Sigh. Running this community was fun while it lasted. I'm not motivated to post any more screencaps as you can tell by the lack of updates. Thank you for all those who supported this community up till this point. :] I apologize to those whom I promised screencaps to. ;A; As a parting gift, I tell you how to make screencaps the way that I did. (Crappy one, I know.)
1. Download the
KMPlayer. Not only does it play all types of video files that Windows Media doesn't play, it has it's own screencapping program in it. A two-in-one package.
2. After you've download KMPlayer, open up the video that you want to screencap with KMPlayer and pause it where you want to start screencapping. Hit CTRL + G and a small window should pop up.
Extract to: Location of where your screencaps will be saved.
Prefix: The title of the screencaps.
Ex. [caelumcaps_lj] Kuroko no Basuke 03_
Digits: How many number places you want to have after the prefix.
Ex. [caelumcaps_lj] Kuroko no Basuke 03_0326
-Image format-
Format: Type of images that you want to save it as. JPEG is the one that I use. PNG will get you higher quality images however it takes more space and it will cause your computer to lag.
Quality: Self explanatory.
Method: If you want to capture the image itself or if you want subtitles with it.
-Numbers to extract-
Continuously: It will take a screencap of one frame after another, regardless of time.
Numbers(s): Will only take the specified number of screencaps.
Seconds(s): Will only take screencaps for a specified amount of time. Ex. 30 seconds.
-Size to Extract-
Original size: No comment.
Specified size: No comment.
-Frames to Extract-
Every Frame: Self explanatory.
# Every # frame: Takes a number of screencaps for every frame. Ex. Three screencaps for every frame.
# Every # ms: For every millisecond, it will take # screencaps.
In 1 sec. # frame(s): For every second, it will take # screencaps.
In 1 min. # frame(s): Within every minute, it will take # screencaps.
3. Once you've chosen your settings, hit 'Start' and play the video. BAM! You have screencaps where you set it to 'Extract to'.
Tip: If you're aiming to make smooth flowing gifs, make sure to set it to 'Continuously' and 'Every Frame' so you get every action.
That's basically it. o-o IT WAS FUN KNOWING YOU GUYS. Kind of.
And no, this does not mean that my screencaps are up for grabs. You still have to credit them back to this community. :I