Well, it's actually a project that's been brewing for a good 13 years or so. It just took me forever to get my shit together and start making things happen. But I just wanted to let all of you know about the Open Experience. We're a somewhat experimental "progressive" rock band... I think. We are currently working on an album to be released Spring 2007. I've been trying to generate a little interest in the project ahead of time, and so far, we have a number of people who have joined the e-list. We have a group of great musicians involved in this project, and it promises to be a very unique and exciting experience.
The new Open Experience newsletter is out. If you are not already on the mailing list, you can join the e-list at
www.theopenexperience.com The newsletter keeps interested participants updated on the current progress of the band. If you have already received a newsletter link in your email inbox, then you're already on the list. If you haven't, that means either you're not on the list, or we don't have your current email address.
Don't miss out on exclusive updates, mp3 demos, and more! The FIRST 300 people who subscribe to the e-list will receive a complimentary copy of our debut album when released Spring 2007.
www.theopenexperience.com You can also find us on MySpace at