stuff and stuff

Oct 26, 2006 01:24

Busy day as an RA. Someone(s) stole a couple TV's from the lobby of one of the new residence halls, which meant that EVERY RA on campus "got to" do an extra set of room checks today, including going into closets, storage spaces, under beds, etc. We had "probable cause" to do so. Wheee. I did mine with another RA, his floor and then mine, we turned up bupkis, which I guess is good. Also spoke with *another* resident that was going to have to leave campus by 1600h tomorrow, because he dropped all his classes*.

Chilled briefly this afternoon before eating.

Post-food, I came back and started working on music for my lesson in the morning. I *wrote* music for a bit over an hour. I then copied my music down by hand for 4 hours, because Dr. Mobley wanted me to write this piece down by hand. The percussion piece. The string quartet I got to do on the computer, save, and email, as usual.

*One distraction while writing music: The guy that's gotta leave came to my door. Wanted to know who to give his key to. I said I could take it, and we talked about schedules for a while. Basic story here is that he wants to start driving before it starts raining (I don't think it's going to stop tonight, but just keep going...) in the morning. His car is packed, he wants to leave really early. So he's coming to my room REALLY EARLY to turn in his key. Before I stop working for the night, I need to go get his room inventory so we can do that when he's ready to go. Oh, and since this guy's a little weird, we had all just assumed he dropped his classes because he was failing them due to video games and sleeping in. He told me he'd had to drop them because they'd discovered some significant health issues for him. I don't know that he was gonna move until we told him he had to, so I'm not sure if he planned on just living here and not going to classes and being significantly ill or if he meant to go home anyway, but ULM picked for him.

Soon I'll start studying for my math test in the morning. My day is over after math, which is good, because I don't think I get to go to bed before the test is over. The guy's comin' to my room in a few hours. I have to study. Yeah, me, for math. Logarithmic functions. And somehow I managed to skip class the week she taught that. Oops. Reading time.

Got my tetanus shot today. It was such a break from GIANT needles that I barely noticed it.

I got my credit card stuff sent off yesterday. I'm hoping to manage to hold off on buying gas until I have a card in hand, but no promising. I've not bought gas in something like 2 months, hooray for hypermiling (go neutral!), but I've got a quarter-tank left. Here's hoping that'll make it a few days. (I hope it only takes that long anyway...)

Alright. Time to email Dr. Mobley and then study math. Nice break, y'all, thanks.


ra, math, credit card, gas, music, shot

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