(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 13:41

Yesterday I had the worst headache in my entire life, it started at work and just kept getting stronger. I would sit in a dark room and not move and it would start to go away, good, glad thats over, then I would get up and it felt like a ice pick was thrust though my skull. So I went to bed early, but didn't sleep at all, I'm mean not at all. This morning it's still there and now I'm breaking into sweats. I get to work ( I have to go because I'm supposed to meet with a client, so that they approve a video I shot and cut for them), all goes well, they like it and want to get DVDs made and sent out for duplication. Client leaves, boss says good job, and I say "Hey, I feel like shit, can I head out". Boss says okay, go on home, feel better (he's always been really good on such subjects). I get in the car and head home, and by the time I get there, I realize that I'm felling better.

Thats great that I feel better and all, but its also really bad because now I see it's all been related to stress. Certain aspects of work have been going fine, but some of it hasn't. Word has gotten to us that we might be losing our biggest client, a client that last year paid us $30k. Now when I hear that I start to get nervous because A: That number is around what my salary is and I am the newest employee, and B: The whole reason that I was hired was to help get a weekly infomercial out just for this client. So you can see my reason to fret there.

Another thing that has me stressed is our demo reel. We've been trying to update our image with a new website and new reel. And I got put in charge of the reel. I wanted to go all out for it, have an idea and make it happen, even if I didn't know how to do it. So I came up with the idea, and started working on it. I've been using After Effects to make the appearance of 3D environments, stuff that I've never messed with before. If I didn't know how to make it look the way I wanted it to, I would find out. And I've come a long way, but it's still slow going. The demo is around 3 1/2 minutes long and I'm only 45 seconds into it, and I've been working a few hours here and there for about a month now. It sucks because I'll spend a hour or two making a 3 second clip, then it takes around 5 hours to export out, then after all that there'll be a glitch or a fuck up in it and I'll have to start all over. I just wish that I could be like Bill and Ted at the end of Bogus Journey and say "But Bill, I don't know how to use After Effects, guess I better learn...whoa" Then I would jump in the phone booth and instantaneously come back with years worth of knowledge of compositing and 3D apps (and a ZZ Top beard) and all would be well.

Anyway I've gotta figure a way to deal with this stress, because the situation is not going to go away, so I'm going to have to learn to how to deal with it and not have a breakdown in the process.

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