Jul 02, 2005 21:42
Howdy Y'all!
At the present time, I am sititng in a Best Western in Texas, watching this really random Spanish gameshow, where the host bursts into random song eith random dancing people and a random police guy doing the conga. Yeah. I totally just said "random" three times in the same sentence. Anyway, I digress. The point is I am now in Texas visiting for my family reunion. It's been quite interesting. Wow. A random is singing in Spanish with some guy in a Lion suit dressed up behind him... hmmm... what could this all mean? Sorry. Once again I am getting distracted. Where was I? Oh yes... I'm in Texas. It's sso different up here from Massachusetts. It's a nice change. they really do eat alot of steak down here though, and everything is fried. I'm probably going to get a heart attack from all of this food... It tastes so good though! Anyway, I got into Oklahoma City by plane two days ago, and then drove into Texas. Some of the towns are so small! I swear... it makes Raynham look like a friggin metropolis. But it's really nice. Yesterday I got to go see a rodeo for the first time which was pretty cool. I did kinda feel out of place though, because everhyone else had their cowboy boots and hats on. It was fun to watch though... they had cowboys riding bucking broncos and stallions, barrel racing calf-roping, and all of that stuff. They even had this section of the show where little kids participated. Some of the kids were riding on sheep, and they had to see how long they could stay on. It was so cute! Also, during the barrel racing, there was this little five year old kid who was racing, and he was a lot faster than most of the older kids in that , section, who were about twelve years old. That's frickin' amazing if you ask me. Anyway, today was the actual reunion. It was kind of boring, but I did get to hang out with some cousins who were around my age, mainly my cousin Chandler, who's going to be a junior, and two younger cousins, who are about thirteen, whitney and Sarah Kate. My cousin Robby was up here too, but I haven't had too much of a chance to talk to him. My cousin Julia didn't come because she's actually down in Massachusetts. Anyhoo... The highlight of my day so far has been going down to my Uncle Wes's farm. Well, he's not my uncle, he's like a second cousin once removed or something, but I find that uncle is alot easier to remember. Anyhoo, I got to feed a little calf from a bottle, and we went on an excursion to the "car graveyard" on Wes's land. It was really hot walking, and you had to watch where you were going in case you stepped on a cow pie (cow shit) or ran into a scorpion, tarantula, or a rattlesnake. We actually heard what sounded like a rattlesnake in a nearby clump of grass. It might have just been a grasshopper though. There were so many grasshoppers...you'd just take a step, and they's come exploding out of the grass, landing everywhere...kind of scary. hehe. Anyway, I have to go. We're going back to Wes's farm to set off fireworks. Yes. We actually get to set off the fireworks ourselves. *evil grin* hehe. That should be fun. Anyway, I'll talk to y'all later! Hehe. I'll be so lucky if I don't come back saying "y'all" left and right. Adios for now!