Apr 13, 2007 23:10
Apart of me can't believe I haven't watched Lost before, but I also have spent a long time TV-less. Anyway. . . sooooo hooked. I'm only halfway through the first season and I'm having to stop myself from looking up spoilers online. BAH!!!
Midterms are over, thank pajiba. Pearson pulled his Axis-2 bullshit today, bitching about how the coffee table in our set was set up, even though I had a reason for it. Didn't even want to hear it, so the coffee table was moved, and my scene partner and I were given this speech that seemed more about making us feel stupid then actually getting us to learn. I mean, hell, it could have gone like this, "Why isn't the coffee table in line with the couch?" "Oh, because Jackie was rearranging furniture earlier in the play and didn't get a chance to finish, so we chose it to be like this." "Well, it dosen't read on stage and all I can think about is why dosen't the coffee table get fixed." "Sure, Mr. Pearson, we'll fix it!" But no, he has to berate us because we don't know how coffee tables look in a room (big assumption being made here) and the he feels like he's dealing with third graders. Totally unneeded.
We're also starting solos, praise pajiba again. I don't have to wait on other fucking people to rehearse. WEEEE
Back to Lost.