This installment:
After I took a look around the area and made sure that the crew was busily unloading our supplies, I wandered over to ask Kern if he'd drawn up the blueprint for the fortress that I'd asked him to prepare along the way.
Kern! Are those blueprints for the fortress ready? I want to start digging as soon as Jon's got the tools ready!
Sure thing Brett, let me dig them out for you... here you go! All ready for implementation.
Um, not to be rude or anything, but these plans look a little... incomplete.
What do you mean?
Well, bypassing some of the more "interesting" aspects, where's our sleeping quarters? And our fields for farming?
Oh. I just assumed we'd be hunting for our food, so I didn't think about fields. Do you really think we need them? And about sleeping quarters, look, I gave myself a room right down here!
Yes. I see that. Look. Even if we could hunt for food, we'd still need a farm for brewing. And in case you haven't noticed, there's no large wildlife in the area to hunt anyway!
Booze! I knew I forgot something! No, wait, I wrote it down right here. See?
That's just a circle with an arrow pointing to it labeled 'booze'. And another thing, what's with all the traps and stuff. I mean, OK, guest room. Sure. There'll be caravans coming, we'll want somewhere for them to stay. But why is there a 'drowning mashine' connected to it?
Well, I just thought... you know, sometimes relatives come visit that kinda get on your nerves... it'd be handy to have some way to get rid of them!
Just forget it. I think I can make this work. We'll expand the storage area, put some farms in up there, get rid of some of the more ridiculous contrivances, and replace the 'throne room' with some sleeping quarters.
But the throne room ties the whole structure together! Artistically, I mean. You can't get rid of it!
Yeah, we'll see about that.
OK, well, just let me know when you need something else designed!
Alright, so that didn't go quite as I'd hoped. Well, at least the forge is coming along. And we're almost unloaded! Let's just dig in and see how it goes. Like we really need all those defenses anyway. I haven't seen a single large critter that we didn't bring ourselves! Just some anthills and birds and other little things like that.
11th Granite, 201
Jon's still working on getting the forge up and running, so I've set everyone else to go look for berries or plants or something else to eat to stretch our food stores. It's starting to feel rather eerily quiet by now, though. We've been looking over the whole area and I haven't seen anything bigger than a squirrel yet! Although Joe did say he saw something moving in the magma pipe to the southwest, but it was probably just the magma bubbling. Maybe the wildlife doesn't like the magma?
12th Granite, 201
We've got our first pick-axe! I've set Andrea to start digging out the entryway I've marked, and the rest of us will help once the rest of the pick-axes are finished. While we're waiting, I've instructed Joe to build some beds so we all don't have to sleep on the ground.
This is what mining looks like - Andrea's got a copper pick, and she's in the process of digging out all the yellow squares that I've marked for mining.
21st Granite, 201
We've struck a seam of coal!
That's great, it means we can supplement the fuel that we brought with us, so Jon can keep smithing for a while. Plus, not an hour later, we found a seam of iron ore too!
8th Slate, 201
It's been a long month of digging --- we've got some livable space with beds set up in the guest room near the surface, but everything else is still being dug out. So, since we've all been working so hard, I called for a break, and we all pulled out a barrel of our favorite booze and drank it down. Kern always wins the chugging contests, for some reason.
The time scale can be a little weird --- the dwarves have been working for about a month and a half, and they haven't had to eat, drink, or sleep until now. They usually do each about 2-4 times a year, depending on their personality.
That's enough for now! I'll keep taking screenshots, but first a question: would you guys rather see the detailed stuff of what I'm doing, or only the funny/amusing/interesting things?