think. :O