Jun 21, 2010 02:30
It looks like the last time I made an entry here was 2008. I used to love this site in college. I posted almost every day and I think it helped me keep my head on straight and get out all my thoughts and emotions. Then came myspace and then facebook. Fuck facebook. I'm not even going to capitalize it. Myspace and facebook are boring and shallow. I'm coming back to livejournal, I need a place to communicate with my friends without all the bullshit.
Okay, so its more complicated than that. My girlfriend stalks pretty much every contact I have on facebook and I don't even know half the people on my friends list. Not only that, but I friended my girlfriend's overbearing mother on facebook as well so anything I say there undoubtedly comes under some scrutiny.
I've had a rough day. This morning I grabbed a sharpie and wrote down all the things that were bothering me. Nothing unusual in the list. Not enough money or motivation and too much fat. I like my new job (computer repair) but I'm the new guy again. I've had so many different restaurant jobs that being the new guy isn't that strange for me, its just that I really am the new guy now. I don't have five years experience under my belt anymore. I have one month. I make dumb new-guy mistakes and I haven't proven myself yet.
More than anything, I want to start working on my own. I know that I could make a ton of money if I went out on my own. But I still have too much to learn. I think that I should work for at least 1-2 years before trying to set up my own shop. That's two long years of being paid too little. A modern apprenticeship.
I found some old files on my computer tonight and got all nostalgic. Geocities deleted it long ago, but I still have a copy of a little website called "Stoney Thoughts" saved on my old hard drive. Man, we really couldn't handle our shit back then! :)
It made me miss you guys. We had some times. Things seem so grown up now. We all seem to have this awful drive to succeed. Not that it didn't matter back then, but it didn't consume us like it does now.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to change some of the things that have been bothering me. And I'm going to try to relax. I worry too much lately. Worry accomplishes nothing.
No worries. No regrets.