Aug 15, 2009 13:36
This curse isn't so bad really. I don't mind it one bit. That said, let's get rolling on this one.
I'm happy to have met so many great people here. I love them all.
I'm happy to have such a great little brother. He's cute, shy, a good person in the end, very intelligent, and willing to learn. He's punctual too.
I'm happy to be able to have a job in forensics here. I would miss it way too much. Plus, I get to have my own lab here and I'm in charge of the department. It's not easy to be in forensics here but it's still very important. Very cool.
I'm happy that this place has Caf-Pow. No idea what I'd do without that wonderful tasting caffeine intake.
I'm happy that I get to have a dog here. Jethro Jr. is the best. He's loyal and very protective of me. And somehow, I'm going to teach him to be a great Forensic Dog. (Still in the works on how that's going to be accomplished.)
I'm happy people want to learn ASL. That's totally fantastic. I already have the first lesson ready for you guys. Just need to upload it.
All in all, I'm a very happy person.
great people,
little brother,
jethro jr.,
good curse,
happy goth girl