Title: I’ll Love You More
Chapter: Zwischenzeit V- Yet Alive, Ever Living
10Genre: Drama/Romance
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: for the entire series.
Summary: After six years, the brothers are finally reunited, but will Ed be able to adjust to a world that has long since moved on without him? This is an AU that ignores the movie. Pairings include an Ed/Win Al/Win triangle of sorts, but there is mention of some past Ed/Hei and past Roy/Riza.
Chapter Summary: Alphonse Heiderich tries to put a few things to rest
Zwischenzeit V: Yet Alive, Ever Living
Ed = still alive
Al = still alive
blue uniforms
Mr. Hassan = Mr. General Mustang - someone important to Ed, but - were they lovers?
Al = lieutenant, Ed = what?
Was Ed ever in the military? How? As a child? With false limbs? impossible What kind of world has children fighting in wars?
Al, Ed = military alchemists? Alchemy = weapon? How dangerous?
Bethan = town in Ed’s world - Ed’s town?
Ed’s world = war, unsafe, chaos
Homunculus = legend, golem, miniature human, animated by alchemy, impossible, dangerous
Envy = shape shifter
Ed = missing?
Ed = back in Munich somewhere?
Alphonse stared down at the sheet of paper on his desk. I wish you had told me the truth Ed. I would have believed you. I would have believed anything you said. I loved you. He crumbled the paper into a ball and tossed it on the growing pile beside his bed. Ed would never return to Munich. Even if it was possible. Was it possible? Alphonse shook his head. It didn’t matter if alchemy could do such a thing or not. Ed wouldn’t do that. All he ever wanted was to return to his brother. He didn’t care about rockets, he didn’t care about Germany, he didn’t care about him. He was just a substitute, an imitation, a look-alike. A nothing.
He was nothing.
He had always been nothing.
Ed only made him feel like he was something. And that had only ever been a lie.
He found himself idly sketching designs on the surface of his desk. Once it had been rocket designs that would seep from his pencil when he was deep in thought; now it was those alchemy circles he had found in the margins of Ed’s notes. He didn’t know what they meant or what they were for. There was no one there to ask.
It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Ed ever loved him.
He leaned across the desk and blew out the only remaining candle. The room was dark.
Ed had loved him, he had said so, and that much wasn’t a lie.
It was just that his love was nothing compared to the love Ed felt for his brother.