Maybe I'm addicted...

Feb 19, 2004 22:50

Ok so this day is confusing me. I can't decide whether it was a good day or a bad day.
Good=EC in Bio, actually read a chapter of the book for Lit, and I talked to Mrs. Carter.
Bad=really boring day, TJ's in Spain (good for him, but I miss him), and it was cold and no one was there today.
Yea ok I'll take you through my day. So I get to school and we have Bio. I sat with Honor and Megan and we had 2 worksheets that Mrs. Chavez said she'd count as EC for any HW we were missing. So we did the worksheets and then we looked at bones and played with them. We had Spanish in Mrs. Hoy's room and it was basically a study hall. English was another study hall. I read the first chapter of whatever book that was. Oh yea... The Great Gatsby. Then was religion. We had to write a little stuff on the article we brought in. Then I studied for the High School Entrance Exam. lol. I saw the book there and was so bored.
We had lunch which was boring and cold.
Then I had geometry. I suggested we do kareoke, but no one else wanted to and we watched A Beautiful Mind. Mr. Holmes said we shouldn't date geeks. I asked him why the guy in the movie could date his student and then he told us that he had to sign a thing saying he wouldn't date any of his students. I asked if Mrs. Carter had to sign that too. Then we had History. Only 3 people from our class were even there. We just had another study hall. Mrs. Cater asked me if I was ok and I was like yea and I mentioned that TJ was in sSpain and I was sad and whatever. And then she was talking and was like jsut listen for a minute and I was like I'm listening and yea. My eyes were a teary and I guess she noticed or something cuz after a while she asked if I would go outside so we could talk and stuff. It was sortta funny. I was like I stayed up till 2 so I don't think thats helping me and I miss TJ and blah blah blah. And then I told her how I know I'm doing really bad in that class and that I lost my book and stuff and yea. I think I'm gunna start going in after school like once a week so I can get help and actually do my HW.
So yea. Now I still have no book. The best thing for me would be to have the book on a CD or online. I spend like all my time at my computer anyways so it'd be so much easier to do.
Yea ok I wanna go write in my pen and paper journal and try to write some poems. I haven't been able to write a poem for months... I just can't focus enough to get anything good do I'ma try again. Night
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