Jul 05, 2007 13:05
Let's see, now. A ton of random updates.
July 14-17, Michelle, her best friend Joanna, and I are going to drive up to Portland, ME in order to get a first-hand experience with the place. See what's there to see, an' all that. We've reserved our sleeping accomodations, a cabin w/ 3 beds, bathroom, kitchen, etc., only 1.2 miles from ocean, and 10 minutes from Portland. It should be a good trip. Everyone took two days off, and had the other two off.
Ordered Quicken the other day, and it's all installed. It's kinda nifty, kinda frustrating. I don't agree with it about my bank account, and niether does my bank... so I'm trying to figure that all out, but in the meantime, I don't trust it much.
We designed our invitations the other day. Not wording or anything, but the appearance, etc. is ironed out, and that's another step done.
This Saturday, my family is headed out for vacation. I'll be staying here and holding down the fort/ feeding the dog-children. They'll be out for a week. The day the come back is the day I leave for Portland.
Speech class is still going fine, I've got a speech due next Wednesday, I think I'll talk about environmentally friendly building practices/ cheap ways to green one's home.
I can't believe summer's going by so quickly. It just looks so short when measured via pay periods.
I have mixed feelings about the end of summer. It means a lot of good things: a road trip with Mom, moving into an apartment (even on-campus, it's still an apartment), starting in on finishing my last year of school, spending quality time with all you cool people, it's *that much* closer to graduation, and marriage, and LIFE. It means a lot of bad things: leaving Michelle behind again, having to move my stuff, taking 20 credit hours while being an RA and making final wedding plans, co-habiting with 3 other people, not still getting paychecks, etc. I do a lot less work while I'm here, and get paid for it, instead of working a ton and paying for the pleasure.
Doc wants me to do Chamber Singers again. I can't, by hours. She wants me to "just show up" anyway, and do all the chamber-y things. I'd love to be in Madrigals for a fall semester. To finally be in the feaste. But I'm crazy(ier) if I go for it. Also... my talent grant didn't change last semester when I went to chamber. When I signed my contract for this year, it was still the same number as last year, but (as of when I signed) I was gonna be able to do both choirs. Now that's changed. If I don't do chamber, can Doc reduce my grant if it never went up? What about taking my money all together, since I said I'd do both...? Anyone who has thoughts, share?
I haven't heard back from any of my apartment-mates. Are they lazy, or do they not ever check their tribe mail, or (horror) do they not know they have it? I think I really will give them a call this afternoon.
Hokay, y'all be good. I'll have new pictures posted fairly soon, I took a lot of shots of the fireworks show last night in my community.
end of summer,