Cause I can't really rant to anyone here, you all get the thing.
So I am just....stressed now. Too much to do now and I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE!!
First off, Grandma needs to STOP BOSSING ME AROUND. I get that I need to help her but I don't need to do your dishes, get your mail, pick up your spoon and feed you. If you need groceries, I am happy to go. Make me a list. Do not tell me to go out for milk and when I get home send me out with juice then when I get back from that SEND ME OUT FOR YOUR FUCKING ICE CREAM! And if I am buying you shit, it will cost more than five dollars.
If it is after seven oclock, understand that it is ME time. It is the only time of day I get ALONE AWAY FROM EVERYONE AND I CAN GET ON MY COMPUTER AND SURF FOR SHIT. Do not ask what it is! That is none of your business. I like my ALONE TIME.
And if you are feeling sick, TELL ME SO I CAN MAKE YOU A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT! DO NOT BLAME ME THAT YOU ARE SICK, THAT I AM STEALING YOUR KEYS AND MAKING YOU SICKER. CALL ME. Yes, she is sick, again. With a cold, a sinus infection or cancer. Self diagnosed. Do not then blame me that you cannot get into the doctor's at five o'clock on a Friday. Everyone has left the office by then and no, I am not driving you to the ER over a cold. YOu have a doctor's appointment. take your damn advil and shut the fuck up.
Buuuut, it's not lice I can move out or afford anyplace anyway. But just hate this right now. Not her though cause if she died I'd feel like a monster but it is an extreme form of dislike that settles in the small of my back and makes me ache. And no, that is not due to my barrel rolling while playing laser tag with my students yesterday. That is my hip that hurts.
I was fired from my job, which I knew was coming, but now I have to reapply for my own job and I don't get any seniority when reapplying because I am no longer a district employee. the head of special ed did say she will try "very hard" to get me back, but I doubt she will remember. Merg. Stressing there.
I may not have a summer job so now I have money to worry about. Yeah, child care called and so far I work every other Sunday for an hour. Yeah. Now I am stressing. That was my JOB and it is really too late to apply for any summer jobs because they are all filled.
So there is my major stress right now. I have a job, but not enough money to rent even a studio apartment. I live in my grandma's basement and am her little bitch.
I maybe got into college though. Yay?