Oct 29, 2004 11:52
hey guyz ... im in lunch right noww and i have 5 min to get to math soo here it goes....
there are many complicating issues in my life right now. first of all, well a certain guy issue and i hope it will get cleared tonight. but im not sure. Second, with my best friend. Well, those r her complicating issues and she loves her issues . Then I have chelsie sitting right next to me trying to get over a guy that i happen to know and i call Moron. AND SHE NEEDS TO GET OVVVVEEERRR HIMMMMM!!!! ( Chelsie I hope your reading this) and so my thesis is( marta...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhzhahahahahaha)
nevermind that, MY CONCLUSION is guys=assholes (as chelsie said) . and i concur.
Besides the guy problems school is scary... well besides today and the whole Halloween celebration thingy. that wasn't big at all but w/e.
***Kiki's 411: Chelsie wants to know why she asks such stupid questions. ***
Please provide me with an answer to that A.S.A.P. my answer iz because she iz indeed stupid herself.
Grades are in french terminology: quelquefois bien ou pas mal. comcicomca ...
yea i just gonna have some guiet time now...
au revoir