Oct 23, 2005 13:31
As of now I am...um...working on my English paper...sort of. I really need to get better at this whole "getting-stuff-done-on-time" thing. Anyway, the cast list came up: I'm reporter #1 and lead dancer. On another note, I went on a field trip on Friday for NHS! That was quite fun. We all went to Boston to go on the Freedom Trail, which probably would have been quite boring if we did not have the most insane tour-guide in the world: "Captain Ebenezer MacIntosh," In order to ensure we remembered his name, he told us to think of "Scrooge plus the computer." He was all dressed in colonial gear and kept screaming at the top of his lungs. At one point he made us all "rabble-rouse" for the Boston Tea Party in the middle of one of the streets. Mike Miller was elected to be our "revolutionary leader." Yeah. I know. Scary. hehe. Anyway, we were in the middle of this random crowded street, screaming "DUMP THE TEA! INTO THE SEA!" for about five minutes straight. As you may have imagined, we got many strange looks from passers-by. I mean, it's not everyday you see some colonial guy and a group of teenagers trying to rally the crowds to dump tea into the sea, especially since the said dumping already happened 250 years ago. But whatever. Anyway, after, we got to walk around Boston and go into the shops for a while. I mostly hung around with Sehrish, Anne-Marie, Lily, Becca, and Linda. Twas a jolly good time. After we got back, we had a meeting for TJ2. There we received a special surprise: ALEXIS WAS THERE!!! Naturally, Rachel, Carrie, Stephanie, and I, tackled the poor thing with flying-ninja-hugs. We stood talking out in the hall for about 10 minutes until she had to leave. It was so much fun! I miss that girl so much. That night I hung out at Rachel's for a little bit and we did "The Cube," this thing where you interpret certain thoughts and find out what they mean, which was fun, and yesterday I took the ACTs, which was not fun. so that was pretty much my week.
Anyway, I'm heading for Dartmouth College tomorrow, sitting in on some classes and staying overnight. Yay! Should be a good time. I'll be back on Wednesday, I believe. On another note, at "River Rage" next Saturday, the TJ2 members are dressing as pirates! Aargh! Naturally, the robot will be dressed in pirate attire as well.
Well that's about it for now.
Later, yellow-bellied land lubbers.