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This quartet has been on my want-to-read pile forever. I didn't get around to it sooner because I figured I'd wait until all of the mass paperbacks were out and then I'd read it in one go. Then the publishers decided not to print the final volume, The Price of Spring, in mass paperback. So I was bummed. But then I noticed (years after) that they were planning to release the quartet as two omnibuses. So then I was elated =)
And now I have both omnibuses in my possession, mwhahahaha.
I've read the first book in Daniel Abraham's The Dagger & The Coin series, The Dragon's Path, which was very promising as well as his work with Ty Franck--under the name James S.A. Corey--in the Expanse series (if you haven't checked it out yet, you should ^_~) so I'm very excited to finally read this quartet. It sounds pretty unique and covers quite a bit of ground. Here's a sense of the story if you're curious (taken from the first of the two omnibuses):
The aggressively expansionist Galt empire has already conquered lands across a huge continent. But the cities of the Khaiem resist Galt’s power with the andat-creatures of magic with godlike powers.
Each andat is brought into being by a “poet” who must say the right words and exert the iron will needed to control gods. The industrialized Galt war machine is helpless against the powers of the andat…but political intrigue and deep treachery combine to shift the balance of power in a world of ancient empires and immortal magics.
One man, Otah Machi, stands at the crossroads of history in these imaginary world fantasies, the fulcrum around which the wheels of epic history rotate through achingly poignant cycles of life and death, love and betrayal.
Expect me to post/review/talk about this quartet more over the course of the year!
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