Moral Dilemma WITH EDIT

Aug 09, 2008 19:08

So I am not having a good day. As I told Keppy last night, we tried locking up my cat Ninja to see if he was the one pissing all over our hour. Good news! We found the little bugger that won't use the box! Cause we locked him up in my bathroom all night and he peed everywhere BUT the box. that was dry. Oh joy! And right after mom let him out, he went to eat, play outside, came in and peed in the basement.

So I am now feeling horrible for two reasons, the easy one is because I believed it was the big cat peeing everywhere and I have been blaming him and trying to correct his behavior, which wasn't the problem at all. So I have been petting and lovey to poor Big Cat.

the more problematic is what to do with the little bugger. Mom has a vet appointment for him at 2:30 to see if he is really sick or if this is just a personal choice of his. We don't know how to correct him at all. He gets along so perfectly with our other two we don't want to get rid of him but...he is destroying our house.

I don't know what to do and ever website tells me to watch him and correct the behavior when I see it. uh, I have been doing that, now what?

I don't want to give up my cat but I can't have him destroying our house!!!

EDIT:: So mom took Ninja back into the vets while he had a full bladder (this morning) and they think it may be an infection. He has blood in his urine so that's not good, but it may be an explanation on why he is peeing everywhere. So it is either an infection or....kidney stones. Both are bad but he is on meds now and still locked in my room, poor thing. but medicine should help, hopefully. We don't want to do surgery on him. ;-;

So yeah....I didn't sleep last night cause I was so afraid he was going to pee everywhere. luckily, I got plenty of naps today! ^^

side note: while trying to stay awake a bit later to make sure he peed, I watched the sex and the city movie. My recommendation: NEVER EVER EVER EVEN CONSIDER SEEING THIS PIECE OF TRASH FILM. Ahem, I will admit that I have seen the show. I don't really like it, mostly because I found those women just so obnoxious. but the movie? Let me sum it up for you.

There is the bitchy woman who is pissed off cause her husband wants sex and she won't put out. He cheats on her and admits it right after it happens and wants to work things out. the rest of the movie is her bitching about her awful husband who does everything for her.

There is the sex addict woman who is bitching cause a man loves her and wants to take care of her. She spends the movie bitching about how he is perfect and how she loves him.

There is the Princess, who actually is tolerable. She spends the movie with her loving husband, their daughter and she finds out she is pregnant and worries mildly about her pregnancy and the wellbeing of her family. See, she is rather likable, except she is an effing princess. But that wasn't too bad.

Then there is the Angsty bitch who bitches about her failed love story. How she set up this BIIIIG wedding with all these people and how her groom totally FREAKED OUT before the wedding and TOLD HER HE WANTED SOMETHING NICE AND SMALL WITH JUST THEM AND CLOSE FAMILY so she bitches. Then he says he is too freaked out and runs, gets a block away from the church and turns around running back (I hate to say it, I actually liked this guy because he was a jackass mostly but he turned around and said he was just FREAKED OUT BY THE BIG WEDDING.

She she dumps him right there in this big drama-whore moment with hitting him and being all prissy and leave. That's the first ten minutes, the rest of the movie is her WHINING about how awful he is for leaving her like that and how it's all his fault she was embarrassed and not once thinking "Gee, I told him I would do something small with only personal friends and family and I totally did the opposite of that"

That was the whole movie there. The lady I can stand has a baby and lives happily with her family. Good for her. The bitchy woman realizes that she loooooves her husband and goes back with him after bitching more about how terrible he is, even though she was the bigger dick there. The sex addict dumps her boyfriend to fuck lottsa guys and for some ungodly reason, the angsty bitch and the other man fall madly in love when looking at eachother just once and get married.

Surprise! Shit movie!! Don't waste your time. Ever.
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