I know I haven't updated in ages, and this is kind of a lame update too, but I'm unlikely to be doing this much any more, at least until I move out of home (Which is likely in the next 6 months) So, mini update:
- Still with James which is going great. I'm happier than I have been in a long time and for the first time in a while my life doesn't revolve around getting drunk at the weekends or half-relationships with people who didn't care.
- Quitting college after my last exam (8 June) to hopefully take a Graphic Design job I'm about to apply for.
- Have a new evening/weekend job at Touch fm (radio station) being a promo person. Warwickshire/Worcestershire/Cotswold people, look out for me at your local events!
1. Who was your best friend?
Lauren was always my best friend at school. I met her at the sponsored walk in year 7 and in fact we always worked together, so much that nobody would ever work with us and we got stuck with Adam and Edward who were useless!! Also Sam always tried to come between our friendship but we overcame that. We don't see each other now as much as I'd like, but hopefully we can both sort some stuff out to change that.
2.What sports did you play?
I used to sit on the ball in PE because nobody wanted me to play anyway. I hated sports. We had a teacher called Miss McMurray but everyone called her Miss McFlurry.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
I couldn't drive, I left when I was 16.
4. It's Friday night, where were you?
At home. I was a good girl. Never really did much excitingness. I may have possibly been sleeping over at a friend's house, but that happened fairly rarely.
5. Were you a party animal?
Nope, that all came later. I didn't have enough friends to be considered a party animal. My best ever birthday party was in Primary school.
6. Were you considered a flirt?
Haha no again that came a lot later. I was a moody little depressed girl, probably. Nobody actually fancied me in high school at all, ever.
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Oh yes, I was in various choirs and also music theatre, which wasn't really to do with high school but was at the same time. I think I had quite a good voice but I never really went for any of the school productions because all the popular kids (Especially Zoe Chamberlain whose mum was the head of drama) kind of put me off them.
8. Were you a nerd?
I suppose so. I wasn't very popular and got quite good marks so I guess that means I was a bit of a nerd. I know I am now!
9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Nope. Never even got an after school detention. Not because I sucked up to the teachers, more because I couldn't be bothered with it so I just kept my head down and was good. Also I used to really hate getting in trouble.
10. Can you sing the fight song?
I don't think our school had a fight song.
11. Who was your favorite teacher?
Miss Unitt, the drama teacher, was great. She once covered our music class and let us make up operas about egg sandwiches and things. Miss Moore was quite entertaining too, she started off my obsession with poking (Now elevated by facebook, hurrah!) Also she kept calling me Laura because I sat next to Lauren. My favourite teacher was probably Mr. Finnie who was my tutor in year 10 and 11. He bought DVDs from Wellesbourne market and sold them to us all.
12. Favorite class?
Art, Graphics... Drama... ? I don't really remember.
13. What was your school's full name?
Aylesford School. Then it changed to Aylesford School and Language College.
14. School mascot?
Mrs. Dudley's pink cardigan(!)
15. Did you go to the Prom?
No, it was organised by the most annoying girl in the year's parents and apparently there were police there to make sure we didn't drink. In any case I had nobody to go with and it would have been boring and pointlessly expensive. Me, Lauren and Chrissie went to Pizza Hut instead and got high from the helium balloons while waiting for a lift home.
16. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
Not really. I had fun at times but mostly it was boring/embarrassing/tiring and just generally not all that enjoyable. Plus I hated the homework!
17. What do you remember most about graduation?
We didn't have graduation.
18. Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends?
No. This was a source of constant depression from about year 10 onwards. Nobody fancied me. To be fair, I wouldn't have gone out with anyone from school anyway because they were all idiots, except maybe Billy from my art class, but he was really quiet and I was too shy to talk to him then so it never would have worked out anyway.
19. Where were you on senior cut day?
I don't know what that is.
20. Did you have a job your senior year?
Yes, I still work for them now (just about.) WHSmith which is alright because the people are nice, but I'm leaving now. Actually thinking about it, I didn't work there until I left school because my birthday is near the end of the school year.
21. Where did you go most often for lunch?
We were only allowed to eat at the school cafeteria. It was alright but not that nice. Better than college food, slightly.
22. Have you gained weight since then?
Yes but also height!
23. What did you do after graduation?
Went to college, failed, went back to college and am now about to drop out after my first A level year to work.
24. When did you graduate?
25. Who was your Senior prom date?
I didn't go to the prom, but I wouldn't have had a date anyway.
26. Are you going to your 10 year reunion?
I don't think we will have one, but I wouldn't go if we did, because I don't particularly want to get back in contact with anyone I am not still in contact with now.
27. Who was your home room teacher?
Mr. Bridgwater for the first three years. He was a pervert and liked to look down girls' tops. He was also a mean teacher who made me cry. But when he left we got Mr. Finnie who was ace.
28. Do you miss anyone you graduated with?
Not really. I'd be interested to see Sarah Hattie again, but she seemed to fall out with me near the end of term. I'm not sure why.
By the way, will people please email me with their preferred email addresses because I have sort of given up on msn messenger.