Sep 07, 2010 22:01
It's been lonely but I got a hell of a lot of things done. Finally finished all the thank you notes. Planned some major projects. Sent some packages of stuff that has just been sitting there. Got some frames for some certificates and got some graph paper for basement design. I think I figured out a cool way to get around our crappy duct work and make it look kind of new age. Here's hoping.
I'm also thinking of turning my flying penises into a t-shirt line. I think they'll do well but I have to get a whole bunch of designs together and copywrite them at teh same time since it's 65 bucks for one or a group. Still I think I could do well. Tiny bit of extra income and getting some notice for it. I found a good site that is not Cafepress that seems to be good. If anyone has recommendations, I'm open. I've never done this before. Plus I'm thinking I may be able to commission a good friend to do plushies for some of the profit if I can build up the market.
Now that I'm back on thyroid, I'm starting to feel better. I don't know if it's psychosomatic. My heart rate is a little rapid, but I think I'll even out pretty quickly.
My White Blood Cell count is super low this time so I've been trying to be extra careful with human contact. Not teaching class this week both because there's 2 flu bugs going around, respiratory and stomach and because I'm still technically supposed to avoid too much physical contact with the public til Thursday.
Red blood cell count is also low, but I know the thyroid will help with that. I just have no blood left. No wonder I'm so tired. Of course they took more today so bugger on them.
However the good news from the Dr. is that I'm progressing like crazy and he's very very positive about the ultimate outcome. I'll still get a PET scan at teh end before the radiation but he thinks I've pretty much got this thing beat. He's also very cool about my attitude. I dunno, I mean there's no sense going nuts about the hows and whys. You just get through it. Not much else you can do. Still... made me feel good.
I'm gonna have the lil Bro #2 over for his belated birthday and cook him Indian food. The RAI treatment killed the plans last week.
On the menu:
Saag Paneer
Aloo Gobi
Should be quite tasty. Thanks to Manjula's kitchen.