May 09, 2004 10:45
I haven't updated in a while...
Track = my life. By the time I get home I'm too tired to do anything other than may be talk a tiny bit online, do my homework and sleep.
Thursday we had our track meet against Masco. Laura, I love you to no end, but as for the rest of your school I hold a passionate, PASSIONATE hatred for them(particularly the track team esp girls). Of course there are a few exceptions buttt the girls on that track team make me really really angry. I had to hold myself back from tripping them all. If you haven't figured it out yet we lost :(, it was the gir's first loss. It was so sad.. but whatever it's over now :)
School sucks the big one, but only a little while left. I'm moving the 21st, right in the middle of midterms. I sort of want to have a party before I move but at the same time I know I definately don't lol.
I'm really glad Craig and I got back together. It's his birfday today :) He's 17. We went on our like, first real date on Friday.. its sad that we went out for a wicked long time, and that was our first actual date. We went to Fridays lol. It was good fun I PAID!!!! I'm proud of myself :) We watched Freddy vs Jason after.. I thought of my buddy Emo Tom.. I haven't seen that boy in SOO LONG!! I miss the Peabody/Lynn kids.. like Mike and Devvy and Sean .. and Gary of course (he's a Lynn kid obviously). I miss the Triton kids too. I miss everyone :( This summer I expect to see everyone like every day.. Nikita and Laura and Jessie and Nathan and James and the Peabody Lynn kids and Katie.. Everyone. I miss Erica too :( I miss all of you. Track ruins everything lol. No I love track (for w hatever reason, I suck)..
It's kind of sad.. I had a dream about track last night lol. Mr. Sawyer put me in the 300hurdles.. I was SOOO PISSED because i've never practiced on hurdles or anythig and it was a big meet and I was liek WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But I woke up and it was fine.
Last night was really fun, hanging out with Haley and Jessica and Andy. We went to Markos and then to some random but really sick beach. Definately has to be repeated every day in the summer. I slept over Jessica's after, that was nice. We got up at 8 to make her mom waffles. We watched 28 Days last night, such a good movie <3. This one quote in the movie was so friggin cute.. "He's the only person in the world who'll show up on my birthday and say 'I'm glad you were born.'"... I sighed.
This is too long, enough from this. I just want to say to Alicia, I'm obsessed with your last entry, and it makes me all giggly..