Dec 09, 2006 22:04
I'm packing...with bubble wrap... jealous? So, not as endlessly amusing as it used to be, but still pretty fun... The plans have finally been solidified- My mother is accompanying my brother and I on the epic journey, but she can't get here until the 15th as she's taking a class that runs through the 14th. I'll likely be leaving for WA on Saturday and from there to IN- so, we should be arriving around the 20th... Nice, ehh? My sister is joining in the fun as well, leaving my father as the odd man out, jealously looking on from IN while overseeing the construction (they've finally built that addition they've been talking about for ages, so the place is now inescapably huge).
It's looking like the school thing is going to be delayed a bit in favor of business planning and location scouting, so I'll be in IN a bit longer than originally planned, so that'll be interesting. Job hunting in the winter always is though, regardless of where you are (well, assuming it snows there anyway). That's really all I've got... packing and planning- I have my last day at work tomorrow, much to my relief- I sincerely hate people sometimes, and more often than not when I'm at work. :) It's really worse than working tech support- all the stupidity and rudeness with none of the ability to put them on hold... :) There's your happy thought for today! :)