A Dong Bang Family Affair Part 04

Jan 01, 2010 19:59

Title:a dong bang family affair ~ Chapter 4 ~
Author: haru_no_keeki
Pairing: OT5, MinSu, JaeHo, Yoochun x OfC, Yunho x OfC
Rating: PG 15
Summary: set 13 years in the future.
Eventually there came a time when they didn´t spend 24/7 together.
And still - there was a promise to be there in no time whenever one needed the other. No matter what was in the way. No matter how far they would be apart.
And one of them needs help..desperatly.
Words: various
Beta-reading: none yet
Warning:, Angst, Fun, bisexuality ( yes, the OC´s are women)
Genre: ??
Disclaimer: I guess those lovely butts belong to themselves...so..I can just make cookies with it! feed me cookies?!*__*?
Written March 2009
Original Post here: http://a-bards-tale.livejournal.com/17249.html

Prologue*~* Chapter 1 *~*Chapter 2*~*Chapter 3

"Appa, what do we do with the money when they´re full?" JiHool asked while watching Yunho put a coin in each his, JiHool´s and ChoonHee´s piggybank.
"Whatver you want, Jiji", he says, running a hand through her soft hair.
"Can I buy a pony?"
"Do you want a pony?"
The girl shook her head, obviously pondering. "No, I´ll save it for my marriage."
Yunho chuckled. "Ahh.."
"Yes! Then I can marry Changmin-Appa."
"But Changmin already has Junsu."
"Yes, and Appa and Jae-Appa and Chun-Appa. But he can still marry me because Chun-Appa also has Sung-Hee."
Yunho laughed. This girl was way too smart.


A soft giggle made Yunho open his eyes. JiHool sat on top of his chest, poking his collarbone.
"Morning baby.." he smiled. Jaejoong next to him stirred slowly. "´ornin´" he mumbled without opening his eyes.
JiHool laughed behind her hand. "Appa, Jae-appa though you meant him, calling him baby."
Yunho smirked and reached out to touch Jae´s back. "Yah, get up sleepy head. We have a visitor."
"Tell Chunnie to come back later. I´m too tired to play."
This time Yunho hit him a little harder, while jiHool crawled under the sheets, snuggling against her father. "Appa?"
"Why does Jae-appa sleep in your bed?"
Yunho turned around and Jae sat up, leaning over Yunho to fave her. "Because sleeping alone is boring," he grinned.
"Jae..." Yunho warned.
"But I sleep alone in my bed and Choon sleeps alone in hers."
"Jae has his own bed as well", Yunho started. "But I was really lonely last night..."
"Because Umma´s not here?"
Yunho felt a sting through his heart as he heard the words of his daughter. He didn´t trust his voice anymore but thankfully Jae came to the rescue.
"You remember I also came over when your umma was still with us`" he asked and JiHool nodded. "You spend the night."
"See, that was because I was lonely then and now your appa´s a little lonely and I come over to cheer him up."
"Appa has me and ChoonHee! Appa´s not lonely!" the girl explained, clinging to Yunho just a little more.
"Well another kind of lonelyness then?" Jae tried..
Yunho rolled his eyes. "You´re not much help." he smiled at JiHool and kissed her forehead. "I like to have my whole family around, Jiji. And that included you and Choon but also Jaejoong, Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun. They´re my family as well. And they´re your family as well."


"Why are you sulking, Honey?" Yunho asked, half turning to JiHool who sat on her chair at the breakfasttable, staring at her juice. Yunho´s attention was short because he deperately tried to feed some rice to ChoonHee who just refused and rather played with it, smearing it all over herself and her father.
"Because!" JiHool pouted, pulling her legs up on the chair and hugging them.
"It´s only your second day in the new kindergarden, right? Don´t you like it." Changmin tried. "I´ll pick you up later, okay?"
JiHool looked up and from Changmin to Yunho. "I have to work later, Jiji. Don´t you want Changmin to pick you up?"
JiHool didn´t answer but hugged her legs just a little more. "They´re mean."
Yunho looked up and gave ChoonHee´s spoon to Junsu. "Who´s mean to you?"
JiHool seemed to shrink on the chair. "The other kids", she mumbled, barely audible.
"Why are they mean to you?" Yunho asked carefully, turning towards her and pulling her on his lap. "What did they say?"
"They ...laughed at me because ..."
"Because of my bento."
"Your bento?" Changmin lifted an eyebrow. "But I made that bento!"
Yunho looked up and stared at him. "You....?"
Jaejoong also looked up and laughed ."Changmin, why did you make it? You can´t even make a riceball!"
"I can! Didn´t you like my riceballs, Jiji?"
JiHool nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips. "I liked your riceballs very much, Changmin-appa. But.." The smile died again. "They laughed because I was the only one .....where the umma didn´t make it."
Yunho sighed and buried his face in JiHool´s hair. "But none of the other kids have such great uncles as you have, Jiji", he tried, his voice thick. It hurt him so much that the other kids treated his child like that just because she didn´t have a mother anymore. "I´ll talk to the teachers about that, okay? They don´t have the right to be mean to you because of that." JiHool nodded, her eyes still sad.
"Neee, Jiji..." Jaejoong came over and knelt down in front of them, taking JiHool´s hand. "From now on I´ll make your bento and if the kids ask again you´ll tell them ´Jaejoong-umma, made this! and that they should tell their mothers about that. And if they don´t believe you I´ll bring you your bento to school."
JiHool blinked confused but Changmin and Junsu smirked at that, understanding what Jaejoong meant. Most of the mothers probably had been fans of them once. "The mother´s of the other kids will be so jealous that you have such a great auntie", Changmin smiled and got up, ruffling JiHool´s hair. "And that such a great oppa as Changmin makes your riceballs!"
"Let Jaejoong-appa make the riceballs please."


Yunho carefully placed the grocery bags on the floor, leaning them against the wall so nothing cuold drop out and slipped out of his shoes.
He was assigned to a new group of SM trainees, teaching them to dance. Most of them were pretty talented already but some seemed hopeless - but Yunho had to admit he liked these kids best. They reminded him a lot of his own trainee days and of the times he had teached Heechul and Yoochun how to dance and move their bodies. Afterwards he had done some shopping for Changmin and Junsu would come home today from Japan where they had been for a few days. Changmin for a magazine shoting and Junsu for some promotion appointments.
It had been a long day and he was tired, just wanted a shower and some food or a little nap. But as always that would have to wait.
The house was quiete and Yunho slowly sneaked inside, not knowing if Jae was just taking a nap with the kids or if he was talking a walk with them. Maybe they had picked up good old Harang at Chun´s place as they sometimes did.
Yunho picked up his bags and walked inside, finding Jaejoong asleep on the couch, ChoonHee sound asleep on his chest, suckling her tiny thumb. Yunho smiled at the sight. They looked so alike Yunho was actually surprised there weren´t many rumours about who was the father of the girl. Even the former fans had not yet found out that Jae was ChoonHee´s father - at least so it seemed.
Yunho leaned over the couch and gently placed a kiss on Jae´s forehead and one on ChoonHee´s before he set out to find Jihool.
When he didn´t find her in her room though a slight worry settled in his stomach, growing fast. "JIji?" he called, not caring anymore if Jae woke. He should taken care of both kids instead of falling asleep with one. But on the other hand, Yunho knew that JiHool didn´t like naps and probably woke alone and set off to do something on her own. SHe was a little troubelmaker oafter all.
He finally found his daughter in the kitchen.
Or what was left of the kitchen.
"Wha....what happened here?" Yunho gasped, trying to take in the view. The kitchen was a mess. Nicely spoken.
JiHool stood in the middle of the kitchen, at the counter, covered in flour. "I´m backing!" She declared with a bright smile. She looked up just shortly to stroke back her long, black hair - resulting in covering it with what should probably be cakedough.
"Aahh.." Yunho made, nodding slowly and making his way towards her through various kinds of open milk bottles, eggshell and other things he couldn´t identify yet.
"And how do you know how to make a cake?" he asked with a grin. Sure, he - or rather Jaejoong - would scold her later but right now it was just too cute. And it was actually more or less Jaejoong´s fold for letting that kid out of sight.
"I watched Jae-appa!" JiHoon answered, stirring the way too liquid dough so hard it spilled on the table. "I`m making a cake for Changmin-appa and Junsu-appa."
"Aahh.....and what did you put inside?"
JiHool looked up and pointed around with her spoon, sending dough all over the floor and Yunho´s shirt. "Milk and flour...and ice-cream, because Changmin likes Ice-cream and chocolate and some eggs and rice because Junsu likes Rice. And that!" She held up an now empty bottle of Soju.
Yunho frowned. "JiHoon, you know you´re not supposed to touch those bottles." he said striktly. The girl twitched and bit her lip. "I know, appa. But Changmin and Junsu like that and I won´t eat the cake, okay? Appa, will you try the dough?"
Yunho stared at the weird looking liquid in the bowl. "Umm...sure......" he took the spoon from his doughter, nibbling a bit and trying not to make a face. "Umm....it´s a little to....liquid, don´t you think?" he asked carefully. "Why don´t we wake Jaejoong and make a new one?"
"Noo! I want to make it alone!" JiHool whined and grabbed the spoon back to roughly she almost fell of the chair she was standing on to reach the counter. Yunho quickly grabbed her by the apron. "Yah...careful, little one!"
JiHool didn´t even listen and threw some more flour into the bowl, crawling down the chair and came back with Sugar and marmelade. "Then it´s perfect!" She smiled. "Appa, will you help me to bake it?"
"Sure honey...but we should also clean up the kitchen before Jaejong wakes."

"I made it totally myself!" JiHoon declared, giving the slightly burned but decorated with lots of sugar - cake to Changmin and Junsu.
Changmin smiled faintly "Aahhh..looks..umm...great."
"You´ll eat it?!"
"Later, okay?"
"NOW! I have to go to bed and I want to know if you like it! I spend aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall day on making it!"
Junsu smiled and ruffled her hair. "Well, then Changmin should eat it , right? If you spend so much work on it." Yunho laughed and poked Junsu´s side, wrapping his arms around him. "You eat as well. She made it for both of you."
Junsu groaned and struggled at the embrace. "Did Jae help her?" he asked hopefully but his hope died as Yunho shook his head. "I did....just for the baking though. She did it all alone."
Changmin pulled JiHoon onto his arms and went to the kitchen to get a spoon for them. "Okay then.." he said, getting a bit off the weird looking cake and chewing on it. "Ummm... it....eh..great!" he faked a bright smile, kissing JiHoon´s cheek. "Junsu should try it!" he said, handing the spoon to the kid who now fed her uncle.
Junsu barely managed a smile as he tasted the full bottle of alcohol in the cake. "Umm...g..great, Jiji! But next time, you should let Jaejoong help you, okay?"
JiHoong nodded, not satisfied but tired now and yawned. Junsu took her and they walked into the bedroom. "I´ll sing you something as a thank you for the cake, okay?"


fic: db family affair, ot5

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