GSL... Another (BIG) One Bites the Dust

Jul 31, 2008 19:05

I swear one day, I'll post something here other than GSL* news. But like a good reporter, I go where there news takes me.

And today's big GSL news is this. Clark Peterson, part owner of Necromancer Games, has announced that his company will not be using the GSL in its current version:

"Now we have the GSL. Right now, in my view, the GSL needs some major reworking or clarification to be usable. The bottom line, in my view, is that the GSL is a total unmitigated failure. And that is a shame. I have been one of the biggest vocal proponents of Wizards and I love Scott and Linae. I still do, big time. I am hopefull that we can find a way to change or clarify some of the issues with the license so that we can use it and create 4E products. You know that philsophically I believe in supporting the current version of D&D.

Trust me that I am working hard to try to resolve the GSL issues so that we can go forward. I'm optimistic that some changes can be made. Will they be enough to make the GSL usable? I sure hope so."
Other salient points from Clark's Announcement: he doesn't think that there is a market for 3e products currently, but hopes to support Pathfinder when it comes out, and that the GSL as written puts up a major obstacle to publishing of Tegal Manor, a property licensed by Judges Guild, who still wishes to continue distributing OGL based products as part of their Wilderlands line. Clark doesn't intend to put out any "unofficial" 4e products, and prefers to wait for an updated GSL.

I'm glad to hear that Clark may support Paizo's Pathfinder RPG, which sweetens the pot for my prospects of adopting Pathfinder instead of just playing D&D 3.5 ad infinitum. I was a little surprised to hear this, considering how committed he seemed, but the impact of this is dulled by my lingering surprise about... how committed he seemed to the GSL.

* The Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License, for those just joining us.


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