Jun 19, 2007 20:22
Today has been one of those days during which my mind almost scares me... One of those days in which I stay home, I see nobody, nobody calls me, nobody is interested in me... I just spend my time at home, eating, baking a cake, making a few icons, hanging around.
As far as I know, HE could be invisible: non answering to sms or emails, not telling anything about his days, ignoring me completely, talking indifferently with my friends... I think I've done what I should. Now I must get over, it's evident. Uhm.
I haven't read a novel borrowed from a friend about an year ago.
I've seen Pride and Prejudice, the last version of 2005 with Keira Nightley. My friends who saw it last year described it as incredibly boring and badly written. I liked it. Romance is not exactly my favourite genre, but it didn't look like it was bad. I haven't read the novel, I haven't seen other films based on it, so I can't make comparisons of any sort, but I enjoyed. That's the important thing. Icons coming soon.
Italo Calvino is one of the greatest writers ever, all over the world. At least, of the 20th century. He was ignored, loathed, disdained. Because of his political thoughts. His literature was cornered, almost hidden. Shame on you, people responsible for all this. This may seem too strong, but I feel it. He wrote pieces of art, he painted world and mankind, he expressed a historical age, a complex political situation, he portrayed the people in that environment. He told us stories and invented tales.
Give him what he deserves, for heaven's sake. Do it.
I'm hungry. Dinner.