Thank you so much for your encouragements! This time I tried something new--a web doujinshi!
I hope you enjoy it!
Title - A Butterfly's Dream
Author - ME!
Summary - In the revised version of future, Shouichi finds his own happy ending.
Pairings/Characters - Byakuran/Shouichi, 10051
Rating - PG
Warnings - very alive Byakuran, mention of sex, silly
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I just arrived at work, but I'll be in my brb crying forever mode because of this but kyaaaaaaa it's so worth it ♥♥♥ I feel like swooning and fangirling and bawling all at once because it's so lovely and cute and this is my ending for the TYL Arc ♥♥♥♥♥
Byakuran is so ~*ADORKABLE*~♪ and Shou-chan is so tsun-tsun-dere-dere here that I feel an incoming asdfghjkl coming *____*
I know I've returned to my lurker mode for the past few days--since I've joined the khrminibang and I was starting my fic already! ^^--but aaaaah what is your request for your birthday~~?♪ I'll try my best to whip up something even though I can't promise anything, quality-wise orz so! :D
And your new layout is adorable ♥
Your keysmashing and screams and hearts never fail to make me proud and happy ♥ Yes, I draw this for all the 10051 fangirls in the world who are as hungry for 10051 happy ending as myself, so your remark that "this is my ending for the TYL Arc" makes me extremely fulfilled. LET IT BE OUR TYL ENDING! XD
Byakuran and Shouichi was so fun to draw... I could almost go on forever with their conversation. I actually had to hold myself back LOL I'm glad you like my portrayal of those two!
Now I have to go back to RL, srsly LOL
PS. OMG request!! I, I LOVE anything you write... but I should not waste such a chance. OK, how about either 10051 or Shizaya AU, since we both love AU? Do you want me to give you a specific AU (for example, a genre or crossover setting with a certain manga) or special element (for example, involving car chase or cyborg)?
PPS. Thank you for praising my new layout! I kinda liked the last one but I felt like it was about time I changed it ^^;
Your Byakkun makes me squee because he's so adorable. Like a happy mischievous bunny ♥ Aaaah, now I'm energized to procrastinate from work and write fics =w=
PS; omg Shizayaaaaaa. I'm not that ashamed to admit that I lurk at the kinkmeme and stalk all Shizaya fills ahahaha. Though I still adore 10051 the most ♥ But since it's a birthday fic for you~ it's up to you! :D any and all prompts are a-okay! :DDDD
...10051 was triumphant in the end. I guess it won't surprise you.
As my icon shows, I'm in the Evil! Shou-chan! mood nowadays!! So that will be my request! And this time I'll give you a prompt! The prompt is:
Learned from the best, became the best.
Will that work for you? Any genre or universe will do! And feel free to distort it which ever way you like XD Just... don't give me a real tragedy like that... that "Shou-chan was the ghost!" one T_T The problem is that you write good tragedies and they make me actually sad!!
And don't worry about being late~ I accept presents all year around XD /shot
PS. The idea of bunny! Byakkun is just enough to make me giggle like a crazy fangirl I am. I think Byakuran in this comic was even more frivolous because he lacks that... scary, sinister aspect that somehow anchors his bouncing personality. That's how I picture Byakuran without superpower ( ... )
...hopefully the fics aren't *that* fail even if my mind is half-blur today OTL b-b-b-but I wanted to get it out on time for your birthday, so. ♥
Happy happy happy birthday! ♥ My fics aren't enough to show my love for you and your awesomeness, but I hope you enjoy them nevertheless =w= I hope you have a kickass day ahead! o/
I... stayed away from tragedy. Or at least, I don't think that's tragedy asdfghjkl
ps; frivolous!Byakkun is made of so much win that there just has to be more of that type ♥ it's cutesy, but it's also a bit scary if I think too hard about it, which is why I'm glad I'm not Shou-chan XDDD
my comment is all over the place orz
Your fics are never fail. NEVER. Both were FANTASTIC. I hope I can regain enough sense to make a proper review they deserve in the near future... But really you should stop giving me a double present because it's making me unhealthily dizzy with happiness!!
PS. Fangirl conversation with you gives me too many fangirl ideas for my own good. You're a blessing to my fangirl life and a curse to my RL lol But I love you anyway HUG HUG HUG
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