almost five years since i posted here

May 01, 2016 13:46

It feels different, writing in this blog again, because I haven't written a long blog post in a while. It's also the first time in years that I've logged back into this account. I'm not sure if anyone will be able to read this, as most of us have moved on with our lives, to other fandoms, with other people. But I'm just writing this post as sort of an update on my life as of now and what keeps me busy. Take it as a nostalgic post, LOL!

Since I've left LJ, I've migrated for a bit to Dreamwidth and got busy with the Vocaloid/utattemita fandom. I maintained a community (ofurotaimu) and translated some stuff as Japanese practice. Then I got to know some Vocaloid producers and some lesser known singers. It was a glorious era for me. I studied Japanese for real and got an N3 certification. Though I'm not confident enough to continue without proper education.

After that, I got looped into Kpop fandom, most notably as a fan of SHINee. So after I moved on from Vocaloid, I started translating and stalking people for SHINee information. I also wrote some fics for them, though not as extensively as before. I had a tumblr then, but tumblr proved to be too stressful for me so I moved to twitter. At present, I'm still continuing to translate a bit about SHINee as I haven't moved on.

I met Dee, June, and Len in twitter again, too. And somehow we got around to talking about the past, i.e. Tenimyu, Prince of Tennis, etc. I've started watching sports anime again around that time and I've learned that there are a lot of anime butai ongoing. Since I'm Haikyuu and Daiya no Ace trash, I went for those and somehow, I'm now back into musicals and stages, because of Wada Takuma (who is also a Tezuka once). It's like a cruel fate, I'm back to where I started?!?! WTF.

I quit Tenimyu around 5th cast Seigaku of the 1st season, right after Aiba returned for that second Hyouteimyu. So I have entirely no idea what went on these years in Tenimyu but somehow, SOMEHOW, I keep meeting actors who were in Tenimyu EVERYWHERE. As we all know, Tenimyu actors are everywhere and I'm not sure if I deeply regret or deeply feel grateful getting dragged back into this hellhole LMAO.

I don't think I can catch up to the fandom at all, since there's an entire season and a new season starting lately. Too many actors to know and too many stages to watch. So I'm just casually fleeting back and forth, looking for people I recognize somewhere (Wada cough Wada) and being a casual fan. Unlike before, I only have like 4 people I can talk with in twitter, but I guess in general, the fandom is too widely spread unlike before when everyone had LJS, right?

It felt great reconnecting with old friends from LJ and from other places and looking back to what we created XD;. So if you guys have a twitter, please do contact me so we can talk again :). @shotabaits (y-yeah I know.....). IDT I will create a new livejournal, but I will probably restart blogging in dreamwidth for a change of pace.

Aaaand that's me for the past few years. I hope you guys are doing well, too!
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