happy vday!
since this is already up in the hetalia comm, i can post it here! this is the brainchild of [splatteredminds] consisting so far of moi, the slave and that
ebilslavedriver. name chosen by said ebilslavedriver since i was zzzzz. and we couldn't use [-suhana] since there's um ... no suhana XD
took a lot of creative liberties with the script though ... and the usual disclaimer: it's not my art, not my music, not my OTP but it's my edits! (and may i add that editing lyrics is downright painful!)
*ahem* dewa, enjoy the moemoe! ♥
keep a copy? ]
we've entered filler mode in tsunatachi's #120 ... sigh. as if #119 wasn't bad enough (recap of 14 episodes!!!), #121 will follow in the same vein. bah! where is my epic wall?!
i shall start off with suhana-shi, mocchi!
there's no love lost between these two...
does this scene look familiar? flashback to "88" ...
me loves tuna in dwm
suhana ♥
poor lal, squashed between mocchan and the wall!
oh noes! a traumatic moment for any geek technical specialist
kimi ni mune kyun!
this week's guest is kusakabe (i can never get that name right) and they're talking about his hair. boring stuff ... until these!
of course, in haru's eyes, tuna looks fantabulous. XD
and i somehow found decchan's expression here quite ... mesmerizing