I figure if I at least get this all down and see it every day, it might give me the incentive I need to get most of this stuff done. Some of it I've just been putting off, some off it hasn't been done because I'm a big, fat chicken, and some hasn't been done because I completely suck at getting my brain to cooperate with me. That, and my muse likes to bog off to parts unknowm for months at a time. I'm sure there's plenty more to be added to this list, but I figure if I can get through this one with my "ooh look a shiny thing" sydrome taking mad control of me as it often does, then I'll be doing well.
- Make Falco's new back tat. I've really got to go with this idea I've got, even though it's going to be tricky. If I can make this work, it will completely kick ass.
- Re-find all the cool and fabulous stuff I've lost and reload it into the game
- Re-build everyone's houses and get everyone moved in.
- Do the photoshoot that's been brain worming me for MONTHS!
- Finish
inyri_jax's story (not the least important thing on this list by far). I'm sooooo guilty of creative brain drain. - Get new wire stuff for the weed eater.
- Brave the jungle and mow the lawn.
- Pull weeds out of the flower bed to make room for the flowers. Don't get confused and pull out stuff that's not weeds, like I did last year.
- Stop counting down the days until my days off, because it will just seem like its taking forever to get here if I do.
- Go to bed and try to get at least SOME good sleep, because I'm getting up in time to do my exercises in the morning, dammit!