Oct 17, 2008 08:34
Man, I need to see this! Apparently they're remaking it here in the US, which is a total bummer.
From AICN:
Hey folks, Harry here... At FANTASTIC FEST, the single best Horror film I've seen in years played. LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. Sadly, it is being remade in the United States, and nothing could be further from what I want to see remade. LET THE RIGHT ONE IN is the best M NIGHT film he could ever hope to make. It's earnest, yet sweet. Scary, yet warm. The atmosphere is frigid and the performances breathtaking. I literally have no prayer for the remake of this movie, as everything that makes it work is counter to American horror today.
Below you'll see the Red Band Trailer, which Rotten Tomatoes has put up for our embedding happiness. The good news is that MAGNET films will be releasing this film across the country. You'll have a chance to see this masterpiece and understand for yourself - just what a blessed miracle it is that this film exists. This is truly one of the very best Vampire films ever made. And it does it without re-inventing the vampire, but just doing it right. Plays by the rules. Did you ever wonder what would happen if a Vampire entered your house without an invitation. Was it some archaic set of good manners? Just wait. This film is masterful.