a toilet, a sledge hammer, a mole and plenty of blood...

Mar 02, 2007 13:49

Rococo Coffee Shop (corporate name: Costa Coffee) isn't the best place to research articles on non-realistic forms of drama. My cries of frustration as I search for a research link which I am now convinced does not exist is drowned out by the raucious conversation of smart-looking Italian business students who surround me from all sides with their americanos and chain-smoking. I normally go to the Starbucks in Leamington Spa to work because at least there I have a fountain-like supply of coffee at my disposal and I don't have to choke to death on second hand smoke or listen in on inane conversation about Ruth from French Studies' weight.

I miss the internet. I want my life back! At the moment I'm having to scoop it from the dregs of campus internet, but I can't spend the rest of my working life in Rococo. I'll go mad or/and deaf or/and addicted to caffeine and cake. I have quite a lot to update on but the major thing is that Jamie and I might do a reunion gig. Yes, I'm quite mad thank you very much. I hung out all last evening with the fellow at Ale Fest, the first time we had spent time together since June last year. We reminisced on our relationship, exchanged some emotional leakage, ridiculed Michael, and suddenly all of the reasons that were wrong in our relationship i.e.
-his borderline alcoholism
-his neglect, lack of communication and know-it-all pomposity
-his denial that he acts ever so slightly gay when drunk and leaves me in the cold
... all these were vanquished after a couple of halves of ale. We escaped the student's union to 'take a walk' and suddenly it felt like last year, like nothing had changed. The evening ended with me drawing the line, saying 'think about it when you're lucid and let me know', giving him the bus fare home and waving him off. Just like last year. Funny thing is, I missed the madness.

If I knew for sure that he has matured as he claims and won't treat me like a shit-head, I would definitely want to make another go at it because there's something irresistable and charming about that rascal. It wasn't his fault that he didn't feel ready to take it to the level that I wanted to. But then I remember Matt, and I think, SHIT SHIT SHIT. If something is going to happen with Matt it has to happen now, and I have no idea how or where or if at all. Then there's Chris to consider but I'm not really gonna complicate the equasion by adding him because there's no real depth of feeling there and I think of him more as a friend. Michael and Kev I've refused and will continue to as long as they ask. Argh, why don't they go away??

I did not mean to make this entry male-dominated, that's just the news. Other than that I have been mixing my drinks at family weddings, am venturing into an Evangelical church this Sunday (...both apprehensive and excited about it), interviewing political activists, watching the Godfather trilogy tonight with Matt, Rob and Lee and will be spending the night quite soon in a shelter for homeless people and asylum seekers. Congratulations on your sham wedding Hel! I'm not sure how as to how ethical it sounds but if both sides are happy... well, that's just cushy. And you've always claimed that a green card husband is the way to go!
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