Apr 08, 2007 09:54
I don't know if it's the idea of turning twenty next month or what, but recently I've been having weird irrational dreams of Columbian fiances and having kids of my own (more specifically giving birth to my child-self... I'm not gonna think of WHAT that might mean). The more I look at how the glue doesn't quite hold in my little three-piece home unit the more I want to redeem my parents' marriage with a family of my own some day... ah 'some day', those immortal words... KEEP THEM AWAY. I'm too young and aspirational to be broody.
PROOF THAT FAD DIETS DON'T WORK. I kept my Mum company with the Cabbage Soup diet for two weeks which is just as lovely as it sounds. The programme consists of eating the stuff three times a day and stuffing myself the rest of the time with either fruit, raw vegetables or on the more exciting days, both. Wackier days include the 6 bananas and glasses of milk day and the baked potato with salad day. Anyway, enough of that, the rule of the diet is 'Don't let yourself get hungry'. Fine, great, except maybe working up an appetite is a GOOD thing because since coming off the diet yesterday I've lost two pounds and counting.