Last week

Apr 23, 2008 15:50

Okay, to this blog is totally NOT about what happened last week, but the face that THIS week is my LAST week of college. That make sense? Yeah. So this is Final's Week. The Final Final's week. Do I sound happy about this? Of Course! I love (some) of the people here more than anything, but Damn I really hate the rest of them right now. Why is it freshmen are so lazy? Why are some of my "friends" such morons? I mean, listening in to some of the girls talk about boys and listening to problems...ugh...

I left a kernel of knowledge though when I heard one ask what to expect from an Alsop test. Sigh...I only have one Alsop test left and then I never have to listen to the man's pathetic Marge Simpson impression ever again.

Is it bad that there are some people I hope I never see again? Is it bad that the one said person I really hope to never see again is not technically "Family"? I am sick of drama from every end. I don't need to hear any more bitching about how "Christians are stoopid" or that "So-and-so and I are dating". No! you are not dating him. He is a MAN WHORE.

Guh, I have my thesis presentation tonight. Whoot. Reading, like, five pages of my 47 pg thesis. (It will be longer by friday. Aparently it still needs to be longer. Crazy? I think so. I think I should lay off the energy drinks. Uugh...tummy is not happy now....

So yes, I am finishing school and going to live in my parent's basement!!! Well, it's temperary until I have money. I might ust live at home until I can afford a place...and have a job. Yeah, it may be nice to have income.

I wonder if they need tutors and such...My the dorm looks bare. Almost everything is packed (My roommate's junk. THe procrastonater in me is putting off packing until Friday.) >> Kris' Graduation duck is staring at me. It wants to eat my soul....
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