Been reading more script series lately, and I'm thinking I want to play catch-up before MZP's Fall season starts. What I've read so far, and what I wanna read...
What I've Read (And What I Thought):
Fate 1x01: Lucky Me
All I read of this Buffy spinoff centring on an ensemble including Dawn Summers was the pilot, and now I'm beginning to regret it. Months after I still remember the characters - Dawn, Jason, Devon, Nadya, Samuel. I've heard rumours of the show making a return in the Fall sometime, and I wanna be ready for it when it does.
To Read: 1x02-1x08
Anticipation Level: Cautious, but high.
MZP Buffy S8, 9x01-9x02
I've been slowly but steadily working at reading this for a year. I read most of S8 last summer, then started reading it again this summer. Though the standard of writing is good, and a lot of the plots are good, I'm not sure how I feel about S8's overall plot arc. The first 2 episodes of S9 are better by a great degree, however, so I'm going to go into this season hopeful.
To Read: 9x03-9x22, Original Syn
Anticipation Level: Moderately excited.
MZP Angel 6x01-6x19
This series has been... interesting. After hitting a high with the three most enjoyable characters on their own (Spike, Skye, Illyria), the plot has returned to all the cast together. While this gives the less interesting characters more enjoyable stuff to do instead of increasing eachother's boringness, it's also led to a bit of a dropoff of enjoyment. Wes' arc, which was my big hope, dragged and wasn't too enjoyable. However, I'm leading up to the S6 finale, and then S7, whivh looks to be great. Still, I'm afraid to be let down again. Hoping I can catch up before the series comes out of syndication.
To Read: 6x20-6x22, 7x01-7x09
Anticipation Level: Guardedly optimistic.
MZP Faith S1, 2x01-2x10
After a so-so first season that went through some issues after being cut down from 22 episodes to 13, season 2 is a breath of fresh air. Tighter plotting, with a great crisis (Faith has lost her Slayer powers), villain (Faith's 'Slayer' side? Evil Faith? Either way, looks like the real thing.) and some great episodes. approacihng the second season finale, and can't wait to see what's coked up for the end of the season. Want to be done S2 in time for S3's fall premiere...
To Read: 2x11-2x13
Anticipation Level: High.
Slayer Academy S1, Scattered S2 Episodes
Again, an MZP series with a shaky first season. Season 2 is my first year as a staff member on the series, and I've seen a great improvement (surely a coincidence ;) ) this season. Though I skipped much of the first half of the season for the most part, the second season has had some great episodes and plotting - so much to make me want to go back and backtrack, while keeping up with it.
To Read: 2x02, 2x03, 2x05, 2x06, 2x09, 2x10, 2x17
Anticipation Level: Moderate
Gods 1x01-1x03
I started reading this series way back when it premiered in Fall 2005, but I was just starting VS and it look a lot of effort to read a script. Though I enjoyed the initial episodes, I never really went back to it. I've heard some great things about the rest of the season, so I want to go back and give this series a second chance.
To Read: 1x04-1x20, 2x01
Anticipation: Moderate.
Somewhere Inbetween 1x01-1x02
I only started MZP's oldest original show, and liked what I saw a lot, but was alweays too busy to give it the read it deserves. 2 seasons of episdoes is a little daunting, and S3 is looming on the Fall 2006 horizon. still, I want to start playing catch-up, and I'm excited to read what the hype's about!
To Read: 1x03-1x22, S2
Anticipation Level: High.
Homeostasis 1x01, 1x04
Love this series, but it confuses the heck out of me! I never really know what's going on. That said, I wanna go back and find out, maybe start digging a bit deeper...
To Read: 1x02, 1x03, 1x05
Anticipation Level: High.
The High Life 1x01-1x06
Been trying to keep up with MZP's bizarre, but strangely funny comedy for a few eeeks now, but haven't stopped to read the last two episodes. That said, I'm curious to see what happens before the finale...
To Read: 1x07, 1x08
Anticipation Level: Moderate.
Natasha Tyreen 1x01-1x04, 1x07, 1x08, 1x10
I've been reading scatted episodes of this series ever since I rushedly read old episodes before I had to work on 1x08. The episodes I have read have been really well done,a dn though I know what's coming up, can't wait for the finale! 'Til then, playing catch-up.
To Read: 1x05, 1x06, 1x09
Anticipation Level: Moderately high.
Afterlife - nothing
I have yet to start quite possibly the most popular VS at MZP. Apparently this series is amazing, and I can't wait to get started on reading it. luckily, I have time before next summer to get all 11 eps in between everything else I'm catching up on!
To Read: S1
Anticipation Level: Very high.
The DSR 1x01, 1x06, 1x13
I've been creating the graphics and offering ideas for this series, but I've only read the odd episode. I really should catch up, as there are some great episodes I've missed. Sadly, this isn't really my style of series, so I'm not looking forward to it as I might another.
To Read: 1x02-1x05, 1x07-1x12, 1x14-1x20
Anticipation Level: Low
The I in Team 1x01, 1x02
TeIam's creator, Matt Latham, has done a great job of promoting this series. I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, but I am much more excited than I normally would be. I want to know what's going to happen, what the series' secrets are, and what's going on! He's talked so much about it, I can't wait until someone accuses Matt of making it up as he goes along...
To Read: -
Anticipation Level: Moderate
Jackson Cruise S1
Ian Austin's very interesting series that always has a new trick up its sleeve, and like an illusionist, even if you have no idea what he just did you're amazed and want more. Though I had troubel following the later episodes of S1, I do plan to read S2, most likely after the season/series finale airs sometime within the next few weeks.
To Read: -
Anticipation Level: Moderate
Still Flying Firefly 1x16
Really enjoyed the inital episode of SF's Firefly continuation, and I really want to keep up reading it. Will be reviwing it at Xandpro Reviews, as well.
To Read: 1x17-1x22, 2x01-2x08
Anticipation Level: High
So, that's it. That's what I've read, and what I'm gonna try reading over the next few months. Go me!