Jun 12, 2005 22:55
So I finished The Heirs to the Kingdom by Zoe "Mah Gurl" Oldenbourg. It was fabulous, of course of course. I did hit a snag when they captured Jerusalem. SJ died and, as opposed to all the other countless buckets and hoardes and millenia of death death death... it just struck me as WAY SAD, and I cried. A bit. Squeezed out a little tear - you know.
So it was hard to pick it back up for about a week after that. I was all, "But... Saint-John. :( :( :(" Hey guys, war SUCKS. But ANYWAY, pick it back up I DID, and it was fabulous as per usual. Squishily good, in that lunatic crusadish sort of way. Lots of people died and/or were raped. Orgies of blood and death and lunacy and salvation. Marie went mad(der) and was enslaved on a Beduin raid. Little Pierre was alive when last we saw him, and will grow up brave and strong and will become a good knight and will marry Ondine, God damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
And I totally just ruined the ending for everyone.
In my Zoe respite, I also watched a bit of Sharpe. Because I am obviously on a huge War-is-tragicomic-Yo kick right now.
Sharpe. XD XD XD So..... fucking.... filthy. And retarded. And cynical. And boring. And retarded. And filthy. <3 <3 <3 God I love the army.
"SHARPE!!!!!! SHARPE!!!!!!!!!! ...........................What a day it'll be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Oh oh AND I picked up a non-Aubrey/Maturin O'Brian novel, because Someone Keeps Checking Out The Book I'm On. ...Anyway. It was kind of good, but kind of crap. Typical cityman-in-countryside scenario, throw in some Way Excessive Dramatic Tension..... Rather boring. Plus, I have a late fine, so I didn't check it out.
AND I started reading Cane, which is very well-written, but very Black-suffering-in-the-South. In other words: half of the assigned reading in high school. I love the style, though, coz it's WACK, but then I've got to deal with smouldering White Guilt, which is like.... :{ And I don't understand most of the poetry. But that's ok. I do dig the chapter styles. But anyway.....
I also started rereading my Lycanthropy Reader, and maybe just about everything I read should be a reader, coz readers are fab - a sampler of such-and-such. Like my Elizabethan Reader. And lycanthropy = fascination!!! Medicinal, herbal, legendary, psychological... W00t. (My computer desktop right now, by the way, is Vincent Cassell from Le Pacte des Loups. Yum.)
And and... Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And some uber-outdated traveller's guide to the Orient, which looks adorable. <------ Yay for book sales.